Queen of My Heart

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Book name Queen of My Heart

Author- priyanka3

Genre: General Fiction Romance

Number of Chapters: 44 and still going

Lets get the review-

•••Title of the book-

I would say the title 'Queen of my heart' is a very simple and apt title for the book and it gives the readers a base and idea of what the story is going to be.So well done with that.

So, 10/10 for that.

•••Book Cover-

The book cover is also good and provides the glimpses of the male and female lead being in love. It's provides the gist of story.

So,9/10 for this classy book cover.

•••Description of the story-
If we talk about the description of this book, it is based on the romantic journey of male and female leads. Although its based on romance but you can find various Humour Satires which will never let you bore with the story. Sometimes author even presented some real emotions and feelings in a funny Manner which is an appreciation in itself. The issues and problems, which came in their ways and lives, their way to solve them is unique in itself.

So, 9/10 to this part.


The prologue is upto it's remark and defings. It's the sort of cliffhanger where due to some misunderstandings the hero left the heroine and goes away from her.

So, 9/10 for this part.


The story is revolving around young medic couples who were apart from each other due to some misunderstandings and later get tied into the thread of Marriage. The story is moving around their journey in love with funny talks.

Again 8.5/10 for this part.

•••Character Development-

The cast is justifying the character. The female is young doctor who is facing sort of Trauma while the male lead is in also the same boat.

If we talk about supportive characters, they are also strong and playing their part Well.
The choice of cast is very good as they are justifying the emotion and requirements of characters.

I give you a 10/10 for that.

>>>Story telling-
The story telling part is also good. The pace and speed of continuation of the story is also good. The moving of storytelling is impressive. As there are some potrations, by which you can feel actual emotion.
The additional notes in storytelling and descriptions given are impressive.
So, I'm hoping you'll continue it.

Everything in whole will give you a total entertainment.

So, 9/10 for this part and when story goes ahead, it may change further.

>>>Language and Grammar-
The language is appropriate. Author used simple and understanding language rather than that flowy English and Grammar. I will appreciate this part and thinking of author as what's the use of using weighted amd flowy English with typical words when they can't portray emotions and illusions.

So, 9/10 for that.


From the grammatical part-
Till the chapter I read, i didn't find any particular grammatical error and mistakes.

For the punctuations-
Again for this, i didn't find any mistakes particularly.

Author used direct word and speech to show conversations.

So currently, i will say that i didn't able to find as such mistakes.

So currently I'm giving 9.5/10.


• Steady plot.
•Unique character.
•Choice of cast.
• Speaking language.
• Maintenance of continuation in the story
•Speed of the story.
•Images used.
•Creating illusions of real life.
• Humours speech

• None

Overall rating- 9.5/10

I would like to tell the readers of the Wattpad to must read this book without judging it and give comments and views and votes. And author is entertaining too, so surely you'll have fun while reading.

Honestly speaking I'm a fan and a regular reader of your this amazing work and also enjoyed it thoroughly. Your work Sometimes work as a mood lifter in my case and I feel great after reading it.

The story is still ongoing and I'm pretty sure that with further story development, we will get a more and more of your PATAKA package as 'best is yet to serve'.

But anyway,I hope I have cleared everything you asked for.

All the best and You'll have my support from now on.❤

Reviewed and Published by- Riverlovliness

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