Chapter 1 // Newcomers

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Rainkit struggled to keep her eyes open as the morning light pooled into the nursery. She stood up and looked at her mother, Lucidhope, and her brother, Waspkit.

Lucidhope lifted her head up to look at Rainkit. "What are you doing?"

"I wanna go outside! Please?" She begged.

Lucidhope groaned. "Fine. Stay out from under everycats paws, Rainkit, and take your brother with you." She muttered and closed her eyes once more.

Rainkit's stomach dropped. She hated to play with Waspkit. He was to rough and hated her guts. She reluctantly poked him in the side.

"What?" He mewed,his voice muffled by Lucidhope's belly fur.

"Mother said we could go outside."

Quick as a squirrel, Waspkit darted up."Yay!" He squealed and ran out of the nursery.

Rainkit followed. Once she stepped out into camp, the sunshine drenched her pelt in warmth. She happily trotted over to Foxfang, her father and the clan deputy. "Morning Foxfang!" She squeaked.

Foxfang bent down to her level. "Morning Rainkit. Whatcha up to?" He mewed gently. Foxfang was the only cat who actually cared about her.

"Can you give me a badger ride? Please!" She cried.

Foxfang purred. "I would, Rainkit, but I was about to leave for border patrol. Maybe some other time." He promised, and padded towards Mossyoak, Eaglecry, and Ravenpaw.

Rainkit smiled at Ravenpaw, her crush since she first opened her eyes.She waved her tail at him and he waved back."Hi Rainkit!" He mewed in greeting before following the patrol out.

Rainkit sighed dreamily. Her daydreams were practically knocked out of her head as a powerful force slammed into her back.

Rainkit wailed as she flew in the air and hit the ground with a thud.She stood up, gasping for air, and saw Waspkit grinning in front of her, his claws unsheathed.

"Why did you do that?!" Rainkit gasped.

Waspkit leaped at her and pinned her down."Because I wanted to!"

Rainkit kicked him off. "Fox-heart!"

Waspkit growled and cuffed her on the ears, leaving a nick.

Rainkit slashed his nose right as Lucidhope emerged from the nursery.

Waspkit noticed and plopped over dramatically. "Ahh!" He wailed.

Lucidhope stormed up to them."Rainkit! How dare you treat your brother like that!" She scolded, licking the blood of Waspkit's nose.

Rainkit couldn't help but notice the blood running down her ear. "He started it!" She squeaked.

"Stop blaming everything on your brother, Rainkit!" Lucidhope snapped and carried Waspkit to the nursery.

Rainkit huffed and plopped down.

Heartbeats later the border patrol padded through the camp entrance.

How are they back already? They just left!

Rainkit stiffened when she saw two unfamiliar cats trot in behind them.

Foxfang mewed something to the patrol and gestured for the two cats to follow him to Gracestars den.

Eaglecry, Ravenpaw, and Mossyoak went their separate ways.

Curious, Rainkit got up and slowly padded towards Gracestars den. Before she made it, somecat grabbed her tail. "Hey!" She hissed, spinning around, only to end up nose to nose with Adderkit, who happened to be alot bigger than her.

"We heard that you stood up to Waspkit." He growled, his littermates Eclipsekit and Pinekit, padded to his side.

Rainkits neck fur bristled and she tried to hide her fear. "Yeah.So?"

"So, you can't do that."He hissed.

"That makes no sense, Adderkit. I should be able to stand up for myself." She hissed.

Adderkit barred his teeth."Your just the runt. No one likes you and your better off dead! Waspkit and I are friends, we stand up for each other and I ain't gonna have you messing up his life." He snarled, flinging Rainkit into a holly bush.

Eclipsekit and Pinekit yowled in excitement."Fight! Fight!" They cried.

Rainkit leaped out of the bush onto Adderkit's back.

I'm tired of being pushed around!

Adderkit screeched in anger and threw her off.

He loomed over Rainkit, smirking and ready to strike.

"Hey! You two!" A deep voice hissed. "Enough!"

Adderkit got off Rainkit. "Yes Falconwing...."

Rainkit sat up, shaking, as the elder padded over.

"Leave this poor youngin' alone ya here?"

Adderkits head hung low. "Yes sir." He muttered and walked away.

Eclipsekit and Pinekit followed.

Falconwing looked down at Rainkit."Are you alright sugarplum? "He rasped.

Rainkits nodded."Y-Yeah. Thanks Falconwing."

He licked her ruffled fur. "No problem. I know how it feels to be pushed around. I was a runt, just like you, but I kept myself together. Now look. I've had a great life. You'll show them bully's Rainkit. You'll show them how strong you are. Just don't give up."

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own fresh-kill gather beneath the tall root for a clan meeting!" Gracestar yowled.

Falconwing looked into Rainkits eyes. "Don't forget what I told ya." He rasped and padded to the clearing.

Rainkit nodded and followed, knowing she couldn't go, but didn't care.

"A little while ago border patrol returned with two rogues," Gracestar flicked her tail to the two cats at the base of the root. "The rogues were inside the territory. They say that they want to join our clan. "Gracestar announced.

Mutters of disagreement rang throughout the clearing.

"I'm giving them a chance to explain why." She yowled.

A well built tortioshell Tom stepped forward. Rainkit could see his muscles rippling beneath his pelt.

"I am Harley! And this," He nodded towards the white and ginger shecat. "Is Kassidy. We want to join the clans because we have met multiple clan cats in our lifetime and your way of living interests us. We know of your warrior code and feel that it's a noble and fair set of rules." He meowed. "We wish to join SpiritClan in hope that we will finally live in peace."

Gracestar nodded. "Thank you, Harley. I have decided that you can stay for a quarter moon as guests. During this quarter I will decide if you can stay. This is also so you can decide if you truly want this. You don't have to hunt or anything, just observe. We will provide food and shelter."

Gasps of shock came from the crowd.

"Are you sure about this?" Eaglecry asked the leader.

Gracestar nodded. "I am. Foxfang, organize a small group to make their nests and get them some prey. Make sure they are treated kindly. And don't forget you two, this quarter moon is for us to decide wether you stay or not. Your not members yet."

Harley nodded. "We understand. "

Foxfang nodded as well. "I'll do my best, Gracestar."

Gracestar flicked her tail."Meeting is dismissed."

Rainkit sat in utter confusion. Why is Gracestar just letting two strange cats into Spiritclan?' She thought,then shook away the question.

She watched as the two cats settled in. They're up to something...

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