Chapter 23

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Lilia leaped from one branch to another, Baul following him. Silence engulfed the two, both equally worried. "How do we locate her? Do we have any idea of where she could be?"Baul asks suddenly. "Someone said one of the men had a black rabbit mask, they're no doubt from the blackmarket, but I don't know where any of the buildings are, nobody does but sick people who need to be cut down"Lilia responds. "So our searching will be futile?"Baul asks. The two landed, going silent. Lilia looked around, hoping they were going the right way, if what he remembered turned out to be true. He heard once a long time ago that following the trees with the black leaves in them would lead you to the auction house. Both had been following the leaves, but most of them were too spaced apart and now it felt like they were lost. "Did you hear that?!"Baul demands alarmed. Lilia turned, then whipped around when a blurred figure sliced the bark of a tree.

He stared, his eyes widening, knowing who this was. Ash Snapdragon, one of his best and more loyal soldiers during his time as general yet Ash retired when he was four hundred years old, turning into an assassin for an unknown person instead. "ASH!"Lilia yells. Another blur hit the bark of a tree, Baul staring in surprise. "He's leading us.."Baul comments stunned. The two ran after the blur, slash marks appearing on trees in front of them. Lilia slid and ran to his right, grey-ish blue hair flying past his face, almost sending him into a startled panic. "Ash, this isn't the time for jokes!"Lilia yells irked. Laughter echoed from the treetops, another slash appearing on a tree. He stopped, noticing the marks were gone. "Ash?!"Baul yells looking around. Rabbit masks hit the ground, the two perking up. Lilia grabbed his mask, a glowing mark appearing on the forehead part. The area in front of him rippled and vanished, revealing a large mansion like building. "Let's go.."Lilia nodded Baul narrowing his eyes.

Livia screamed, shielding her head as Benjamin sliced his sword across the back of one of the men. A hand grabbed her wrist, pulling her forward. She looked up, finding Lucien pulling her after him, Arzen following behind her. Masked men looked at the three as they rushed past, shock waving from them causing her to stumble. "STOP THEM!!" Arzen perked up, and threw himself in front of them both, an arrow piercing his leg. Lucien quickly lifted the male onto his back, running away down the dimly lit hall. Livia stopped, noticing a chained up dark purple haired girl her age. The unconscious girl was no doubt the one who was supposed to be killed tomorrow at midnight. "W-We gotta help her!"Livia cried. "No time! We can send back help we have until tomorrow night to do so!"Lucien says looking reluctant to leave the girl as well. "Come on!" She looked at the motionless girl, and hurried away. "I'll send help for you!"Livia swore. She ran after Lucien, struggling to keep up. Lucien grabbed her wrist, glancing down at her as he carried Arzen.

A sword came into view, Livia's eyes widening in alarm. A clang filled the air, a grey-ish blue haired man standing there, a cloak covering his left arm, the hilt a saber in his right hand. "Thank you sir.."Lucien stared looking stunned to see a man like this here. "Go, run out that back door over there"The man orders. He stared down at her, a twinkle of love and fondness in his eyes. "Th-There's a girl in chains back there, p-please help her or tell someone to save her!"Livia informs. "Of course." She smiled gratefully, and hurried after Lucien. Lucien rammed his shoulder into the door, knocking it open, the three kids heading into the woods. Arzen groaned from the pain in his leg, Livia managing to keep up with the two boys. Lucien stopped at a burrow underneath a rock, and slipped Arzen down into it. "Hide here, I'll lead them away, and come back"Lucien orders helping her down into the burrow. "No"Livia gasped missing his arm as he ran off.

She flinched at Arzens groan of pain, her body trembling from the small cold breezes that made their way in. She looked at the arrow in his leg worriedly, her hands trembling. "Please don't die, I don't want you to die"Livia pleaded. A bright glow came from outside the den, her eyes widening. Feet landed on the ground, causing her to scoot back, holding an arm out in front of her unconscious friend. "Child..I won't hurt you.." She perked up, cautiously peeking out. A man with long golden hair in a braid and green eyes stood there, a scar on the left side of his chin, along with a secondary scar reaching from his elbow to his wrist. The most strangest thing was the scar across his chest, it looked as if he had been slashed then stabbed mercilessly. "Is your friend hurt, bring him closer." She trembled, but felt waves of concern come from him so decided to trust him for now. She pulled Arzen out with some struggle, the man kneeling down curiously.

A small glow came from his hand, the arrow being pulled out of the boys leg, Arzen relaxing as the wound slowly closed till nothing was there. "He should wake up soon"The man says. "Lumion?" He froze and looked down at her stunned, Livia staring at him in disbelief. "You're dead.."Livia says. Lumion chuckled, smiling down at her. "Not as long as you're alive, little one"Lumion smiled patting her head. "I wish you luck." He smiled, golden clouds swirling around him. A elephant sized dragon stood there, green eyes staring down at her. He turned and lifted into the air, fading away as he glided into the clouds. Livia stared, noticing no stars were in the sky, and the moon was half visible. She perked up, a meteor shower making her eyes sparkle. "Livia!" She turned, finding Lucien running over. "Lucien!"Livia says relieved. He stared down at Arzen, touching the spot where the arrow was. "How?"Lucien stared. "A nice man helped us, he just left"Livia responds smiling slightly.

Lilia stepped over the unconscious men, Baul dropping one of the masked figures behind him. He perked up at the sight of Benjamin and Spencer. "Lilia"Benjamin greets cleaning his sword, Spencer kicking over one of the guys behind them. "We don't know where Livia went, but she took off with two boys"Benjamin informs. "Two boys?"Lilia echoes. "One was lean with white hair and red eyes, the other looked slightly more muscular, he had dark blue hair and stormy grey eyes"Spencer informed cleaning his blade. The four of them looked up, a golden glow startling them, as a ball of light appeared above them. A man with golden hair in a braid landed, emerald green eyes staring them all down. "WHO ARE YOU!"Baul demands alarmed. "Shhhh, child.."The man shushed putting a finger to his lips. Baul looked at him in offense, rage waving off him. "I am here to warn you, the child is in the woods with her friends but the hunt for them is raging"The man informs. "Hurry." He turned into a cloud of golden mist, vanishing.

Lilia perked up, a blur flashing past him down the hall into the darkness. "Let's go!" He followed Ash, unsurprised with how fast he had gotten, since he's always been like that during his soldier days and it irked Lilia nonstop when he used his speed to play 'harmless' pranks on him, Baul and the rest of his elite soldier squad. Lilia stopped when a flash of purple hair appeared in the corner of his eyes, noticing a girl in chains. "Let me see this!" He snatched Spencer's sword away, slicing through the bars easily. The girl coughed, opening her eyes her body trembling from the chains wrapped tightly around her. Her head lifted when she heard footsteps, staring at him. "She did send help, that strange girl kept her promise.."The child mutters stunned. "Livia"Lilia mutters perking up. He sliced the chains off and picked her up, her head resting on his shoulder. "Lilia?"Spencer stared as the male tossed his sword back to him. "Come, we gotta find them"Lilia orders heading down the hallway.

Livia hurried after Lucien, running through the woods, her hair flying around behind her. Lucien looked back to see if she was following, carrying Arzen on his back. Lamp lights appeared behind them, his eyes widening in alarm at how quick they caught onto his plan. "I SEE THEM!" Livia yelped, tripping over a tree root, falling face first into mud. "Liv!" She turned, a hand reaching for her. An arrow flew past her head, striking the man in the shoulder, the mans lamp hitting the ground. A maroon red haired man slid down, hurrying over gripping a bow nocked with an arrow. "You kids shouldn't be out at night! Follow me!"The man scolds. Lucien looked at her, giving her a 'we have no choice' look. "Let's go"Lucien says helping her stand. "Is Arzen heavy?"Livia asks as they hurried after the man. "No, he's as light as a feather, which is surprising..."Lucien answers. The man led them to a small cottage, opening the door, allowing them inside. "You kids hungry"The man asks shutting the door behind him.

Her stomach rumbled, Lucien looking down at her now worried. "You're so small for a jaguar cub, you need to eat a lot of food kid..."The man scolds gently. He walked to the fireplace, grabbing a few bowls. "Set your friend down on that sheep wool blanket." Lucien and Livia gently laid Arzen down, the boy smiling at the softness of the blanket. "Here, both of you eat, there's enough for you to have as much as you want"The man says handing them both bowls of chicken stew that had chopped veggies. "Thank you.."Livia mutters as he handed her a wooden spoon. He gently draped a blanket around her and the silent boy beside her. "Sir, we never got your name.."Lucien says. "Ogre..."The man answers. Livia giggled, Ogre looking amused. "I know, my name is funny"Ogre chuckled. He sat by the fire place, stirring the stew. "Don't be scared to ask for seconds, and get some sleep when you're all full"Ogre says. Livia and Lucien nodded to him, looking grateful. "Thank you, sir." Ogre glanced at Livia, noticing it almost seemed as if she didn't exist.

He couldn't feel anything from the child or see inside her head.

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