Chapter 14

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Yay! We're on chapter 14! Just a shout out to all those people reading this! Thanks for helping me get this far, without you, this book would be just another one of those books people scroll past. It probably grows more attention from the cover...

She had zoned out, her ears no longer perked, but drooped. She was about to get up and walk home when a sudden ball of fur came flying towards her.

"Ow!" Raincloud yanked his leg away from the stinging pain. "It stings!" He growled. Rainwind rolled his eyes. "Oh, get over it. It doesn't hurt very long." Rainwind murmured, slapping on another layer of poultice. Raincloud hissed in pain, but kept his leg still. "Ouch," Duckpaw murmured, walking over to sit beside Rainwind.

"Duckpaw! Come here, leave them be." Stormfall called to her apprentice, signaling for her to follow.
"But Rainwind promised me that he would show me what herb he used on Raincloud." Duckpaw muttered and walked over to her mentor.
"You're not a medicine cat apprentice, so it shouldn't matter to you." Stormfall murmured harshly, flicking her tail. "But what if I get separated from you? How will I cure myself if I don't know how to use herbs?" Duckpaw asked, her innocent eyes glimmering with a challenge.

"It could help her, you know. She's got a point." Raincloud murmured. Rainwind nodded his agreement. Stormfall gave a glare. "She's my apprentice, and she'll learn my way." Stormfall disappeared with Duckpaw chasing after. "She needs to chill out. It's not like a crime or anything that she wants to learn about a few leaves." Yowlstripe muttered, stalking towards Swiftpaw with a squirrel.

"Here, eat this. Normally you would give it to the elders, but we're kinda are out of those." He mewed, dropping the squirrel.

Raincloud thought for a moment. "I don't think it's that she's worried about." He mewed, standing up. "Where did you find the herbs, anyway?" He asked Rainwind.

Rainwind continued to bury leaves and small nettles into cracks of rocks near an alder tree. "Out near the thunderpath." He murmured. He nodded. "Is it a good supply?" He asked, not caring much about herbs, but he knew they could someday come in handy.

"No, not really. This was the last of it." Rainwind looked up to meet his gaze, a flicker of concern clouding his pale blue eyes.

"Oh." He meowed, turning to see Swiftpaw and Treepaw sharing Yowlstripe's squirrel. "Have you ate yet?" He asked his friend's former apprentice. "No," Yowlstripe muttered. "Why not?" He asked. He had eaten already, but that was because Rainwind forced him to.

"Because I haven't had time, I guess. Cloudsound has me hunting so much, you'd think I'm still his apprentice." Yowlstripe scoffed playfully, sitting down in the lush grass. He sat beside him, wincing at his muscles aching. "Get in your nest, Raincloud!" Rainwind scolded lightly. He trudged into the single den they all shared.

His nest was soft with moss, and he couldn't help but drift to sleep.

Stormfall's P.O.V.

"Duck! Roll! Leap! Sprint!" Stormfall hissed, watching her apprentice do the tasks and leap and run throughout the clearing.

"I'm too tired," Duckpaw panted, stopping after her short sprint.

"Fine. Go back to camp and get something to eat. Afterward, you'll be coming with Treepaw, Cloudsound and I to try and find Sunflower." She dismissed her apprentice with a wave of her tail. Duckpaw was quick to leave.

Stormfall sat, ears perked and on the lookout. She started to lick her paw, cleaning out the fur left in. She hadn't slept at all since the fox attack, it now being two sunrises after. She had zoned out, her ears no longer perked, but drooped. She was about to get up and walk home when a sudden ball of fur came flying towards her. "Gotcha!" A cat hissed with joy. She pummeled to the ground and screeched. A nearby starling let out its long call.

"What the-?" She hissed, shoving the cat off of her. She wasn't only exhausted, but she was edgy, too.

"Ow!" The tom hissed. She recognized the tom as Duckpaw's sister. "Treepaw! You weren't supposed to actually push her onto the other side of the clearing." Cloudsound appeared from a few bushes, chuckling.

Stormfall spat in disgust. "That hurt, you know." She muttered.

Treepaw bounced excitedly. "I got you! Now do I get the mouse?" Treepaw asked Cloudsound. "Yes, you did excellently." Cloudsound purred.

"Where's Duckpaw?" Cloudsound asked. Since Raincloud had gotten hurt from the foxes, Cloudsound had substituted for his friend in mentoring his apprentice. "I sent her to camp to eat quickly. She hasn't eaten anything since yesterday." She sighed. Raincloud promised that every cat would go to sleep with full bellies, and they couldn't even catch the prey that was right in front of them. The wounds on her still hurt, even though out of the five oldest cats she had gotten the least wounds. She winced as she padded forward.

"And real apprentices don't tackle warriors." She flicked her tail over Treepaw's ear, sending Cloudsound a somewhat amused glare.

Birchbark padded towards her with astonishment. "How'd you manage to catch that?" He asked, eyeing her rabbit with huge eyes. "I don't know." She muttered. "It skipped into my paws like a butterfly, and shouted 'eat me!'." She dropped the prey down on their fresh kill pile of two.

"Has everyone eaten?" She overheard Raincloud asking the white warrior. The white tom replied with hesitation. "How would I know? I just got  back." Raincloud made an "oh yeah, right" look and apologized, walking over to Birchbark. Cloudsound hurried away towards Swiftpaw and Yowlstripe.

Stormfall watched as Raincloud limped to a soft spot on the earth and carefully lay after a small chat with Birchbark. The sun was at its highest peak, and she had to take the patrol to get Sunflower soon. Her fur seemed to shine in the dappled light. "Wanna share this?" She had carried a vole over to Raincloud and plopped down beside him.
He only nodded briefly before taking bites.

After the two had finished, it was almost time for her to leave.

"Well, I've got to go get Sunflower. Cloudsound!" She called, padding towards the white tom. "Be careful." Stormfall heard Raincloud whisper after her. She only flicked her ears to acknowledge.
"Look, this is our camp, a lot better than the last time you saw it, huh?" Cloudsound was meowing, appearing from behind some ferns. She immediately scented thunderpath, then flowers, and then Sunflower.

"Sunflower? What," Stormfall asked confused. Sunflower slid out from behind the fern patch, pelt brushing with Cloudsound's. "What is she doing here? We had a patrol planned." She mewed briskly. Cloudsound shrugged. "I was scouting for prey, and I noticed her near. Thought it would be better to bring her here than to drag an entire patrol back and forth." Raincloud stood up behind Stormfall. She understood, but she wasn't sure why Sunflower had come to their camp.

"What's going on?" Rainwind asked with leaves in his jaws. Sunflower stood patiently while Cloudsound explained how he had found her. "Well, let's do the vote." Raincloud murmured and sat down. Stormfall sat beside him, while Sunflower looked on with confusion. "Sunflower, we're leaving," Raincloud announced.

Flywing, Birchbark, Yowlstripe, and Rainwind had all settled down as well to form a circle.

"Yowlstripe, can you-" Cloudsound began to dismiss him.

"No, Cloudsound, let him stay. He's not your apprentice anymore." Raincloud gently reminded him, brushing his tail lightly on his friend's shoulder. Cloudsound nodded, and Yowlstripe seemed a bit awkward. "Where are the apprentices?" Raincloud turned to Yowlstripe.
"Oh, they're taking care of some moss. They shouldn't bother us." The golden tom replied.

Raincloud dipped his head with a wince of pain.

Stormfall gently licked his shoulder, forgetting their previous arguments. "Raincloud, maybe you should get some rest before we go," Flywing suggested. "No." Raincloud meowed boldly. "Sunflower, would you like to come with us?" Raincloud added, brushing his sister off without empathy.

"Where are you going?" Sunflower glanced at Cloudsound with a troubled gaze. The two were closer than the sky and earth, pelts touching.

"Uh, we don't know, yet. It's going to be a great place, though. We just have to find it." Birchbark answered. "Don't worry, it'll be fine. There's gonna be great prey, and never any twolegs to bother you." Cloudsound licked Sunflower's forehead affectionately, obviously knowing more about Sunflower's past than anyone there.

"I, I-" Sunflower began, looking up at Cloudsound, the tom a bit bigger than her. Sunflower let out a short sigh.

So? How was chapter 14? It's officially a milestone! Mark it on your calendars, I'm starting chapter 15! Yay!

Things needed for a good book:
Sentences, no fragments!
Awesome fans!
Great feedback!
Bad feedback. (Tell me what is wrong with the story)
But absolutely no meanies that just post crap like, 'this book sucks cause u wrote it,' or 'it isn't a very good story, no offense,' cause we all know its offensive!

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