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"Uday" Eeshu slowly said his name out of disappointment heaving a sigh.

While she is waiting for him outside the doctor's cabin.

Currently, She is five months pregnant and came to the hospital all alone for a general checkup.

She is eagerly, nervously waiting for Uday to turn up.

She wants him to be with her, right beside her, to hold her hand, to see and listen to doctor's words about their baby, about her health.

But he didn't come.

She remembered those days once again.

The days when they both used to be lovers and love each other madly.

There were days when he failed miserably to keep up his promise.

Why Uday?

Why it happens all the time? She wanted to ask him.

Why? She wanted to shout and tell him she is hurt.

He never missed accompanying her to doctor and wondered what made him not to turn up.

What is there such? Which is much important than her, their baby?

She sat there calmly trying to figure out an effective solution for their current problem.

What may be the cause of his reluctance, his apathy?

She is trying hard to figure out!

"I can't come."Finally, a message appeared on her phone.

"I can't come!" She read it with a heavy heart and muttered a few words under her breath.

Why can't you? He wanted to ask him but stopped herself from calling him, messaging him again.

She called him twice and messaged him for the fifth time, in reply she got a small message which broke her heart instantly.

Why beg him again?

Despite knowing her nature, he kept shunning her messages, her calls.


What is this happening in their blissful life?

What just happened in this week?

How things changed so drastically and she didn't know how all this happen? She felt the necessity to introspect.

"Eeshitha..." The receptionist called Eeshitha's name, breaking her chain of thoughts.

She alone went inside to meet the doctor.

Her heart lightened when she heard the good news about her health and her baby.

Thank God! Both are doing good.

She wanted him to turn up and say sorry to her after the ugly fight they had last night.

But what did she say? nothing!

What did she do? She expressed her opinion not to sell the shares but why the hell her husband is making it a big fuss out of a small thing.

She is unable to understand, why is he behaving so recklessly.

It took another half an hour for her to finish the things at the hospital.

As doctor advised Eeshitha not to take much stress, She didn't want to think about this anymore.

Uday may not care for her health but she has the responsibility of her unborn child's health.

At last, She came out of the hospital and drove her car to their home alone, thinking about their baby growing in her.

With a heavy heart, She went back to her room after having a small
Chat with her in-laws.

She talked to Uday's parents and let them know everything is fine with her and what the doctor told her.

Eyes are struggling hard to catch some sleep and tears welled up in them making her vision blurry.

"Eeshu" She felt a faint call from Uday and another half of the bed got sank confirming his presence.

She didn't respond to her husband's call and pretend to be asleep.

He hovered over her to see her face.

She is crying again and it triggered his ego.

Her eyes, her tears remind him of his failures.

She failed him again!

"Eeshu" He called her name again trying to get her attention.

She succumbed to his call and lifted her head slightly to catch his gaze.

"I need to tell you something" He looked at her a bit nervously.

"Oh really?" She chuckled.

"What has left Uday?" She shouted.

"Please, don't do this again Eeshu!"

"I don't have time and patience to fight with you."

"I am sorry that I can't turn up in time but you need to think there must be something so important, very important that I can't accompany you." He said without beating the bush so straight on the face.

She felt like crying listening to his words.

She tried to read his expressions but his face is void.

When did he become so dumb? so cruel?When?

She gulped down in fear, pain.

"Something more important?" She mumbled and looked at him trying to get what it is?

He looked away and not in a mood to answer her unspoken question.

Tsk tsk...Rejection.

She felt so new to feel it.

For the first time, he rejected her.

Till yesterday she was the one who used to reject things without proper reason and the pain of being rejected hurts. She got realized.

Felt sorry for him! but this time she desperate need of answers.

Not knowing what to say, She sat avoiding his gaze looking somewhere else, trying her best not to prolong the issue.

"Eeshu.."He felt bad to hurt her.

"Please......" The very next second he begged, slumping his shoulders in despair.

She got from the bed and sat trying to lean over the bedpost.

"Careful..." He quickly placed a pillow between her and bedpost.

For a second their eyes met.

She felt drowning in his thoughts once again and felt like going back to those college days again.

She quickly grasped his collar and tugged him asking him to bend a bit.

He did it but can't match his wife's gaze.

He is hiding hard to hide his tears.

"I need to go to Chennai, and I have no time." He declared not giving her a chance to ask any further questions.

He doesn't want to hurt her more.

Enough! He made his mind.


"What's the need to go to Chennai now ?"This time she expressed her discontentment openly.

Despite telling her not to make a fuss over the issue she shouted at him.

This irked him more.

"Why can't you understand Eeshu?"

"It is a kind of emergency and I need to go there."

"Whether you accept it or not I have to go there and I will be going tomorrow."

"Please take care of your health, Miss you baby."He kissed her forehead and rubbed his palm over her belly.

Before she could speak anything, he turned around and slept without a word more.

Her heart broke into pieces listening to his words.

His apathy towards her and their baby just crushed her heart too hard.

"Why can't she see my pain? I am helpless!"He is trying hard to hold his tears.

She laid on the bed and slept turning to the other side.

They are so close yet so far from each other.

"What's going on in his mind?"

"What's bothering him so much?" She felt a lump thinking about the thought.

She wished him to take good care of her at this time but his behaviour made her so oblivious about their own life.

Whatever it is? She is going to help him and take him out of this mess at any cost. She slept trying to ease her mind.

To be continued.

What do you think his problem is?

Will she solve it?

Thank you.

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