Chapter 36

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Maleficia stared at an empty box, her eyes wide in disbelief. She fell to her knees, Nilo and Mayhem dropping down to one knee beside her. "Your majesty, we'll find it!"Mayhem promised. "Mal, it'll be alright!"Nilo swore looking worried. Livia stared, holding the oni demons child hand. "My lady look!"Lacey gasped pointing away. Livia whipped around, spotting two small cloaked figures taking off. "Take him"Livia commands handing the oni child to Philly. She took off, gripping her dress as she ran after the two figures, her eyes narrowed angrily. One of the figures tripped, falling flat on their stomach. The taller one grabbed their arm, but Livia grabbed them both. The hoods fell a blond haired girl and a white haired girl looking up at her fearfully. She stared in alarm, her blue eyes meeting gold and green. These two are Arielle and Pia, what in the name of the stars were they doing here in the castle. "Please don't hurt us!"Arielle cried hugging Pia.

"The nice man said he'd convince our uncle to feed us if we acted as a diversion.."Pia mutters clinging to Arielle. "You're hungry..."Livia stared feeling anger bubble inside her. She pursed her lips together and narrowed her eyes. A rat baiting two girls to do his dirty work by offering them the chance to eat. She hated people like that, people who used a weakness against someone. "GUARDS!" The two girls flinched as a group of guards came over, Livia looking at them. "Send guards to every part of the castle! A rat used these starving girls as a diversion baiting them with food! Question guests, check bags and pockets, and don't let anyone leave!"Livia commands. "My friends, take them to a separate room and make sure Kalim and Jamil are able to reach the carriage safely"Livia adds. She looked at Arielle and Pia, the two girls looking at her surprised. "Have the kitchen prepare a meal for these two as well." She held her hands out to the children, smiling softly. "We'll get you two new clothes and a bath"Livia smiled.

The two girls grabbed her hands, looking up at her as she walked away with them down the hallway. "What's your guardians name?"Livia asks. "Lord Barry..."Pia answers. She stopped and looked at the guards. "You heard them....have that man arrested for child neglect and attempted murder.."Livia says. "Lady Livia, these kid-"A guard started. "Isn't near starving children attempted murder, they can die from not eating, correct?"Livia grinned a glint in her eyes. The guards perked up, then bowed their heads. "It shall be done!" She turned and continued on her way. "Good"Livia says. She beckoned to Isabella, her lady in waiting coming over curiously. "Give these two a bath and dress them in my old clothes I stored away"Livia orders. She pointed at Lacey and made a 'follow me' gesture. The two walked away, Isabella taking the two girls to get washed and changed. "Forget about just gathering info on Theo first...I want info on all the children..."Livia says.

"I should've gathered info on all of them, I wanted to get Theo first since he becomes the leader of their rebellion against the kingdom...but now I see...all of the children are equally as dangerous because they're going through something painful..."Livia says. She glanced down, remembering how scared she was to be around people outside her family. She could sense the fear and hatred from everyone around her, but she felt safe in the arms of her loved ones, the ones who'd be there for her whenever she needed them. "I can have information gathered before you go to grab Theo.."Lacey smiled. Livia nodded, lifting her hand and flipping her hair back over her shoulder. "Didn't find the culprit?" She scowled as Basen walked over, Lacey looking unamused by the boys smug look. "I always knew your security was weak but I didn't think it was this weak!"Prince Basen smirked. She clenched her fists, getting sick of hearing this boys voice already.

She walked forward, Basen smiling. "Have you accepted me as your husband to be? Gonna kneel down and clean my boots?"Prince Basen asks. "Maybe"Livia giggled a hand on her hip. She smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek, startling him and Lacey. Her hand flew up, slapping the same spot where she kissed, sending the boy stumbling backwards. "Kiss revoked.."Livia says wiping her hand off on her dress disgusted. She wiped her lips with a handkerchief and threw it onto his head, Basen staring in disbelief as the cloth hung from the side of his head. She walked past him, Lacey smiling as she followed. "You're quite the meanie when you can be"Lacey smiled. "I learned from a few people"Livia grinned having seen how Maleficia and Nilo can get whenever they wanted to put someone in their place. "Two two days we'll go get Theo, if Sebek does his part right"Livia says. "Will he?"Lacey asks. "Yes, he will, I trust that he can do it"Livia nods.

Sebek sat across from Benjamin, looking at info on Duke Cole, his eyes wide in disbelief. There were several theft charges that had been buried because nobody could prove it was really him. "How is he able to get away with all of this?!"Sebek demands looking at Spencer and Benjamin. "We have no idea kid, even if we did you only came here to get info on him as per Livia's request, so we have the right to remain silent.."Benjamin answers coldly. "Be lucky I even allowed you to step foot into my home"Spencer says. Sebek narrowed his eyes, knowing Spencer and Benjamin through his grandfather. Baul would call the two Ice Demons since they act as if they have frozen hearts towards anyone who's not part of their family. Benjamin was right, they only helped him because Livia needed their help. But, he promised her that he'd do what he can to aid her whenever she asks. "IF YOU KNOW TELL ME!!"Sebek commands getting to his feet. "I'm not leaving here until I have enough info to tell Livia!"Sebek went on.

Two guards grabbed his arms, his eyes widening in alarm. "Throw him out"Benjamin orders. "I PROMISED HER!!" He snatched his arms away, glaring at the two men before him. "I promised her I'd help anyway I can...I refuse to go back on my promise because you both wanna be cold, selfish and cruel to anyone who's not family!"Sebek shouts. Benjamin stared at him, looking curious. "SO IF YOU KNOW TELL ME!!"Sebek commands. A blade appeared pointed at his throat, the cold metal against his skin causing him to stiffen in alarm. Benjamin stared him down with narrowed eyes, Spencer crossing his legs. "You got guts shouting at us...I could remove your head with a single swing and risk your grandfathers wrath..."Benjamin says lowly. He moved the blade away, smiling down at him. "I admire your spirit Sebek." Benjamin sat down and beckons for him to sit. He sat down, feeling nervous. "We'll tell you what you know, as a reward for your reckless bravery"Benjamin smiled.

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