A Fancy or Am I Getting Mugged?

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Eloise Cole wanted to rip someone to pieces, preferably her supervisor Chad Johnson. She just finished the project he pushed onto her because he was too incompetent himself or skiving off to God knows where. Now, the doltish git had decided to assign her another project. This one was due days ago, but Chad threw the project folder at her, stating that she was responsible for it.

Eloise ran a hand through her medium-length, golden blonde locks. It wasn't like she needed this job. She didn't have to put up this prick who only got his position thanks to what she learned Americans called "a rich daddy." The summer internship was recommended to her by her American friend. She had heard that Eloise was visiting her grandparents in Pennsylvania. The pay was decent and it was a reputable company so she had agreed.

She walked towards her desk where there laid an envelope. Curiosity sparked inside of her as she gently opened it, revealing a manila card inside.

Ms. Eloise Cole,

You may not know who I am, but I know you. Look down. Do you see those rainbow stickers? At the end of the rainbow, there is a surprise. Do you dare to follow?

Il mio cuore è tuo.


Italian? I don't recall anyone who seems to fancy me. Blimey, I've only been in the States for 3 weeks!

Eloise hummed as she flipped the card over, scanning for clues of the identity of the mystery person. Finding nothing, she looked at her watch, hummed, and came to a decision.

"Eloise, what are you doing?"

She looked at the young man who had been one of her few friends in the company. "I'm resigning, Alex. You're HR; figure it out."


"Look, you're a decent chap, but that doesn't mean that all these blokes are. Chad is a right jagoff, as you would say. You're mental if you think I can deal with him any longer."

Josh smiled despite the situation. He had taught the Brit Pittsburgh and American slang in exchange for British ones. "Alright, I get it. Chad isn't very pleasant. It was great working with you. Call me up whenever you're free."

She laughed. "Will do. Bring your boyfriend when we hang out. I'd love to meet Karl."

Eloise winked as she left his office. "Laters!"

With nothing to do and an unquenchable curiosity in the card, Eloise decided to throw caution to the wind. She noticed that the rainbows led out to the back entrance meaning that whoever her 'secret admirer' was, they had a high position in the company.

Still, a rainbow? Is there a pot of gold waiting? Is the person a leprechaun?

Snorting at the image of a green-clothed man writing the letter, she exited the building.

"Glad I don't have to see that idiot Chad anymore," she mumbled, slowly walking out into the street before she saw another rainbow sticker.

Eloise continued on one sticker at a time. As the intrigue intensified with every passing second she followed this trail of rainbows, the number of people in the streets rapidly decreased. Eloise wondered if a psychotic killer was waiting for her.

Must be all the movies Alex made me watch with him.

Shaking her head with amusement, she continued walking until the trail suddenly ended. For the first time since coming to Pittsburgh, Eloise Cole was completely gobsmacked. The nondescript building in front of her showed no signs of recent human activity aside from the rainbows that juxtaposed the grey concrete rather curiously.

Well, carpe diem.

Taking a deep breath, one that she morbidly thought might be her last, Eloise turned the doorknob. Surprisingly, it was unlocked. Eloise entered with small, hesitant steps. She was proud that she didn't jump. Suddenly, the door slammed behind her, and the lights flickered on.

"Bloody hell!"

The young woman was stunned. Her focus landed on the alluring woman sprawled on a chair, exuding a lazy yet majestic presence. Two imposing men stood behind her on either side. With raven black hair, piercing ice-blue eyes, a duchess nose, and bloodred lips, the woman looked like the definition of sin and seduction. It didn't help that she was wearing tight leather pants. It certainly didn't help that she was sporting a beguiling smirk.

Definitely not a leprechaun.

"Like what you see?" When there was no reply from the blonde woman, she added, "What, cat got your tongue, bella?"

Even her voice was low and sultry.

Snapping out of the daze that the woman's beauty lured her into involuntarily, Eloise coughed. "Mind explaining what's going on? Am I getting jumped or...?"

Oh shit. That's not what you're supposed to say to a potential murderer, Eloise. You took Psychology in first year, for crying out loud.

Her nerves only intensified as the woman threw her head back and laughed, the sound husky and deep. "No, no, amore. I want you to be mine."

Eloise was flummoxed, but she managed to speak, her heart pounding wildly. She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt bold.

"First of all, you're a stranger. Granted, you're not a creepy old man, but still."

Gulping and steeling her nerves, she continued. "Look, it's practically undeniable that you are quite beautiful, but I'm demisexual. You know what that means, right?"

Eloise, your mouth is going to get you killed one day. Maybe today's that day.

She let out a sigh of relief as she saw only mirth in the woman's eyes as she tilted her head. "It's when you only like people you have emotional connections with, no?"

"Yes," Eloise slowly said, "and I barely know you."

"What do you want to know?"

Eloise sat down on the concrete floor, ignoring the amused expression that flitted across the woman's features. "Anything? Everything? Like how you got the envelope on my desk, for starters."

"Well," she drawled. "My name is Alexis De Santis. My brother is the CEO of MacIntyre Industries, the company you work at."

Eloise snorted. "That's nice. Girls probably throw themselves at you, don't they? Why are you even bothering with me?"

"Hmm, and you sure not one of those girls?" Alexis asked, eyeing Eloise as she licked her lips.

Eloise rolled her eyes as she shook her head, not even bothering to reply. She didn't know why talking to this stranger, to Alexis, felt so familiar. She just chalked it up to her nerves that were still going haywire.

There's no way I would forget someone as attractive as her anyway.

"I must say that this is a pleasant change. It really makes me want you more."

"You do realize that most people don't usually lead the people they fancy into abandoned warehouses."

Alexis thought of the little hazel-eyed girl she met one summer, years ago. Pushing aside the slight pain of how that girl, now in her early twenties, didn't recognize her, she answered with a slight smirk.

"You'll find that I am nothing close to average, amore mio."

You don't need to know that I run the De Santis Mafia yet, Alexis thought, holding back a dark laugh. It wouldn't do to scare you away. Not yet at least.

"But," she started, "you can't say that you're like most people either."

"Really now?" Eloise said skeptically with her eyebrows raised a bit.

"Can you say that most people would follow a random trail of rainbows?"

"Well, I was bored," Eloise rolled her eyes again, before standing up. "Can I leave now?"

"It depends. Do you agree to be mine?"

Eloise looked at her warily.

"I don't date and certainly not strangers."

Alexis grinned. "You'll change your mind after spending time with me. We won't be strangers then."

Ignoring her words, Eloise nodded at Alexis. "Well, this has been right proper fun. Oh, and I quit my internship, so I probably won't see you again. Cheerio."

Eloise then turned her back to her, walking briskly towards the exit, leaving Alexis slightly shocked before she chuckled. She held up her right hand, halting the men behind her who had started to walk forward. The raven-haired woman rested her chin on one hand as she stared at the door Eloise departed through.

Still the little spitfire, I see. Let's see where you go. I'm not losing you again, especially not after finding you after all these years.

"Capo, should we teach her a les--"

"You idiot! " The man on her right slapped the one on the left causing him to wince. A quick apology was muttered before Alexis lessened her glare towards him.

Turning to her, the second man spoke. "Capo, do you want us to go after her?"

He raised his hand, ready to call the hidden guards outside.

"No, let her think she's gotten away. I'm in the mood for a chase."

Amore mio, game on.

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