Chapter 2

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Cloudsound came to sit next to Rainlcoud before Finchstar started to speak again.

"As you've probaly all heard by now, Raincloud, Stormfall, and Cloudsound saved three RiverClan kits from a badger," Finchstar paused to let his clan howl in joy and pride for a heartbeat. Flywing, Daisyheart, Birchbark, and Yowlpaw the loudest.

"The deputy's kits, too!"

"Fish-brained RiverClan cats can't even keep their own kits!"

"Why do they protect Sunningrocks if all their kits need ThunderClan!"

"Traitors!" Yowled Greenpaw, his mentor Bushthorn scolding him. A few cats gave glares at him and his friends.

Finchstar flicked his tail for silence. "Yes, you are exactly right, Greenpaw! These cats are traitors! They saved another clan's kits rather than hunting for their own starving clan!" Gasps from the clan flew around Raincloud. He and his friends weren't traitors! They were following the warrior code!

"And StarClan has told me, when I lost my life at Sunningrocks, that only getting rid of the problem could save ThunderClan!"

"Banishment?" Goldenpool gasped.

Stormfall stood up, hissing and spitting. "We did what was right, we only followed the Warrior Code!"

Flywing stood up, "They saved kits! If it weren't for them what would our kits learn? That kits are useless? Hazeleyes, is this how you want your kits to grow up? Thinking they are useless, not worth dying for?"

Hazeleyes looked at her paws. "I wish only that my kits are raised strongly, and safely. I know our warriors would do anyrhing to save them." Hazeleyes didn't move her gaze from her paws.

Birchbark stood up this time, hissing. "If it weren't for them," he flicked his tail at him and his friends. "There wouldn't anything worth fighting for. Your kits would grow up without ever knowing the true meaning of a warrior." Birchbark sat down, everyone staring at him in amazement. Hazeleyes didn't reply, only pushing her kits towards her with her tail.

Yowlpaw broke the silence. "These warriors have done nothing wrong, they have only showed their courage and loyalty to ThunderClan and the Warrior Code."

"Your only saying that because Cloudsound's your mentor!" Cloverpaw yowled.

"So? At least I'm loyal! You don't seem to care what happens to Birchbark!"

"It's not like they're leaving the clan!" Interupted Duskhollow,

"Maybe they should!" Yelled a different voice.

"Yeah! They don't deserve to be ThunderClan warriors!"

Daisyheart and Cloudsound shared a glance that Raincloud noticed.

"Wait. If you're going to exile anyone, exile me. I can depend on myself, no need to banish Stormfall or Cloudsound, you'll only make ThunderClan weak by taking three warriors." Raincloud heard tiny pawsteps scampering towards him.

"You can't leave! I thought you were going to be my mentor? How can you be my mentor when you're far away?" Raincloud's heart nearly split in two. When Swiftkit had been born, Finchstar had promised that he would mentor the first born, which happened to be Swiftkit.
"I was looking forward to mentoring you, Swiftkit. But I must follow Finchstar and the clan's wishes. Goodbye, Swiftkit."


Swiftkit wailed, rubbing into Raincloud's chest fur. He purred, knowing he wouldn't see this kit again. He had always been good friends wih her. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

"If your going, I'm going too. We're littermates, until the end." Flywing stood over her own two kits.

"No, your not going. You have beautiful healthy kits. I'm not going to risk their lives." Raincloud insisted, but it seemed to be no use. He knew that look, Flywing knew her way with words, and she always did the right thing. Raincloud sighed, "Birchbark?" Surely the tom would go with his own mate and kits? "Of course, are you mousebrained?" He snorted.

"I got us into this mess, I'm coming too." Stormfall stepped forward.
He glanced at Cloudsound, he had a look of sadness that was probably burning his heart. In the past few moons, Daisyheart and Cloudsound had bonded, thinking about having kits and becoming mates. All that would change, though.

"I'm sorry," Cloudsound looked at Daisyheart with deep, pleading eyes then glancing at Raincloud.

"I can't abandon my friends, Daisyheart. I love you, never forget that." He licked Daisyheart's ear kindly, stepping to join Raincloud and Stormfall. Every cat knew Daisyheart wouldn't leave her clan, not while Finchstar was on his last life.

"I can't leave my mentor, and he can't leave me. My mother and father are leaving. I'm going too."
All eyes turned on Yowlpaw. "No, Duskhollow will be willing enough to mentor you." Cloudsound's voice crackled in the air as if his world was about to end.
"Cloudsound, please. I won't be wanted in the Clan after this. If I stay, I'll be miserable. I can help you, I want to. I rather be a rogue family that wants me than a clan that can't stand me. Besides, my mother and father are going." Yowlpaw's words seemed only a whisper, although the entire clan seemed to hear.

"Let him," I whispered into Cloudsound's ear. He couldn't do any harm, could he?

"You can come with us, as long as Finchstar agrees." The clan looked up at Finchstar for a nod of approval. He paused, hesitating to answer. "Fine. We have no room for traitors or half hearted cats in the clan. You'd be no use. Any other cats wish to join them?"


Gasps and shock with tension was all he could sense. The clearing was filled with angry cats, some excited about others leaving, some sad and disappointed. Yowlpaw stood his ground, standing tall under the unheartly stares.

Raincloud looked around the clearing. Was anyone else coming with? He saw Prickleface in deep thought, staring at his paws shaking his head. His apprentice, Rainpaw, was staring at Birchbark with worry. Birchbark and Rainpaw had been the only two cats of three litters to survive, and their parents Adderclaw and Pinetail both died saving the two from a fox attack a few seasons ago. They had the same parents, they were kin. It would be hard for both of them to depart.

"They'd only take more prey than they can hunt, why let them stay any longer?" Mousefang glared at Flywing and her kits.

"They can't leave tonight." Prickleface stared at his leader with determination.

"What? Why not?" Finchstar let out a low growl at his medicine cat, baffled.

"They are still my clanmates, and I take care of my clanmates. They can leave within the next three moons after I've finished treating their wounds." Cats gasped at the shock that ill tempered Prickleface was being this kind. Raincloud let out a sigh of relief. Among the group that was going, Stormfall had the most herb experience. Raincloud's thoughts buzzed. Was he really getting kicked out of his own clan? The one that he swore an oath to protect?

He and Stormfall headed for the warrior's den for some comforting sleep, while Cloudsound and Daisyheart sat outside the nursery sharing tongues for possibly the last time.

"What are doing?" He turned around to find Rollthump, a pretty tabby she cat hissing at him. "Going to my nest?" The new warrior had no right to hiss at him like that! "I'll sleep with ShadowClan before I sleep in the same camp as you three!" Rollthump flicked her tail at Cloudsound. Daisyheart came padding over, as it was one of her duties to help keep peace among the clan.

"Perhaps you should sleep in the Medicine cats' den tonight. Prickleface might want to check up on you three." Cloudsound had sat near Daisyheart when she began speaking. Stormfall nodded her head. Rollthump gave a look of victory. She-cats!

Honestly, does anyone reading this like Finchstar? I know I really don't. Vote, Comment, Share!

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