Chapter 34

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Nilo scowled, pacing around his study. The door swung open, Aural bursting into the room looking alert, Baul and Lilia rushing in behind him. "LADY LIVIA HAS BEEN BETROTHED??!"Aural demands looking fearful. "TO THAT AWFUL PRINCE??!"Baul demands Lilia beside him wearing the broach Livia had gotten him. "He forced it..and there's no way to get rid of it"Nilo says. "Aural, what about the Forever Pact?!"Lilia demands looking worried sick. "The pact won't be able to win against a marriage contract"Aural responds gripping his hair, looking close to fainting. "Livia WILL DIE if she marries that hot tempered brat! Who knows what he'll do to her the moment she's out of our sight!"Baul snapped. Nilo rubbed his temples, ideas flashing rapidly through his mind. "I need someone to bring me Seon"Nilo says figuring something out. "Seon, the snake fae...General Sage's little brother.."Aural says. "I'm gonna test a few poisons out, I need his help"Nilo says.

Livia sat across from Seon playing chess with him, feeling content with the males company, since being around him always made her feel so calm. The whole fiasco earlier with Prince Basen had pissed her off, so a bit of relaxation with one of her close male friends was what she needed. She tapped her chin abd moved her bishop. Seon moved his queen forward with an amused smile. "Checkmate"Seon teased. "WH-HUH??!" She stared at the chess board then groaned, slapping a hand to her head. He laughed, smiling at her in amusement. "No fair, you're too good, I bet there's nobody that can beat you"Livia sighed shaking her head. She looked as the sun started to set and stood up. "Thanks for coming"Livia smiled as the boy stood up. "No thank you, I've started learning more about colors after meeting you..."Seon says. He took her hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it. "See you tomorrow at the gathering"Seon smiled. She waved and sighed deeply.

A hand grabbed her wrist and whirled her around, pinning her against the wall. Edric stared down at her, a livid and murderous aura waving from him. "I heard you're getting married when you're of age..."Edric says coldly, narrowing her down. "Do you like guys like him?" She looked at him alarmed, the males eyes glowing. "What.."Livia demands. "TELL ME!! YOU REFUSED TO LOVE ME BUT NOW YOU'RE BETROTHED TO A SNOB NOSED BRAT!!!! IS HE YOUR TYPE!"Edric snapped tightening his grip in her wrists. "LET GO!"Livia yells. Thorns grew from the wall, aiming themselves at Edric's eyes and heart. He released her, looking alarmed. He scowled and waved his hand, the thorns burning to ashes. He grabbed her wrist, nearly breaking it as he dragged her out of the room. "LET ME GO!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!"Livia cried. He tossed her into a dark room and slammed the door shut, the sound of it locking reaching her ears. "I refuse to let you go with that brat..if this will keep you from leaving then so be it!"Edric spat.

She banged on the door, her eyes wide. "EDRIC!! LET ME OUT! I WAS FORCED!!"Livia yells pounding her fists against the door. "Let me out..."Livia mutters. A chirp startled her, her eyes widening as she turned, finding a teenage Whisper in a large bird cage. "Whisper...this is where they put you.."Livia mutters. Whisper chirped in response as she stepped closer, looking happy to see her. She walked over, shivering at the chill that suddenly filled the room. "Hey"Livia mutters. She stumbled forward, her vision starting to blur. She fell over, her skin starting to turn blue. Whisper chirped eyeing her, looking confused for a moment as ice started appearing across her body, the girl looking as if she was wilting. He let out a loud shrieking sound that echoed through the palace, alerting all the residents. "THAT DAMNED BIRD!!" "M-MALLEUS CALM DOWN!!" Silence followed, before a lock was heard the door swinging open. "LIVIA!!!"Talon cried rushing over. Malleus hurried over, using a heating spell. "GET BLANKETS!!"

Lilia paced by Livia's bed, staring at his unconscious daughter worriedly. "She'll wake up tomorrow afternoon.."Thea says looking worried. "Why'd she collapse..."Aural demands touching Livia's cheek with the back of his hand, frowning at the coldness he still felt. Thea glanced at Lilia, sensing fear, worry and resentment towards himself coming from the male. Maleficia eyed him then walked over and slapped the pacing fae outside his head, snapping him out of it. He looked at her alarmed, his eyes wide. "Lilia...explain, NOW." He rubbed the back of his neck, and sighed, looking defeated. "Livia doesn't do well in the cold, she'd collapse and die within minutes if her body feels the area around her is too cold...but it's gonna get worse now that she's a Thorn Controller and she's older.."Lilia explains. "Huh..."Talon frowned confused. "The older she gets the more likely she is to collapse in cold areas...and it doesn't help that she controls thorns which are a kind of plant..."Malleus clarifies.

"That's why I never let her go outside when it was cold...that's why I suggested a warmth spell be placed on the castle when winter comes around."Lilia says. "Six years...didn't tell us for six years, you idiot..."Nilo huffed. "I'm sorry...I didn't want anyone to use this weakness against her.."Lilia mumbles. "Understandable reason, I'd have done the same with Zeno, but still stupid.."Nilo grumbled. "How'd she end up in that room?"Baul demands feeling Livia's forehead, relaxing when he felt her warming up. The room door swung open, Seon dragging a paralyzed Edric into the room by his hair, his eyes narrowed, cuts and bruises across his body meaning he had been fighting. "Little brat! Remove this paralyzing poison!!"Edric snarled. Seon dropped the Dragon Spirit Lord, his eyes glowing. "Here's your culprit..."Seon says. "He locked her in that room, stating that he wasn't gonna let Livia leave with Basen..."Seon informs hauling Edric to his feet, side eyeing the man.

Livia stared, finding herself in the flower field. "LIVIA!" Mel hugged her tight, pressing kisses to her face. "M-Mel!!"Livia cried surprised. Mel smiled, Livia staring at her, tears pricking the corner of the womans eyes. "I was worried." Livia perked up, Mel hugging her tight. "Your father was an idiot for not telling everyone...but I was too worried about you to get angry"Mel says. Livia hugged Mel, since she hadn't seen the woman since all those years ago before her father had found her when she was kidnapped. "Livia." She looked up at Mel, staring at the tears of joy the woman shed. "Please thank Nilo and My mother for taking care of you..."Mel smiled. "How"Livia stared stunned. Mel held her hands up, five of Livias favorite memories with Talon and Maleficia appearing. The first showed a six year old Livia laying on the ground, Nilo and Maleficia sitting with her as she child drew pictures. The second was one of Maleficia laughing with Livia, on the girls sixth birthday, the two hugging with cake frosting on their cheeks.

The third memory showed an eight year old Livia with a chuckling Nilo, the two eating the shaved ice cream they snagged from the kitchen in which Nero had tried to steal hers. The fourth showed Nilo carrying a eight year old Livia on his back, giving her a piggyback as they went to visit Maleficia who laughed at the sight of the man acting like a nanny to the young girl. The last was a memory of a nine year old Livia laying asleep between the queen and the council head, the trio taking a nap together, Nilo moving the blanket off him to it covered the two. Mel smiled, looking at the memories as they swirled around them. "You're growing up so were so small before"Mel comments getting the girls attention again. Mel hugged her again, gentler this time. "Be careful though, Little Livia...your life is gonna be distrupted soon by someone you know, and you're gonna need to stand up and fight"Mel mutters. "If you need us, we're right here." Livia opened her mouth to ask who else was here, but Mel and the field faded away, sending her falling into the darkness.

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