Chapter 1

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The sound of running feet echoed, a four year old girl with black hair ran after her elder siblings, struggling to keep up with them. "Come on, Livia!"The panther beastman male ahead of her calls. "Shadow, you're all too fast!"Livia cried. She gasped, tripping over a tree root, landing face first on the grassy ground. She lifted her head, watching as her siblings ran out of view, heading to the flower field. "Th-They left me!"Livia wailed tears falling down her cheeks, staining her dress. "Why are you crying?" She froze and turned, finding a tall male with black hair and horns staring down at her, curiosity evident on his face. A red haired fae peeked out from behind them, looking curious. She stared at him, then bursted out into tears again, startling the two faes. "D-Don't cry little one!"The redhead says picking her up. He patted her back, Livia sniffling as her tears slowed down.

"She's a cry baby isn't she, Talon?"The horned male asks. "Malleus!!"The redhead gasped when Livia trembled. "WAHHHHHHHHH!" Talon flinched, quickly patting the crying toddlers back, his eyes wide as he tried to calm the wailing girl. "Let me see"Malleus says. He grabbed the bow on the back of Livia's dress, a screaming wail coming from her. "M-MALLEUS NOT LIKE THAT!!"Talon cried horrified at the sight before him. "I-I CAN'T BREATH!!"Livia wailed flailing her hands. "Why can't she breath?"Malleus asks surprised. Talon snatched Livia from Malleus, quietly shushing her as he calmed the crying girl. He smiled, whispering soothing words to the sniffling girl. "There we go, you're such a strong girl, not many children cry as much as you do"Talon smiled patting her back. She gripped his sleeves, Malleus staring at her his eyes glowing, his body stiffening when a black haired woman with leafy green eyes appeared behind Livia. "Alya."Malleus stared stunned.

He gritted his teeth, glaring at Livia, causing shivers to go down her spine at the sight. "Talon, get her out of here!!"Malleus commands angrily. "M-Malleus?"Talon says confused. Livia tightened her grip on Talon, feeling as if invisible hands were gripping her heart, trying to snatch it right out of her chest. Malleus glared at her, a furious look on her face. "You're the reason she isn't resting in peace..."Malleus says lowly. "Malleus, she's just a child! She doesn't know anything about what happened"Talon retorts realizing what was happening. Malleus stared Livia down, then looked away scowling. "Hand her to me, now"Malleus commands holding his hands out. "NO!" Livia clung to Talon, her body trembling in fear of the strange male. "Does she not want snacks?"Malleus asks. Livia reached for Malleus, her attitude changing instantly when he mentioned giving her snacks. Malleus carefully held her the way Talon had done, her arms wrapped around his neck. "Come on"Malleus says walking away.

He carried her in his arms, Livia feeling uncomfortable with the male. "Prince Malleus, may I come closer?!!"Talon calls out, standing eighty steps away from them. "Take another eighty steps back!"Malleus yells. Livia blinked, watching Talon deflate like a balloon at the command given to him. She perked up, noticing a statue of a woman nearby, Malleus stopping to look at it for a brief moment, his grip on her tightening enough to suffocate her. "M-Malleus, you're hurting me.."Livia wheezed out, struggling to breath. His grip on her tightened more for a moment, before he finally let up, the air rushing into her lungs. "Your majesty!"Talon yells. "You may come closer!"Malleus calls. A sigh of relief reached her ears, Talon walking into view, a smile on his face. "Carry her"Malleus orders tossing Livia over to Talon. Livia wailed, the prince looking sharply at her alarmed, his eyes widening. "You're terrible with children!"Talon scolds Malleus looking at him in disbelief.

Talon carried Livia in his arms after calming the girl down once again, Malleus walking ten steps ahead of them, no doubt trying to put distance between him and the young girl. "In here, Talon"Malleus orders. Talon sped up, hurrying after him into the room, gently setting Livia down on the couch across from Malleus. Livia stared at the baked goods, feeling as if she hit the jackpot. Her mothers sweets were the best, but she rarely got to eat them because her parents said it'd be bad for her baby fangs to be exposed to so much sugary sweetness. "Eat"Malleus commands. She smiled nervously, grabbing a lemon tart. Malleus stared her down, Talon glancing between them worriedly. "Who made your dress?"Malleus asks. "Papa went to a tailor and got me dresses made! My Papa is the best!"Livia beamed her eyes sparkling happily. "B-But I bet your tailor makes the best clothes..hehe"Livia adds nervously, Malleus raising a brow looking amused.

"Who's your parents?"Malleus asks. "Lilia and Thea Vanrouge!"Livia beamed excited at the mention of her mother and father. Malleus continued to stare her down, until what she said finally clicked, shock appearing on his face. "You're Lilia's child"Malleus demands stunned. "Yes! My Papa is the best Papa ever! Nobody can rival him!"Livia beamed Talon chuckling at how adorable she was being right now. "Livia!" Lilia rushed in, relief on his face. "Papa!"Livia beamed getting up. She ran over to him, Lilia smiling down at her. "Papa! The others left me behind and Mister Malleus found me! He made me cry lots but he brought me here and gave me sweets!"Livia beamed patting her fathers legs excitedly. "Sweets..."Lilia says Malleus quickly looking away when her father eyed him. Lilia checked her fangs, but smiled when he found nothing. "Those will make your baby fangs hurt"Lilia scolds. "But I like sweets!"Livia whines Talon chuckling again.

"Lilia"Malleus says suddenly, looking at the fae. "I want Livia to be raised here, with me as her guardian"Malleus requests. Lilia hugged Livia, startling her with how tight it was. "You want her"Lilia says looking nervous. His grip on her suddenly loosened, Livia blinking twice. "What about Cynthia?"Lilia asks. Malleus and Talon looked at each other, both equally confused before looking back at him. "Who's Cynthia?"Malleus asks. Lilia's eyes widened, realization flashing across his face. He looked down at Livia, placing a hand on her head. " can take care of her, only until she turns eleven.."Lilia bargains. "So that's seven years..alright"Malleus nodded. "And no sweets! She'll hurt her baby tooth!"Lilia scolds. "No sweets"Malleus agrees Livia pouting, her arms crossed over her stomach. Lilia picked her up, carrying her out of the room. Livia waved, Talon smiling as he waved back to her, Malleus narrowing his eyes at the waving child.

The sound of crickets filled the air, Lilia smiling as he tucked Livia into bed. "The monsters gone, he's on the run..and your daddy's here"Lilia sang softly, Livia smiling as she drifted off. "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl"Lilia smiled. He pressed a kiss to her cheek, and left the room, leaving her door cracked open. He sighed, touching his head, wondering what was going on. Malleus would have met Cynthia around the same time he found Livia, and would have took her in and raised her himself until she was twelve, which was when Livia begged to be let out of the cottage. It was also the day their world was turned upside down, all because of Cynthia's selfishness. "If I let Malleus care for Livia, everything will change no doubt"Lilia mutters. He looked at Livia's room, and sighed, hoping his theory was right, since there would be no fourth chance for his daughter to survive.

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