Jekyll and Hyde

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These characters are from a, umm... How you say, a dark murderous type play called Jekyll and Hyde.

The dragon on the left, Dr. Henry Jekyll,( pronounced Jack-ll), who was interested in getting the bad evil side out of people. He wanted to get the part of people that made people go mad. He was first interested in this when he father went mad and died. ( not really a spoiler its right at the beginning of the play). So he creates a formula in his laboratory to separate the two sides of a human. Bad thing is, he injects himself. He is the test taker. He believes this would help humanity. But sadly things turn for the worst, instead of getting rid of his dark evil side, he only brought it more to life.
Who he names,( or names itselfs) Edward Hyde. The murderous dragon on the left. The side he can't control. He begins to go on a uncontrolled killing spree, and is unable to stop.

He begins to fight with in himself unable to get his evil demon side out. So really, there's nothing he can to. He watches people he knows and cares about die and is unable to do a thing about it.... But he does do something about it...

But I'm not gonna tell you! :3 you will have to see the play yourself. It is on YouTube. Just look up Jekyll and Hyde. It is in two acts(two parts), if you have a thing with "murder" I wouldn't really recommend it even though is fake. And if you are younger than 13/14. I wouldn't watch it unless a parent or an adult is around. ( mostly the action in it, and a little mild language it the only reason.)

Wow, that was a lot! :) but I hope I got you interested! :3 and I hope you like my doodle! :3

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