a letter to my lost lover

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how are you ever since i left, dear?

do you still watch the sunsets?
'cause these days, they bleed
a little too much of loss 'n' pain,
they've been craving someone
like you to look 'em, i guess.

do you still touch the waters of the lake?
the lotuses and lilies haven't been blooming,
the fishes no longer swim right below
the surface where you can see
gold, yellow and orange shining
back from the sun into your amber eyes.

do you still bake cookies and cakes,
give 'em to the kids who play in our lawn?
i haven't seen them in so long, have you?

do you write poems, songs on napkins
of the diners and cafes you go to,
to leave something of you at all the places
which gave you so much more?

how have you been ever since i left, dear?

do you still smile at the waters,
wave at the clouds as they swim in the endless blue,
smell the flowers that bloom for you
and water those which cannot?

tell me, do you still do all these, dear?

answer all my worries and heartache
and address them to all my broken parts.
show me that i haven't left behind
a wreckage when i left,
show me that there's still life and love
breathing inside you.

tell me if you are happy, okay?
'cause i haven't been happy
ever since i left you
and maybe after i know that
you are happier, i might just smile
after so long, dear.

Author's note:
I'll start with an apology for updating this poem, even though it's not my best. I am sorry, but this was needed. My hands had forgotten how to write. I needed them to know that it's okay if some days art isn't beautiful. I needed them to know that despite it all, they'll be loved. Always.

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