to my favourite place

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I remember reading a book, where the guy and the girl talk about their dreams looking at the runway lights, planes flying over their heads. I'd search it but never find. On nights I couldn't sleep, I would ask them where that place is, sobbing on most of the nights. They would smile at me. Maybe, patience was the answer.

Someday, I did find the place. And I realised that sometimes, you've to stop looking to actually find something. And the place - it looked just like I had always imagined. A place where you could forget that you exist, a place where someday I want to have my first kiss, a place where I'll read out my poetry to my father and tell him I want to be a writer.
Looking over there, it feels as if in that moment, the stars have come down to visit me, to tell sometimes it's okay to head back home. They tell me they were dust once, that it feels good to belong to the soil in that moment.

I look over there and see the infinite staring back at me, fearlessly. I look at it back in the eyes and in the space between our gaze, it whispers me to move, to live, to explore. I close my eyes for a while, and remember the words well.

I've seen countless sunrises over there and I've seen the glimmer of the stars above and below. That place has made me witness miracles. So, today, I write about it, to tell it that even when people whiz past by you, forget to take their eyes off their phones or just don't think you exist, here's a girl which has learnt how to dream.

To the guy and the girl of the book I was reading, I've finally a handful of dreams I could talk about as the runway lights shine softly and the aeroplanes fly over my head

Author's Note:

This is for my favourite place, the runway place. :') I came to know about a place like this from Ravinder Singh's book 'Your Dreams Are Mine Now'. Since then, I had always imagined the place in my head, wanting to watch the lights and the planes over me. And someday, I found a place like that in my own city. 

It was surreal when I did. It looked just like I had thought it would. Since then, I've loved this place way too much. 

This piece was originally posted in Instagram and guess what? The author, Ravinder Singh, himself read it and shared it!! It was such a surreal moment. :') 

Do you have a favourite place?

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