Chapter 16

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Livia smiled as she ran through the halls, Talon following behind her. She opened the door to the queens room, Maleficia sitting in bed, a dark blue haired male speaking with her. "Livia!"Queen Maleficia greets the man looking down at the child irked. "Flower crown, ta-da!"Livia beamed holding the gift up. "Thank you"Queen Maleficia smiled. "Lady Livia, we should head to your lessons, it's time for etiquette!"Talalon informs. "Okay!"Livia beamed. "Bye Gran Gran!"Livia giggled hurrying over to Talon. He picked her up, carrying her down the hallway, Livia waving to the queen. "Mayhem.."Queen Maleficia scowled. "You know it's bad to be near her..."Mayhem mutters looking hostile. "She's a child...and I believe that Livia isn't as bad as you all think her to be"Queen Maleficia sighed. She chuckled, causing the council member to perk up. "She's a little crybaby I'll say that but she's not downright evil."

Livia pushed the door open to her class and perked up, finding Nilo there holding an unrolled scroll his gaze fixed intently on it. "Mister Ratface?"Livia greets surprised. He whipped around alarmed, the scroll falling out of his grip. Livia stared as the item unrolled more, noticing the scroll had a sketch of a smiling young man holding scrolls the name 'Revan' written underneath it. "Focus!"Nilo snapped rolling the scroll up. She flinched back in surprise, Nilo walking past her. "N-Nilo?!"Talon says alarmed to see him. "You, stay! I'm taking her out for a hands on lesson"Nilo says coldly. Livia looked at Talon then walked after the Council Head. Nilo scowled, glaring at the ground as they headed outside. She caught up to him as the man stopped by a rocky slope, Nilo glancing down at her. "Climb it." She looked up at him, shuffling forward as she looked at the rocky slope. She started walking up, but slipped, falling onto her bottom.

"Get up"Nilo orders narrowing his eyes. She glanced at him, wondering why he was being so rude but perked up noticing a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. She got up, climbing the slope again, starting to slip. A hand caught her, gently pushing her up to the top as Nilo followed. She stared, watching the man scale the slope with ease. He walked past her and leapt over a log, walking forward without problem. Livia blinked then leaped up, sinking her nails into the log, hauling herself up and quietly landing on the other side. Chuckling made her turn, Nilo smiling slightly watching her. The man perked up and cleared his throat, walking away with her trailing after him. He stopped, noticing a few of the soldier trainee's going at it in on the Dirt Grounds. "What are they doing?"Livia asks. "Training"Nilo says. He took her hand, and spun her, releasing her small hand sending her crashing down on her butt. "Hey!"Livia protests pouting. He snorted, the amused twinkle in his eyes becoming more visible.

She got up and rammed her head into his leg, Nilo looking curiously down at her his amusement growing, emitting from his body. "You're challenging me?"Nilo smirked no doubt finding this the funniest thing to have happened to him. "If the face fits"Livia teased. He flipped her over onto her back, grinning as she got up and chased after him when he ran off. Livia stopped and hurried over to a small bird. "Cub?"Nilo says walking over. He perked up, noticing the baby bird and picked the critter up, placing it back in the nest as the mother returned. "Good eye"Nilo praised patting her head. He walked beside her, then stopped standing still. "Nilo?"Livia blinked. "Come here and stand still"Nilo beckons. She bounded over, standing beside the man curiously, Nilo gesturing to the ground. She looked down, feeling feint rumbling. "WOAH!"Livia beamed running off. Nilo stared, then walked after her. "Just like Revan"Nilo smiled his expression softening.

Livia skidded to a halt, her eyes wide as soldiers ran past, a few grappling with each other. Henry ran into view, and glared at her in disgust. Billy looked over and waved, only for Henry to slap his shoulder warningly. The two took off after the soldiers, Livia staring at them. "Why'd you bring me outside?"Livia asks Nilo standing beside her. "You remind me of three little someones, you look like the first, act like the second and you're somewhat just like the third"Nilo smiled. "Who's the third one?"Livia asks. "An old apprentice of mine, Revan, when he was younger he'd follow me around whenever Lilia and Ambert ran off to find Duke and Cobra....I remember trying to make him give up on always trailing after me, but the tyke kept up the whole time"Nilo grinned. Livia nodded, looking thoughtful as she watched the soldiers. "Come"Nilo smiled. He ran off, Livia flinching in surprise then chased after him.

Nilo passed up the soldiers, a smile on his face, Henry staring at him amazed. Livia laughed, Nilo looking back at her. "Come on, let's see what you got kid!"Nilo calls. She smiled and started speeding up, Billy smiling slightly surprised. She bounded over to him, Nilo grinning in amusement. The two laughed, smiles on their faces as they raced through the field. Nilo nudged her, the two splitting off from the others, heading back along the path. "Oh look!"Livia yells waving her hands at the grass, butterflies fluttering into the air. Nilo stared down at her, then moved in a quick turning motion, his robes brushing against the grass, sending butterflies up into the air. A grin appeared on his face as he looked down at Livia, watching her leap around. The child leaped through a shallow river, then squealed in surprise when he splashed her. She laughed, chasing after the man. She kicked up water, Nilo laughing in amusement when she slipped and fell onto her side.

She tossed water up at him, the man chuckling. "Sneaky cub!"Nilo grinned. He pushed her through the river, laughter filling the air from the two. "Alright, we better head back"Nilo chuckles. She reached up to grab his hand but stopped, flicking her ears. He glanced down at her and grabbed her hand, walking beside her. Clouds rolled in above them turning grey, lightning striking in the distance. "Stars above, I think the prince is in a foul mood"Nilo says. "Sister!" Silver ran over and hugged her tight. He glared up at Nilo, tightening his grip on Livia. "Nobody knew where you went! We're all worried sick!"Silver scolds looking down at her. "Me and Mister Nilo went on a nature walk!!"Livia beamed her eyes sparkling. "Nature walk?"Silver says. He eyed her clothes, noticing both she and Nilo were soaking wet. "We had a splash war!"Livia beamed Nilo chuckling in amusement.

Maleficia glared at Nilo, her eyes glowing. "You said you wanted to teach her, you didn't mention taking her outside the castle"Queen Maleficia scowled. Nilo chuckled in fearful amusement, Thea holding Livia in her arms with narrowed eyes. Livia blinked, looking surprised, her head tilted to the side. "DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS??! I DIDN'T KNOW WHERE ON EARTH YOU TWO WENT!!"Queen Maleficia demands shaking Nilo, gripping his robes collar, the man looking apologetic. "Apologies, apologies"Nilo chuckled patting her shoulder. She sighed, giving him a look. "You're not off the hook"Queen Maleficia scowled. "M-May I be put down now?"Talon asks Malleus using magic to hold his personal guard upside down. "No, you may not!!"Malleus snarled lightning striking outside. Talon sighed, a single tear threatening to fall. "I deserve this I guess"Talon says Lilian giggling in amusement. Livia yawned, closing her eyes, falling asleep, Thea placing a hand on her head.

Bronze sat in his study, biting his nail looking nervous. "Father, are you alright?"Florina asks. "Oh yes! I'm fine dear"Duke Bronze chuckled smiling at his daughter. Florina stared at him concerned, until her mother called her name. "Coming Mother!"Florina calls hurrying down the hall. Bronze looked down, remembering what Lilia told him about Claire and Missy. "I don't remember much, all I remember is smelling freshly grown roses when I was near the two, then I blacked out." Bronze glanced out the window, remembering only four people knew the location of wherever Lilia goes when he's traveling. Thea always knew, because she was his wife and he never wants to worry her. Malleus is always informed as well, in case he drops by. Bronze, himself, always wishes his associate farewell. Lastly, Owen who always stuck his nose in Lilia's business no matter what it was. "Freshly grown roses?"Owen mutters bouncing his leg thoughtfully.

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