So.....Are we good?

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Rajveer was glad seeing Naina turning into a badass. Gosh she was looking hell sexy. If it was possible he'd have made love to her.... right now right here. But alas. She was giving someone right treatment. He was happy until....that gunshot. Now....if Nair dies Naina'll be imprisoned. Raj got scared. NAINA IN PRISON!HELL NO!!!!. This is end to his desires....Okk.. He wants to have her on his side for long. Jist not for only sex.Love making can wait. How he had spent these four five days without Naina only he knew. Eyes shut onlty to imagine Naina and her anger. Damn sexy! He usually have pain remebering her. Pain...reason doesnt need to be described. Sexual arouse. That gunshot immediately turned his eyes onto her. She was equal afraid. Her eyes were showing all signs of fear. Raj shuddered. Was naina going to be executed? Bit Nair is a bastard. Naina did everythimg for her security otherwise that scumbag would have killed her not to forget rape badly....Raj at once rushed to her side. Was she okk? Ohh no...she is again lost...more likely traumatised. Raj cursed Nair and Ritu for implementing their shitty plan. Their fucking plan involved Naina. And now Naina is in bad condition again. Before it, he had made her forget her oldself by talking utter nonsense and invoking a possessive naina. But same medicine can't work twice, does it? Raj held naina close to his chest and rubbed her back only to know that she was crying silently. Ohh man! This is grave problem. Naina rarely weeps and today she has paased through a lot within hours. How she'll face everything? Raj used his brain which unlike his mouth worked very fast.. sorry like his tongue ran like a pro.

'Naina...Naina.. see..everything is okk. Look...that bastard is...I think he is alive. Ohh great. You shoot his lower arm. Then why this asshole lost his senses?leave it. Not my thing to think over. Naina...Yrr look here. He isnt dead. We are safe. Yay..after how many dats I am seeing you? I was dead. Ohh god! How I spent theae days without you only I knew. Naina..Naina. i know you have faced a lot. Dont worry. This piece of shit will get what he deserved. I'll make sure he gets proper traetmwnt. Naina..You need not to worry..see...Ritu is tied up there and making strange noises...Naina...just for once, look at me. Please...just..for once..babe. please'

Raj felt Naina moving. She looked up with tearful red eyes. Raj'heart broke into million pieces. He has gotten a beart and to our knowledge that place has lot of love for Naina only. Few hours ago he has announced this to Ritu.

'Ra..j....He again....maligned me. Raj..How-'

This woman..He slapped his forehead mentally.

'No naina. Your my Naina. You are same to me no matter what you did. We are still the same Naina and Rajveer. Why are you twisting your neves on this petty issuse? You're not belittled. Not a bit.'

She was still unsure over his indifference. Why? He loves her. Cant she see? Okk. She is not Sherlock. He'll have to annouce it.

'No....Raj...I...I am..not..same. They'd have told you....I' she cried. Raj didnt get how to tell her he loved her. She isnt in right state of mind

'Ohh..please. naina. You arent impure. That You were sexually asaaulted doesn't  belittle you. That bastard is the one to be blamed. You are still pure. Purity doesnt come from sexual status. Thank god. Otherwise I'd be impure..and nothing can be compared to I. You just misunderstood Nair. You did what you felt right back then. Like Ritu did what she felt right. She kidnapped me to marry me forcibly. Not only this she even kissed me. Now how can you be impure? Just because-'  raj felt someone's intemse gaze on himself. He stopped talking to look at her....who was...staring at kill him? She was shooting daggers? But why?

'Here I was feeling guilty and low and you kissed Ritu? How dare you Raj? You have taked an oath to have your old ways with girl. Doea this marriage mean nothing to you. I was dying with anticipation where are you. Are you alright? And were having gala time..making out with you ex flames. Wow. Just wow...  Now I want divorce, right now. Thats it. I cant tke your shit anymore.' Raj got shock. woman is hell possessive. He had told Ritu not to kiss him. Ohh god! What if Naina leaves him at his own mercy for his desires? NOOOO

'Naina..Its.. not my she kissed me not I. Its her fault. See..I tied her up. I never gave up to her marriage proposal. Naina..You know na how much I love you!' Raj thought his love confesssion could impress Naina.. hope. He has hope.  Hope for getting this crazy short tempered woman.

'No you dont love me. You just love yourself. You are uttering love word just to make me fall into ypur trap. I am not going to fall for your sugary talk again. No way. I hate you.' Raj was unable to understand how to handle this situation. On one hand Naina was not ready to listen anything and he couldn't  force her either. Second thing.....

Before Raj could think about second thing, Naveen stormed into room.

'Is everyone alright? Ohh god. sis are you okk? Why are you crying? Who is this man? And this bitch Ritu! I yold you naina. She is involved. I was hell right. Naina..sissy..dont cry ha. I am here for you. See. Your elder and caring brother. Baby sis, see you are safe. We are safe. And police is waitting outside. Just hold on for few minutes then we'll go to dad's. Naina. See here.'

Hearing Naveen....The only thing raj wanted murder him!

'MR. Naveen Ahalawat. I was the one to be kidnapped not your baby sis. At least save lil humanity for me too. Both siblings are same. No feelings for me. Huh.' Naina sparred a glance to him..actually more like a murderous glare which Raj happily replied with a flirty wink and toothy grin. Naveen held her shoulder and took her outside. Raj was astonished. Why on the earth nobody valued him? He looked back at ritu. At least she valued him. Should he think about Her proposal and marry her? Naina will definitely kill him before his first night. Option is not worth thinking. Life is important.

He rushed to naina' side only finding her unresponsive to him. He was now tired. He never in his life born someone this much. Why he fell for her? Why?

She has excellent figure and curves? May be.

She is hell sexy? Kind of.

She can give him amazing sex of his life? Thats an iamgination.

She is.....hostile and possesive? Nod. Yes. Raj likes this thing...only second thing not first one.

She dares love unconditionally? .......well.....YES. Thats why Raj fell for her. She did what he never imagined her to do. She came for him all alone despite him being the worst person ever to be with. No...scratch that. He is better that Nair. But it does not matter now. She loves  him. And thats enough for him to fall deeply and madly for her.

But what now? She is angry. And her anger was not going to cool off so easily. But the better part of the story was she had come out of her trauma. Raj saw her hugging Naveen and telling him something to which he hugged her tightly and patted her head. Raj wondered why naina didnt approach him for a hug. He could at least feel her in. Wow! Her body....Goodness! Raj felt his body getting hot. He decided to keep his thoughts at bay until they both reached home. Raj then saw Naina staring at him....more specifically at something he was holding. Raj had a file and Naina was eying that file for long time. Raj had picked up that file after tying up Ritu. He had forgotten about it. But Naina's constant glares made him aware of it.

Rajveer decided to give her what she was asking by her so visible signs..

He gave her that file without realising that.....

That file contained divorce papers!

Naina threw that file on his face and sat in her car with Nav. Raj at once opened back door and sat before they left him there.

And......making excuse of weakness he called Naina to his side. Naina with sick expressions came to him and sat with a thud making him realise how angry she was. It was time to act on part one...

To cool her temper.

'Naina....' he poked her.




'What?' She snapped after getting tired.

'Are we good?'

Are we good?'

Are we good?'

Are we good?'

Are we good?'

Are we good?' He repeated after every five second.

'YES. WE ARE GOOD. YOU WANT PROOF? NOW SHUT UP.' Then she turned her face while Raj scurried closer to her smelling her shampoo and perfume altogether at a time. Wow! He inhaled one more time and then bent to her..trying to inhale one more gust.

Raj was relieved. Now first part is done. Naina isnt angry.

Second part was still due.

A/N-Five more parts left.

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