Season 2 chapter spoilers

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"The queen shall be informed of everything I found here, expect a severe punishment"Livia informs. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!"Cole yells grabbing her shoulder, forcing her to face him. The blade of a sword appeared by the mans neck, stopping him in his tracks. Sebek glared at him, his eyes narrowed. "Don't...touch her.."Sebek warns. Livia flipped her hair over her shoulder and turned away. "Come Theo, Sebek"Livia orders. She walked out of the room, Theo gripping her hand tight. Sebek sheaths his sword and followed them, slamming the room doors behind the trio. "W-Will I be punished to?"Theo asks looking up at her. "No, you'll be protected, don't worry about getting into trouble"Livia smiled. "Yes, you're innocent"Sebek nodded Theo glancing at him.

A shriek of livid rage filled the throne room, Maleficia scowling. "He. Did. What?!"Queen Maleficia demands. "He stole the necklace and gave it to the maid, who is no doubt Theo's real mother"Livia explains. "How did you come to that conclusion?"Nilo asks curiously. "Do you think noble fae like Duke Owen and Duke Cole are likely to give their maids jewelry? Unless, they were secretly together"Livia smiled her eyes glowing. Nilo grinned, looking proud of her. "Mayhem, take a small squadron of guards and have Cole arrested alongside Kira"Nilo commands. "Yes"Mayhem nodded. He shot Livia an impressed grin as he walked past, getting a small smile from her. "Theo, correct?"Nilo asks. "Y-Yes, that's me!"Theo nodded. "I'll be in charge of you Arielle and Pia's lessons, we won't do a joint class since you'll need to get used to living here"Nilo smiled kneeling down before the child. Theo stared, noticing the warm and welcoming smiles on the faces of the people present in the room. He smiled and nodded, Livia placing a gentle hand on his head.

"1 and 2 and 3 and 4 now bow!" Livia twirled and courtesy's Nilo, a smile on her face. Theo stared in amazement, Isabella giggling at his twinkling eyes. "Again"Nilo smiled looking approving. Livia gripped her dress and twirled once, her eyes closed. She leaped to the left, a smile on her face as she twirled. Nilo stepped forward, grabbing her hands, the two moving around the classroom. He twirled her, then switched hands, giving her a gentle pull to the right. She twirled and courtesy's him, Nilo clapping. "Very impressive Livia! Your mother was an amazing dancer as well when she was your age"Nilo chuckled clapping. "Thank you Nilo!"Livia beamed. Galli walked in, Isabella walking over to him. He leaned down, whispering into her ear, getting a nod from the girl. "My Lady, next is tea time with Malleus, afterwards you'll have time to mirror call Kalim then you are to have a private dinner with the queen"Isabella informs. "Thank you"Livia nodded. She took a sip of water, Theo staring up at her with sparkling eyes. "I-I wanna learn to dance as gracefully as you did, Lady Livia!"Theo announces. 

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