He was still woth of saving..

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A file with clicks of Rajver and Ritu dining together.....
Naina started searching a knife or pistol or any other weapon. Just few not few only three days ago she had confessed and today she was seeing this! Naina got a headache after seeing that so romantic dinner. How dare he? He dined with Ritu and never told her. Heck! Why even he agreed for going wth her let alone be dinning? Naina wanted to starngke her idiot of husband. He was really a nut, wasnt he? First his tactics, his insane words, his swiny demamds, his so called sex urge, his cockiness.. still..still she found him worthy of giving importance. But...he was same. He dined with Ritu.. and this dinner was a confidential matter..not disclosed. God! Her head started aching. This man'll drive her crazy. And she was sure of getting no remedy.

When he commented on her parents and her everlasting anger, she was beyond irriatated and not to mention angry. How did he say that word? How dare he? But...again...Her heart changed its rock like demeanour and melted for him like butter. Why? She was a tough soul. She had learnt to neglect things after him. But.. he managed to drill stone of her single heart and made his space. He had gotten a cave in her heart shell. Naina Sareen famous for her dry attitude fell for a cheesy bastard. How many times he trued to impress her by giving flowers, cards, cakes, chocholates, and items whose brands she didnt even know! His lines stolen from romantic novels.. his unbashy attitude. His accidentally holding hands, giving her flying kisses when she was busy (she always caught him doing that and he a shameless person grinned evily). His futile attempts of kissing her and her temperamental acts afterwards, she enjoyed them. No..She didnt enjoy them  ecause he was an As-

'I liked it when he did all cheessy things, all those movie things, all those stuff of which I felt disgusted. I liked them but now..I am just about to blast. My own husband dines with a bitch and I am unaware! Raj..You're gone.'

Truth was not something to hold back. And when she had really fallen for him, truth came out itself. She never planned it to happena nd it happened itself. Not her fault at all.

Her rage for that late night dinner was equally understable...Because her husband was acting weird lately. She should be angry when After that first (and now It was going to be last) make out session in office he awakwardly excused himself and rushed away! And since yeaterday he was all happy and chirpy.. his old self was back....

For our kind infotmation, Ritu and Raj had dined together night before yesterday..and Raj had gone without telling her anything.

This was not so done.


Naina tried to make call and again same reaponse. The person you're calling is out of coverage area. Where is his god damn phone? Naina cursed.

She dialed different line.


'Hello dad, Is nav there?'

'Nope, kiddo. He has gone out with Shal.' She lost herself for a second with that kiddo.

'But dad, Shalini bhabhi is out for her tour. She went last night.'

'No dear. Her flight got cancelled at last moment. Naveen brought her home late night. Two hours ago they had gone for shopping....perhaps.'

Naveen was not an ordinary idiot of lover. He was a reputed tharki. So which shopoing he was talking about, she was all aware.

'Ok dad.. Thanks for telling me. Love you dad. Bye.'

'Love you too Nainu. And come and meet me. Always being busy with your good-for-nothing husband is injurious to your health.'

So this was the source of amusiveness of Her and Naveen. His father wasnt less funny.

'Then why did you get me married to him? You're aware of his actions.'

'Because he is a gem. His actions had speard dust over his brightness. This is your duty to drag him to right. You're my daughter. Dont forget. I'll not mind my lame or with a broken hand SIL.'

Naina laughed.

'Ohh please dad. You never leave a chance to make me laugh. God! You're advising me to beat him to the pulp?'

'I never said that! I just said..make him do right things. Thats it. Not beating. I didnt even mentioned it!'

'Yeah my mistake. Sorry dad. But right now my other phone is ringing. So we'll skype later. Okk?'

'Ohh please.you never skype. Nobody care. Just bexause I am getting old, you guys make excuses to push me aside.'

'Dad..dont act ha. In morning we had a one hour long chat session. Bye. Love you and miss you.'

'Love you too nainu. And dont miss me..just call me or come to me.'

She put the phone down with a glowing huge grinn.

When she received othee call, her smile disappeared.

And there were sweat drops on her forehead.


Naina threw last dart. This also missed target. She screamed in anger.
'Fucking darts. Even they keep diverting.'

Just then a pleasant mouth watering smell messed with her nostrills.

Moong halwa?

She was about to open her eyes when she remebered past incidents.

She turned to threw that bowl when strong muscular arms held her tightly to give her a smooch. She lost the track of time.

But again she never forgets things. She pushed him.

'Are you not happy seeing me with this mouth watering dish and a mouth exploring kiss?'

This man...argh!

'You know what...leave that. You cant change after knowing anything. Well, I just want to ask Can I get a divorce please?'

Raj's reaction gave her something...which she later discovered to be pain. He waa stunned and not say his facial expression were worse. He was about to do something inapprpriate.

'Stop uttering shit Naina. I dont understand what your problem is? Cant you let things go smoothly or have you any problem with happiness?'

'Yes, I have problem. And thats you. You're my problem. I cant even think that you..Ohh god. You can do this? I-'

'Will you please stop beating around bush and explain me my deeds which I've forgotten by mistake?'

'As if you dont know!'

'Naina. Dont try to test my patience. I've been all calm and composed because I felt like you need to loosen yourself up, you need to let yourself open up. But now I am not going to keep my temper under check. Tell me matter already.'

'Stop being a saint because you're not. Before my revealation, will you tell me which adventure you've been doing since last two nights? You're goddamn disappeared. Where the hell have you been?'

'Thats ...Well thats my personal life.'

'Ooh really! Well, then please hire some manager to keep you under cover as your so called personel life had been clicked in camera.'

'Dont talk nonsense.'

'Yeah. I am the one now without senses. Why will i not be? You know what raj, I just fell for an Asshole like you. I should have dragged my feet backwards.'

'Naina. Just tell me truth. Dont beat around the bush. Please.'

'You're dinning with ritu. May I ask why?'

'Well..Actually She...umn we just met by chance and she offered me dinner.'

'Which you couldnt deny because she was your ex. Ofcoarse..And I just wonder who collides accidentally for reserved dinner date?'

'That wasnt date. It was just ....Naina. please..I'll tell you when time's right. I cant tell you right now.'

'And right time will be of your execution, Mr.'

'What?' Ra's breath hitched in his throat.

'Your mobile phoen has been found besides a dead body, Mr. Shekhawat. And not to forget she was one of your old flames, Mira Rajpurohit, an upcoming super model. And .....she was assaulted before her murder.'

'I.....' Naina found his mouth opened enough to words come out...but sbe heard only silence.

'Cat got your tongue? So..you're planning someone're rape and murder during these nights, werent you?'

'What? Are you crazy? Stop blaming me. I never did that..infact i cant do that. I...'

'What I? What were you doing during these nights? Where were you? Tell me.. and dont forget, today i got a call from police station. You're their main suspect. All thanks to papa's stauts otherwise you've been in jail'

'Naina..believe me. I didnt do that. I was with Ritu for a purpose. Dont question my integrity.'

'Give me ans. I'll believe you'

'Naina..That..Ohh god. How'll I tell you? I..Was...out because..I..Naina..dont ask please.'

'If you want to be a citizen without criminal record, speak up.'



'Her models were going to do my opening show.'

'Still..You'll be doomed. I'll not try to help you. You are not worth of saving.'

'I am still worth of saving...because....You believe me...and love me too.' She saw glow and hope in his eyes.

Naina kept quiet. Her silence perhaps gave answers. But now Raj had fallen into a grave problem. If he is innocent, still he'll get unwanted privilage of being blamed.

'Dont contact anyone. Use my phone for calling.. and yeah Try to file an F.IR. for your phone loss. Make sure its dated before yesterday night.'

Naina'll kill him one day but.......now its important to save his life!

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