Unlikely Love

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Name of the Book: Unlikely Love

No. Of  Chapters: 19(complete)

Genre: Fan-fiction.

Title of the story: The title of story 'Unlikely love'  justifies the story as it actually based on 'The Stolkholm syndrome' where a victim fell for her kidnapper but not that attractive to attract readers.

Ratings: 7.5/10

Book cover: The cover of the book is good as well but not extraordinary. As I always say.... readers do judge book by it's cover so the cover must reflects the quality of story. If you need cover, you can always us different apps to create it. Still it's okay....okay.

Ratings: 8/10.

Description of the story: The description of the story is the most important part as the readers gets idea about the story before reading it. But you just suggested the readers to just read further without explaining your story.

Ratings: 3/10.

Plot of the story: The plot of the story is quite similar to 'Highway' movie but different plot twists are present. The plot is simple, people who likes to read love stories will surely like your story. But I would suggest you to add more twists and turns and as it is an Indian drama then plz add more characters to the story.

Ratings: 7/10.

Prologue and Character Sketch.
The prologue is well described but a pinch of suspense is absent. description of characters are also good. There is no need to edit fully but you can always improve it in some ways.

Ratings: 7/10

The middle of the story: The middle of the story is too straight forward. The story proceed too fast. Like it just too simple. No twist, no turn, no suspense just straight to the point. You should change it. I mean to say....the father who tortured her so much....she just forgave him just like that...so change it as it looks like a typical Indian drama....not a story.

Ratings: 6/10.

The ending of the story: The ending is also without any twist or turns. Ending should have conclusion of the whole story. But the ending of your story is just a simple ending which is not that interesting to make the readers vote for your story. So, improve it or take help of other writers for editing the story.

Ratings: 7/10.

Characters development: your characters of this stories are unstable. You are confused what you actually wants from the characters of your story. I mean Rakesh hates his daughter but just a single meeting can't change his personality. You have to also show the incidents with details that lead Rakesh to realize his mistakes. In real life people change from good to bad within 3 min but from bad to good within 6-7 months. We are not script writers...we are book writers. So, make sure the characters of your stories should be well described. Like, Naina should be more depressed as she was not only unloved but also sexually assaulted. Rakesh should repent for his mistakes but will try to gain forgiveness through his actions not words. Just like that all the characters should be more stable in their own personalities. Improve it....it will surely attract readers.

Ratings: 6.5/10

Grammar and punctuation: There is a lot of gramitical mistakes in your story like 'She always missed her daadi. '....but it would be 'She always misses her daadi.' You need improve the tense of the lines of your stories.

The punctuation mistakes are also present in your story for eg:
'....keeps his finger under running water,' - here in last ( , ) will not be there...it would be ( . ) .

Ok let me explain....when your sentence is finished put ( . )
When you want to finish the sentence but is going to continue the topic then put ( , )
( ! ) mark when you are writing a line said by the characters with confusion or the character is exclaiming something.
(;) When you are going to explain the first sentence with the second sentence put it at last of first sentence.

Ratings: 8/10

The matters in which your story is lacking behind:

° Prologue is too small, try to make it big where any important moment of the story will be present.

° Description is also not there. Just a suggestion to the readers to read further. You should write a proper description.

°Epilogue is absent, without it the readers will get confused whether the story ended or you will still continue.

I will not give any ratings on this part as you have to improve it and  well I would like to give ratings on Communication  7 /10

The matters I wants to point out:

° It seems that you are yourself bored with your story as you just wants to end it somehow. Writing is a worship where dedication is important. Give proper time to your stories as it needs for a writer to love his story first then make readers fall in love with his stories. Your story is interesting but you need to work more on it

ou have to work on those matters e creativity more

° You need to be clear about thmones that you are making your characters to express. If someone is stubborn show his or her stubbornness through your lines only.

To be honest the consistency of your story is not too good. It's a simple, straight forward story which just starts...and finish. The consistency level is too low. You need to improve the dept of your lines which will have some inner meanings.

Ratings: 6/10

  ^^^^^^The overall review^^^^^^^

The plot of the story is good but you didn't maintain the quality of plot in the story which is actually disappointment. So, try to improve the quality and add some plot twists. I would like to recommend this story to readers who loves to read love stories.
You have a potentiality.... Just use it.

So, for the overall ratings I would give the average of all the ratings you got, i.e your over all ratings
6.6 /10

As a reader I will recommend this book to those who likes to read romantic books. You really had a potential to attract the readers with your good plots.


I hope you like my review on your story. I have covered each and every part you asked for. So, just work on the particular matters I pointed out.

I also hope that you prosper in your life and all the best for your future which I am sure will be bright my friend Psr1403

Try to give your little more attention in your stories then onky your story will surely get the deserve appreciation. 😍

And according to me your story is an amazing fan-fiction. I hope you would improve it.

Reviewed and Published by 124nablove124

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