Chapter 29

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The sound of wailing filled a cottage, yawning coming from a figure as they walked to the room across from theirs. They pointed to a lamp, a ball of light appearing inside it, lighting up the room as a short haired male walked over to a crib. A black haired baby wailed, her ears flattened back. "Livia"The male says picking her up. He held her close, smiling slightly when she gripped her finger. "It's okay my baby"The male chuckled as Livia sniffed. "Lilia?" A pink haired woman peeked in, yawning tiredly. "I got her, you sleep Thea, you took care of Kuro last night, my dear"Lilia smiled. Thea smiled slightly and turned, walking back to their shared room. Lilia smiled, looking down at Livia. "Did you have a tummy ache? Is that why you're so fussy?"Lilia asks Livia starting to cry. He gently rubbed her stomach, a small glow coming from his finger pads. "It's okay, my baby"Lilia smiled. He gently laid her down in the crib, his expression softening. "Here"Lilia smiled creating a golden yellow flower. Livia babbled, causing her father to chuckle as he handed her the flower.

She gripped it in her tiny fist, staring at the flower. "We should've named you Flower"Lilia chuckled amused with how interested she looked with the plant. He stopped her from nibbling on the petals, gently holding her wrist down, keeping the flower from the babies mouth. A giggle came from the child, a bit of pollen on her face. "You're a little flower child, aren't you?"Lilia smiled wiping the pollen off Livia's face. Livia yawned, a little fang coming into view. "Ah, your jaguar teeth are coming in, no wonder you were so fussy"Lilia chuckled. He pulled the babies blanket up, tucking the sleepy child back in. "The monsters gone, he's on the run, and your daddies here"Lilia sang watching his baby drift off. "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl"Lilia smiled. Livia fell asleep, the flower slowly falling to the ground. Lilia caught it before it touched the floor, gently placing it beside Livia. "Good night"Lilia smiled getting to his feet. He pointed to the lamp, the ball of light going out. "Sweet dreams, my baby."

The sound of laughter woke Lilia, Thea trying to calm the laughing kids, Ralph and Golden trying to wrestle with the other. "Boys, calm down, don't stress your mother"Lilia scolds coming over and helping separate them. "If you stress her, you'll most definitely loose your unborn siblings, which would kinda be your fault"Cobra says bluntly. The kids stared at their uncle, then looked at Thea, their expressions ranging from shocked to guilty, to overprotective. "WE'RE SORRY MOTHER!!"Golden yells throwing his arms around the startled hybrid womans waist. "We won't do it again!"Lander cried tears falling down her cheeks. Lilia gave Cobra a look, the snake jaguar fae shrugging in response looking unbothered by the mess he caused. "That's how I taught Zelda, she learned her lessons the hard way most of the time.."Cobra says quietly. "And she became a jumpy and sassy kid.."Lilia huffed. "Sorry, old habits die hard.."Cobra sighed looking guilty now.

Laughter filled the air, Livia running after Benjamin through the garden of her uncle and grandfathers home. Her uncle stopped and caught her when she leaped into his arms, a grin on his face. "I heard you've been writing to your penpals! That's great!"Benjamin smiled. He held her with one arm, handing her a pink and purple box. She blinked and opened it, finding a tart inside. "It's a lemon blueberry tart, I heard from the queen that you favor lemon tarts, and these we're on limited time sale!"Benjamin smiled. "Thanks Uncle Ben!"Livia beamed. She pressed her cheek against his, her uncle laughing in delight. "Oh darling! All of the village lights have never shined as bright as your eyes"Benjamin smiled. He pressed a kiss to her cheek, Livia giggling. "LIVIA~~" Livia beamed, Spencer beaming as he took her into his arms, Benjamin huffing looking annoyed. Philly watched silently, a small smile of amusement on his face, his hands clasped behind his back.

"How's my adorable granddaughter doing today!"Spencer smiled. "I'm doing great! I have a playdate with Florina and her friend, she wants me to meet her"Livia beamed her eyes sparkling. "Then I shall take you"Benjamin says taking her from Spencer. Spencer glared at his son, Livia smiling nervously at the lightning bolt of tension for her affection appear between the two. "Let's go Uncle Ben!"Livia smiled deciding to make her grandpa jealous just for today. Benjamin grinned, looking smugly at Spencer. He held his hand out, ice rising from the ground, a bear sized ice made cheetah appearing. "Wow!"Livia gasped amazed. "Magic has limits, Livia, but you can push past them if you try"Benjamin smiled booping her nose. He leaped up, landing on the ice cheetah's back. "Let's go Flash!"Benjamin calls. Flash chirped and took off at full speed, leaping right over the cottage and dashing towards the town, people hurrying out of its way. "Awesome!"Livia cheered.

Florina stood outside, looking around then gasped in surprise as Benjamin set Livia down while he passed by. "MALLEUS WILL PICK YOU UP KIDDO!!"Benjamin yells waving as he took off on his ride. Livia beamed, her uncle vanishing from view. "That was amazing.."Florina giggled. "Uncle is the best, he's so cool"Livia giggled. She held Florina's hand, the two walking inside, Bronze looking at paperwork needing to catch up since he replaced Owen as a member of the royal council by order of Nilo himself as a reward for bringing forth evidence. "Hi Mister Owen!"Livia greets. "Livia, it's great to see you!"Duke Owen greets setting down a paper. He patted her head, giving her a warm smile. "Florina is Livia here?" A girl with teal green eyes walked in, pale peach hair reaching down to her waist. "Lacey! Meet Livia!"Florina beamed. Lacey stared at Livia, then smiled in greeting. "Hello Lady Livia, it's an honor to meet you in person"Lacey greets. Livia stared, feeling something off about Lacey.

Talon stared at Malleus in concern, noticing how quiet the prince had been for the last few days. "Malleus, shouldn't you go pick up Lady Livia?"Talon asks. "I sent Philly"Malleus asks having also scolded the guard about leaving Livia's side. He looked out the window at the setting sun, and got to his feet, hearing footsteps come closer Livia's giggling reaching his ears. "Malleus, I bring a gift!"Livia beamed. She held out a see through bag of cookies shaped like dragons, her eyes sparkling. "Thank you"Malleus mutters taking the cookies. He took her from Philly, carrying her to her room where Lilian greeted them, a new nightgown in her hand. "Malleus.."Livia says waves of regret and confusion coming from the silent prince. "Nanny Lilian can I talk with Malleus alone for a minute?"Livia asks. "Oh yes, but lets be quick"Lilian nodded. Malleus set the girl down on the bed, her eyes staying locked on him. "Is Malleus gonna send me back home to everyone?"Livia asks. "I...I don't know.."Malleua answers quietly.

She stared up at him, anger joining the regret and confusion. She reached out, placing her hands on his cheeks. The prince's eyes widened in surprise, blinking thrice at her stunned. His hands raised, placing themselves over her smaller ones. "I don't wanna leave Mal Mal yet...he promised to take care of me until I was eleven"Livia comments. "But-"Malleus starts. "He failed...and now he's gonna be able to do it right...he's gonna be able to do it right"Livia smiled tears falling down her cheeks. "Mal Mal will do great for the next six years.."Livia adds. He hugged her silently, Livia pressing her cheek against his, her ears twitching in relief at the happy feeling that came from the dark fae. The next six years she'd stay here with Malleus and Maleficia, making happy memories with them both until it was time for her to return home. "Thank you Beastie"Malleus smiled. He patted her head, a soft smile on his face. "You grow up just fine, and become whatever you so wish to be"Malleus says. "I will!"Livia nodded beaming

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