A Day That Changed Everything

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Book Name: A Day That Changed Everything.

Author: Miabookworm12

Genre: Romance

Number of Chapters: 5 currently and ongoing.

Lets get to the review-

>>>Title of the book- 'The Day That Changed Everything' is a mysterious title and it surely attracts readers.The curiosity level increases as readers are excited to know what specifically happened.

So 10/10 for that.

>>>Book Cover- I just love,love,love the cover of the book.Its so attractive and classy.The font you used is so readable and not at all overly decorated.And the colour also blends well with the layout.

10/10 for this classy book cover.

>>>Description of the story-Now this is what I call perfection.A clearly apt description with no spoilers at all.The story summed up within a few lines!!
I'm impressed.

Again a 10/10.

>>>Prologue- There is no prologue for the book which is fine.I mean it is not mandatory that there should be a prologue when the description you provided for the story is good enough.So no grading for that.

>>>Plot- The book just began and still haven't reached the main plot but I must say it is not lagging. Its going in a steady pace with the introduction of each characters step by step.Most of the book just introduces the whole characters in one chapter itself confusing the readers.But you have taken a really good way to introduce the characters.

Its realistic too and I related each part of the story with my daily life.

And the plot of the story is not one of cliche romance at all. I'm not saying that these types of plots are completely new.There has been stories with the similar plots in the past but you made it unique with your own style.

Once again perfection.

>>>Character Development- The protagonist of the story is portrayed as an independent woman dealing with struggles in her lives alone.

Eve Though she has fears,she strongly stands with her believes and dreams.She has a passion which she is yet to fulfil.There has been times where she was not sure of herself but everytime she picks herself up by reminding her that the past is something to be forgotten and moved on.And I can already predict that by the end of the book,she will overcome everything.

The way the author introduced the character is in a quite unique way which I have seen only rarely in Indian authors.
Most of them (even me) would introduce the lead character with a description of her features like hair colour,eye colour,skin colour height,age and blah blah blah.

But you linked her features with each part of the story and have portrayed it in a really unique way.

I give you a 9.5/10 for that.

>>>Story telling- The entire book so far is written in Third Person's Point of View.Thats fine and accurate in my opinion.

But if the readers are asking for a character's POV,I suggest you can give them one or two in the future chapters.

9/10 for that.

>>>Language and Grammar- This is the part where you deserve the most appreciation because damn girl,you are so good.

The language you uses,aggh I just wish I could write like you honestly. It's not so simple nor is it so hard to understand

The language you use to write is so classic.

10/10 for that.

Grammar- I think I should look with a microscope for grammatical errors Because you rarely have made any.You tense you use,the punctuations,the form of speech everything screams out perfection.

But one thing I found(not like a mistake) is that when you write big dialogue,you just write them together.It would be better if you write big dialogues in paragraphs or by adding a reporting clause in between to pause.
Just a suggestion.



>no grammatical errors
>use of new vocabulary
>a totally relatable characters
>a journey through the medical world
>realistic as hell
>steady plot
>a thriller/romance mystery

Overall rating-10/10.

A highly recommended this book to everyone.Even if you dont like romantic books,this book will be worth the read trust me.

And as for you author, you are so good.And the best thing is you don't even realise that.You deserve so much support and recognition for this talent of yours. I'm not trying to praise you to make you conceited but trusts me,honestly you are so good.

Dont ever doubt your worth.Miabookworm12

Honestly speaking you are too good,even better than me.And I dont think I dont even have the right to review and judge your book.

But anyway,I hope I have cleared everything you asked for.

All the best and You'll have my support from now on.❤

Reviewed and Published by reader_snail

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