Chapter 19

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Thea smiled laying on her side, Livia mewing. "Shhh, Papa will be home soon"Thea giggled Kuro fast asleep with his little wings tucked over his head. Livia yawned and fell asleep, Thea smiling down at the six week old cub. She perked up, a shadow looming over her. "Duke Owen, hello!"Thea beamed. "Hello, Lady Thea, how are you"Duke Owen chuckled walking over. "I can move again if that's what you're wondering, Lilia is out by the way"Thea giggled. "Maybe he's seeing the others..."Duke Owen mutters slyly. "Others?"Thea blinked. "Yes, surely your husband told you did he not"Duke Owen says curiously. "He hasn't told me anything really..not since the Mutiny War..."Thea mutters. "You'll find out one day"Duke Owen grinned. "Owen!" Owen smiled, Lilia glaring at him. "Lilia-"Duke Owen starts. "GET AWAY FROM MY WIFE!! DON'T EVER TALK TO HER!!"Lilia snapped Owen flinching startled. "I DON'T WANT YOU NEAR HER OR LIVIA!! GET. LOST!"Lilia spat. Owen sighed, and turned away. "You'll meet them soon Thea"Duke Owen says.

Thea yawned and opened her eyes, flicking her tail back and forth, hearing the sound of footsteps in the kitchen. She got up, her ears flattened back as she silenced her footsteps. Golden peeked out of his room, looking curious. "Lilia?" Lilia flinched and whipped around but relaxed when he saw her. She stared at him, and stepped closer. "Can I ask you something"Thea mutters hoping he wouldn't lie to her. She knew. She knew about Claire and Missy, her mind reading was very weak but she still saw feint images of the two in his head. "What is it?"Lilia asks. "Is there anyone besides me..that you've been spending time with?"Thea asks. He stared at her, looking confused until the meaning behind her clicked. "No, there's no one! Has Owen been back here?!"Lilia responds alarmed. "No, I just had a's not a big deal"Thea answers. She turned and walked away, her eyes shifting to a dull grey with a hint of red around her pupils.

Livia sat in the garden, drawing a Light Spirit Fairy, a book open beside her. A shriek of pain made her stop, looking curiously towards the noise. The child got to her feet, heading to the source, finding Henry picking on Chrisy, Billy trying to stop him. "MOVE WEAKLING!!"Henry yells shoving Billy down, causing the boy to scrape his arm.  Chrissy shrieked in alarm, Henry grabbing her hair. "Leave them alone, weakling." Henry froze and whipped around. Livia held a bear sized boulder over her head, her eyes glowing green, a feint horned figure appearing behind her. She slammed the rock down, missing Henry as he screamed in fear leaping backwards. "IDIOT!!!!! YOU UGLY IMBECILE!!!!!!! GET OUT OF HERE!! NOW!!"Livia roared at him. Purple lightning struck the ground, Henry dodging looking alarmed. "YOU'RE EVIL!!"Henry yells running away. Billy stared in alarm, his eyes wide. "Chrissy! Chrissy are you okay?!"Livia asks her eyes turning back to blue, the figure fading.

Chrissy sobbed, Livia hugging her  tight. "Here." A small glow startled her, Billy standing there with phoenix wings on his back, his hair in a braid. He hovered his wing over them, looking at Chrissy concerned. Owen scowled, watching the three kids. "My son can't do one simple thing, useless brat"Duke Owen huffed. "Hello, Council Member Owen." He flinched, a cloaked figure with glowing red eyes standing beside him, shocking the man. "Let's talk." The figure grabbed his wrist, dragging the man to a more private area of the castle, and tossed Owen down. The cloak fell, Ambert grinning down at Owen, the red glow in his eyes getting brighter. "Ambert, how?!"Duke Owen stared. "Shhhh, I wanna get rid of Lilia's brat as much as you do"Ambert smiled. Owen stared, Ambert kneeling down in front of him. "And the best way to do that is get her sent off the Blackmarket Auction, they'd never be able to locate her if you also put a cloaking spell on her"Ambert grinned. Owen stared then smiled. "Alright."

The sound of laughter filled the air, Livia sitting with Seon, Florina and Billy, a wide smile on her face. "Hey kids"Baul greets coming over with Sebek. Sebek had been allowed to attend their classes! Which she was so happy about because it meant she'd get to see him more often than not. He sat down beside her, Seon and Billy staring at him silently. "Class"Nilo greets. He raised his hands and clapped twice, smiling when they clapped back. "I hope you all did your work, I'm excited to see what you guys chose"Nilo smiled. "But first, let's wish Lady Livia and Lady Florina luck for tonight, it'll be their special night"Nilo smiled. Livia perked up, looking curious. "Tonight is the night where you find out what's the most special about you, your own special ability"Billy explains. "Mines is Venom, I can create different kinds of venom from my fangs"Seon says. "Mines is fire control, which makes sense for me"Billy smiled looking proud.

"I'm gonna have mines with you Livia!"Florina beamed holding Livia's hand looking excited for tonight. Livia smiled wide, turning sparkling eyes to Sebek, wanting to know what his was. "Lightning..."Sebek says looking flustered by her excitement. "Silvers special thing is animal communication, but everyone already knew that, Maria's is herbal growth, Shadow is a Darkness Hunter, and Golden had incredible strength and stamina"Sebek went on. "Elikai and Barin are also gonna have theirs tonight as well"Sebek adds. "That's great!"Livia beamed. She looked down, hoping her special thing was as great as her elder siblings. "Class, time to show off your homework!"Nilo smiled. Livia unrolled her paper, Nilo looking at her amused knowing no doubt that was sorta his fault since she's always seen him with scrolls in hand. "Who want's to go first?"Nilo asks. "Oh, Can I go?!"Sebek asks raising his hand. "Of course, come stand beside me"Nilo grinned.

The sound of gentle breathing filled the air, Duke sleeping curled up, like a cat his head resting on his wrists. He yawned, waking up when he heard Livia's mind. "Gran Gran Maleficia made peach tea! I don't wanna miss getting some!" It was always interesting and highly amusing whenever he was able to hear her thoughts. Even boring filled days in this cell were made brighter listening to his niece's always excited thoughts, since she never really had any negative ones. "Of course, Lilia wouldn't want his kid to grow up like him"Duke grinned. He let out a bark of laughter, scaring the birds perched on the cell bars. He knew more than most that Lilia loved all his kids but Livia did hold a special place in his heart. He perked up, hearing another mind. "Should I give Livia flowers?" Duke blinked, then realized it was the Sebek boy. Strong love filled the boys mind, making the man frown. "Crushing on ma niece, hmph"Duke grumbled. He flinched and yelled in alarm as a vision hit him.

An older Livia smiled up at an older Sebek, his arm wrapped around her waist, holding her close. Sebek grinned down at her, chuckling when she took his hand, allowing him to press a kiss to the palm of it. "Yucky!" Livia laughed, Sebek pouting as she gently pushed him away. A small girl at least four or three years old with the same green hair as Sebek but magenta eyes glared at Sebek, clinging to Livia's dress. "Yucky Daddy kissing Mommy's hand!"The girl scolds. "Bella, be nice to Daddy"Livia chuckled. "Baba!" Sebek smiled, Talon carrying twin children in his arms. "Hey Vivian, Hey Ruggiero"Sebek smiled taking the twins from the guard. "It's time to go"Livia smiled. Talon bowed his head as the family walked to the twin doors. Galli and Vespin opened the doors, light shining through. "Welcome in Crowned Princess Livia Zigvolt and Left General Sebek Zigvolt alongside Princesses Bella and Vivian Zigvolt and Prince Ruggiero Zigvolt!" The group walked forward into the light, Livia and Sebek smiling at the other.

Duke shook his head and huffed, knowing that was a potential future that had a high chance of coming true. He pouted, flicking his ear not wanting his niece to get married to anyone even if she was an adult. He frowned, tapping his chin realizing that both Livia and Sebek were both twenty-two in his vision, and Belle was at least four or three. He frowned as he sat up, doing the math in his head. "That little sneaky-!"Duke gasped his eyes widening. He cut himself off, growling curses underneath his breath. His ears twitched rapidly, irritation waving off of him but he started laughing, wiping a tear away. "Alright Sebek Zigvolt I see you, mister smooth"Duke grinned flicking his tail. He wouldn't mind that future happening, since Livia looked happy with the male despite Belle probably being an accident. "Belle...she was so cute.."Duke mutters. He stopped and looked up, finding Bronze standing on the bar of his cell. "Can I talk to you?"Duke Bronze asks.

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