She has got huge apettite.

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National Museum of Arts. Thats the place where they were going to spend next night. Naina had chosen brilliant place. Raj was happy to go...but things got ruined when he entered with her. Well....not the seven reasons were behind this ruin...but just one.

Actually there was a painting. A painting of a girl..lips apart and hands covering her breasts..a tinge of shyness on her left cheek and right one was pressed to someone's chest. Her hair were spread like milky way. And stars were shinning in them. Whole painting was deciphering shyness of that girl. Naina stared at that painting for long time and after good ten minutes of examination she started to beat Raj. Security guards threw them putside and that romantic date turned in unhappy night.

'Who was she? Ritu,Nandini, Shraddha,.Ananya or Nivedita? Who the hell was she?' Naina almost shouted the moment they were outside.

'What..what are you talking about?' Raj stumbled with her hovering him.

'Ooh..Yes..You dont understand what i am talking about. Yeah why should you be? That painting was made by some Raj. The same signature which i found in the portrait hung in our..opps your bedroom. Yeah. Why should You get the thing that you are a nasty piece of husband. You womanwhore.'

'Thats..thats archaic thing. I painted it almost five years ago. I never released it. It was girlfriend then. Who stole that and sold...only to punish me. She even informed my dad and after looking at painting he banned me from holding brush.'

'Serves you right.' Naina stomped her feet and went away..

Raj followed her....calling her out...asking her to forgive him...

At last she sat on the bench. Raj sat with her...only to get pushed.

'Naina. Please try to understand. just happens. My past pops up. Now what Can i do? I love you. You'd believe me.'

'Dont talk to me. I want solitude. Leave me.'

But Raj never listened and She nevee accepted his presence. And a fight took place. Security guard of building in front of that park shooed them away. And they wasted their precious two hours in fighting and getting thrown away. At last they came to a telephone booth.

Naina sat with the wall of booth. Raj sat facing her.

'You'd have to believe me. I truly love you.'

'Naina..speak up. Look...You swear, beat me but never give me this silent treatment. Naina please...I beg you..please...I am telling you that I love you. Why Always my past pops up when I am going to spend some quality time with you? Its my badluck or Karma is a bitch. Please...naina..speak...Please.Its sheer torture. I cant take it. Nainaaa...please..' 

'Raj. I....I dont know why I am even angry at first place. A lot happened in this week. My past was disclosed. You found every detail of my old life.. But you never disgraced me. You are still in love with me. I...I so badly want to believe you...but I cant. May be my last experience and my insecurities is not letting me believe you.....I...I dont know how far this relationshio will go. Every time I look at you I find myself not suiting you. I always make mistakes. I always run away when I have lots of happiness. are giving me immense pleasure. I dont know...I dont know how I'll accept all this. Raj...We married just for the sake of our parents. But I had no doubts about giving you a chance.. I mean I had few in beginning but at last I gave in. I gave you a chance..But now..I am unable to decide..should I give myself a chance when i am habitual of ruining things?'

After hearing Naina, first thing raj did was kissing her deeply holding her face.

'I am just tired. Should I write this on stamp paper you are not changed are not changed. Not changed at all....Just focus on one thing.. we have a life ahead. A life..Naina..happiness is not the thing which come along itself. We have to find it. If you find yourself unworthy none can make you believe. Naina. I love you and I'll. Its end of our atory. Since yesterday I am telling you to believe in yourself..believe in us....Just because in past you committed mistake doesnt change the fact that you're an adult now. The one who doesnt make mistake never gets to know what decision means. Stop this bullshit..please. how can I make you see things when you're closing your eyes?'

Naina kept quiet. Raj too didnt speak. Since the day he was freed he made every effort of boosting her self confidence. But Naina was showing unbelievable signs. For sometime she was normal and the very next moment she was afraid, fragile Naina. Raj tried her best...but without her cooperation he couldn't carry on. And today his hope lost bit of it.

'I think .....It'll take time. My past was way too horrible.. I try to forget but always Something reminds me. Raj...I love you...its true. But I was tarnished for long time. I have scars..still.. I laugh, I swear, I beat doesnt imply that I am all happy...I have had my share of pain.'

'Believe in us..Naina. we'll make each other happy. Every scar has  a remedy. We have love..' he held het hand.

'And love making.' Her reply left him speechless. He gaped.

'I changed you..didnt I?'

'Yeah..from sex abstinest to sex addict?'

'Are you encouraging me?'

'Open place isnt a good idea.'

'Lets try it'

'No way. I'll have dirt all over my body.'

'Lets love dirty.'


'Nope..Your love.'

'Yeah. Lets ride back to home and......'

'And make love till each of has a tiny amount of energy left.'

''re hungry since last eight to nine years.'

'You too...You also have a huge apettite.'

'Stop commenting on my foody habbits.'

'I was talking about your eagerness to open my trousers.'

'I am leaving bye.' She stood up. Raj too accompanied her.

'I love you too. Hayee'

'Prude. Lewd.'

And Raj roared with laughter while throwing her ovet his shoulders and Naina calling him many beautiful names. Then they came to a park. Raj then put her down.

'I am not going to do it in park. Mind it.'

'Come on'll be fun.'

'Shut up. I am not going to do it in open. Issue is solved. Matter closed. You want action then drive me home. Otherwise We'll stay here and talk.' She crossed her hands while giving him straight no.

'Do we have any vehicle? We can go home only if you know how to fly. Do you? Then please hold me while flying. Look. We dont have a car. It was your idea to use public transport. Now I want you and if I dont get any proper place, we'll do it in open.'

'Okay. Then go to hell.' Naina stomping hos foot marched away. Raj looked at sky.

After ages he had got the pitcher ....but why the water level is so low? He is not the same smart crow who used pebbles. He is super smart horny who'll use straw. Raj thought for all options....available.

Then he saw naina far away. Did this woman lie while telling him she loved him? Right now she didnt even try to look back and think of his plight. Where did her love fly away? He sighed. It does not matter now. He loves her and love makes you buy garbage. Keeping up with temper is nothing. Moreover...Its him who needs naina more than anything! Come on have to fill the lager left empty since past eight years...

Doing Naina is Raj' duty. And Raj always does his hook or any manner....anywhere...When opportunity calls.

About two blocks away there was a multicomplex building being built. It was built to six storeys. So there was a place to accommodate. Raj requested Naina and both decided to check into one of free rooms. Both rushed to that building and after getting a key which they(only him, Naina just nodded her head whenener Raj asked her to) got after many requests and lies, they rushed to lift.

As soon as Naina entered in lift Raj grabbed her waist and slammed her to adjacent wall but not with much force to hurt her. He then kissed her. His tongue without asking for permission entered into her mouth and played with her. He sucked and bit her. His hands while holding her at place. He was well aware of her being super responsive. they have done it twice...Well once in last night and second time in morning. And that aroused him more. His whole body combusted with her response. Damn that mouth! She was a good kisser. when she responsed him in same way, attempting to suck his lower lip while his teeth were nipping at her upper lip, his body shook with desires. His hormones ran wild. Room was far away and he couldn't wait that longer. So better to ask for dare than wait! So He unzipped her knee length gown but she never let him.

'It'll take time to dress up later. Just forget clothes and make way.' God this woman was sexier when she talked in same way as his! He turned her, kissed her shoulder bitting there leaving marks. His hands gripped her at places. Her breaths increased..blood rushed. She felt so alive. Every particle of her body whenever he touched her woke up with new energy. And that time she found out-Her insecurities and scars have one cure...His love......-making. She needed him as much as he did. She moaned drawing him more close....There should be nothing between them Neither space nor air. He rubbed her curves. Her swollen breasts ached for more. She almost pulled out his hair in despair. His touch was not enough. She then turned to him and rammed her lips to him while his hands played with her breasts rubbing them, pinching them. Erection and arousal were visible at places. His lips then left her mouth and found new higher place. He sucked them pleasing her and bit over soft fabric giving her more. Her mind stopped functioning with every depth he covered lower. He then lifted her dress letting her free of her lacy panty. His mouth was attached to new honey pot while she enjoyed this pleasure. But the peak came when he made her feel him inside her. Awesome! Yes! She knew his touch but every time when he was touching her at hidden places and entering her, it was new height. A new feeling. Nothing was old. She always felt so different in good way when he made love to her. She held onto his shoulder for support while he going fast. His groans were music. She closed her eyes while he kissed her lightly then kissed her neck.

He changed their position. She faced to wall and he behind her. He then spotted a mole on her back and laughed little. After many months he has got to know that his wife has a mole. Man! This site needs exploring. He could not focus on her back for long time because the peak was coming. He reached the height and then slumped to her. Both tired off. This encounter was first ever outside their house. And in hurry he had forgotten to use protection! On a second thought they never used one.

Naina sat down on lift' floor Raj behind her holding her from waist. He rubbed her thigh, made circles and nuzzled her lazily.



'Why is this lift not started yet?'

'Because I told manager I needed a quickie and bribed him to lock it.' And in that moment he slipped his tongue.

Naina slapped his hand. 'Such a horny pervert!'

'Well...that's I am.'

'Ok..Leave it. Now when we are locked lets use the opportunity. You up for another?'

Raj looked at her with mouth hanging open. Indeed she has got huge appetite. 

Well it suited him well too!

'At your command ma'am.' And that night naina had lift-sex.

In a way This story ends here . Epilogue can  follow if I have time and mood. For now Raina beeti jaye re has been completed. Just a part is left in the name of the end. And I am thinking of season 2. What say?

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