It was his first night!

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'Look, I am not in mood to listen your blabbering... so please shut.Your.Mouth.' As These words left his mouth, her temperature increased to new hight.

'I am blabbering? I AM BLABBERING?'

'Yes, you're. You need proof?'

'For your kind information, I am not blabbering. Truth is always bitter. You dont want to hear me out because i am describing your ill deeds. So indeed its blabbering for you.'

'Its enough. Since past one hour you've been repeating your lecture on my ill deeds. What crime did I commit? You tell me- being human is a crime? Being sexually active is a crime? You can be without progestoron but I have had my fair share of testoron.'

'You are a dirty dirty boy. I cant imagine how much preveseness you've hidden in you!'

'There you go again. I am prevert because I've had sex desires. Then you go and ban sexual way of reproduction because it starts from there only. You'd contact nature for this.'

'Stop mocking me. You're a criminal.'

'Really? Wow! Now I am a criminal too! Ohh please... you're crossing line here.'

'You cant tell me about this crossing limit thing when you, yourself have been the meanest, lowest and greatest deceiver.'

'What's bad in marrying me, ha? I am goodlooking enough for you. I am educated and rich.'

'To hell with your looks, education and all your wealth which of coarse isnt yours. I just wanted you to break this so called alliance which you never did of coarse.'

'You used of coarse two times in a dialogue.'

His face was welcomed by a cushion which was hard enough to feel.. of coarse. 'This isnt a right way to treat your newly wedded husband. Where are your manners?'

'They? I HAVE SOLD THEM. now look...we're not love dovey married couple so whats there in letting this relationship continue? We should divorce each other asap.'

'No..' he shook his head and sat on a corner of bed. This was his bed but seeing her in bad mood he felt like treating this bed as her asset. 'I cant divorce you.'

This made her worse....

'Shouting can effect your throat. See, this is a simple thing to understand. My parents, whom I love the most, are happy for the first time in history because of me. I dont want to see them again troubled and shattered..'

'But you can see me troubled and miserable'

'This marriage is costing you nothing. You've got a fine species of mankind as your husband. I believe in respecting everyone equally. I am kind hearted and open minded. And the last thing-Actually this is the important thing in relationship; I can guarntee you enough sex. You cant complain about that.'

This description earned him two slaps. One across his right cheek and one across left one.

'I....I cant imagine how much sick you're. I want to go from here.' She sobbed. She picked her belongings and stepped towards door.

'Naina. I cant divorce you. Please understand. You can treat me as badly as you want but I cant let you go. You think of me as the worst creation ever in human history but Look at other sides too. I am a man with desires. I am uttering my emotions out which makes people think of me so low. I never had a normal life apart from the usual things. I never had intercoarse. I am still a virgin, isnt it frustrating? Didnt you read any article about need of sex for a peaceful mind? Please try to understand my plight.'

She halted in her steps. She first time heard him talking so serious.

'I.......I always hated those men who wants to fuck women only.... I always crave for love which wasnt physical of coarse. And you are my husband who's a very bad record in this matter. You still think I'll believe you? Rajveer shekhawat, I am a girl with bad and disturbed past. I cant stay with a person like you.'

'First, No need to be so me Raj.' He sighed. 'You're right. I may be horny swine.' She glared. .' Okk.. I am. But you know that. I've traits but I show them. They're not hidden. Please... dont leave me. Think of my parents. In facts your parents'll also feel bad. Please I beg you. I cant leave you at any cost.'

Was this right? Was he right? Naina had seen people turning into who they're not. People had a thick cover on them. All their traits were hidden and she was deceived. This time she met a person who was an open book. His vices were known to all. She was aware of his every bad habbit. Not because Naveen was illustrating him, she was now able to recognize persons easily. Rajveer was a sly, prevert..... Naina had met him few times and every time she found him staring at her feminine parts. Naina was uncomfortable every time under his scrutinizing gaze. He had openly remarked about her boobs. Wasnt that shameful?
'You remeber that You'd commented on engagement evening that my breast size is goood enough but you still feel nothing after staring at them for hours.'

'But this wasnt a bad comment afterall. I spoke truth. You never seem alluring to me.'

'Am I this bad looking? Tell me.' This was a defame for her. Raj moved his eyes on her.He examined her for sometime.

' know... you seem just.. ordinary. See.... this is good for us. I am not interested in your body. So we can work this relation as companions or some sort of friends.' Really? He offered a formal relationship...out of mang people he offered formal relationship! This was unbelievable.

'Seriously?.. You know what Now I am unable to think what is my actual problem? You're the tharkiest person ever I've seen but at the same time you find me not attractive. You're like a sex addictive but my body isnt appealling to you. I dont want a prev husband but that husband makes me think of my beauty again. How many boys'd proposed me in college days, you know that? Were they blind?'

'You want me to fantasize about you?'

' way.'

'Then what do you mean by were they blind? I know onething. I am married now. And A married man has always plenty of sex.'

'I'll puke if you uttered that sex word once more. You're horrible person. Just moments ago you wanted this relationship formal one and now..'

'You yourself led me towards physical one. Look, I'll give you anything you want but I want a physical relationship. Every married couple whether they're stranger or lovers from past lives, have a physical relationship. I want that. I dont care you're sexy as hell or hot as burning lava or ordinary as a villager peasant.'

'I cant let you touch me. I want a communication and emotional relation first.'

'Okk. In day we're friends but in night I am going to have all those fun.'

'Yuck. I hate you so much. I am not a toy. I want assurance for any type of physical relationship.'

'Ok. What I've to do to assure you?'

'I want to mke sure that despite being a horny bastard you're a kind person at heart. You're reliable. You respect others. You're not discriminative. I want to check all this first.'

'Really... go ahead. Ask whatever you want. I dont want to waste this night.'

Naina came close to him and he ...obviously thought that she was going to kick him. She held his hand and asked him to close his eyes. Was she going to start everything this soon? He felt happy. Finally it was going to happen..

'What the helll! look...God damnit. She is a vixen. Cunning woman!'

He went towards his right. He didnt want his parents to know that his wife had thrown him out of his own room that too on his first night!......
It was his first night afterall...

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