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Jacks doctor walked in.
"Oh, Hello Doc what you got for me?", Jack said.
"Well, Mr. Sean I have some good news", The doctor says with a smile on his face.
"You will be able to go home today, apparently I did not look at the charts right your bones have still not healed but we will get you into a cast and you and your friends will get to head back home", the doctor says.
"Okay, let's go ahead and get the cast Mark you and Maddie go to the waiting room", Jack said.
"Okay", Mark said. We got up and walked out of the room. Mark lead me down a long corridor to another larger room. This had more chairs and vending machines. No one else was there.
"Hey you want some M&Ms?", Mark asked pulling out a dollar.
"Sure", I replied taking a seat in one of the chairs. I pulled out my phone and played some games like Crossy Road. I would have Five Nights At Freddy's on there but I did not have money. Defiantly not a credit card.
Mark sat down next to me and we shared a bag of M&Ms.
"Mark, have you talked to your fans lately?", I asked.
"Yea, a few on twitter but most were asking what happened", Mark replied grabbing a handful of M&Ms.
"Okay, good". I said.
"Wade called me and told me that you had called, he said for us to not get too sad and to tell Jack hi for him", Mark said.
"Oh, I really miss Wade", I said.
"We will see him the day after tomorrow, don't you worry. Have you ever gone to comic con?", Mark asked.
"No, but ever since I stumbled on your channel and saw that you went to comic con I have always wanted to go", I said with a smile. I held his hand and we waited for Jack to come out.
Then a nurse walked in and said that we could see Jack.
"Shut up nurse.."Mark mumbled. I giggled.
We walked back to Jacks room and opened his room door we entered to see Jack starting to get out of bed. He had crutches and a green cast.
"You guys want to sign my cast", Hack offered.
"Sure", I said. Jack handed me a sharpie. I quickly signed it then passed it to Mark who signed it.
"You ready to go home Jack", I asked.
"Yea, back to your guys place", Jack said.
"Yay", I said. Jack started to use his crutches to get around. I held the door open for him and he went down to the lobby and out the door. Me and Mark looked at each other. Jack could sure get around easily on crutches. When we walked out of the hospital Jack had already signaled a cab.
"Come slow pokes", Jack said climbing in to the cab. Jack sat in the middle of me and Mark.
"Any of you guy want to partake in some fast food?", Mark asked. I giggled.
"Yea, I could eat, unless it's more hospital food because that stuff is nasty", Jack said.
"How bought Mc Donald's?", I recommend.( i don't know if there is a Mc Donald's in Ireland but please just go with it)
"Sure", Mark and Jack said.
"I could go for a burger", Jack said.
"Then it's settled, sir can you please take us to Mc Donald's?", Mark said addressing the cab driver.
"Sure thing sir", The mans said. He started driving and in about 5 mins we were there.
"I have time sir would you just like to go through the drive thru", the guys asked driving the cab.
"Yes please if you don't mind", Jack said. "My led kind of hurts",.
"Okay", the mans said driving the cab.
He pulled up to the box and a lady's voice came through.
"Welcome to Mc Donald's can I please take you order?",.
Mark rolled down the window.
"Yea, can we please get four double cheese burgers only ketchup and four cokes, please", Mark said.
"Sure thing sir that will be 10.00", the lady said. (Like I said kind of forgot what currency they use in Ireland)
We drove up to the window. A lady who was dressed in a uniform came to the window with a smile on her face.
"Oh my god, your Markipler, and is that Jacksepticeye?", The lady said.
"Yes it is, mame", Mark said with a cheesy smile.
"Well here is your food and I will pay for it. You guys do so much good that you guys don't need to pay, I got it", The lady said handing a paper bag to us.
"Are you sure?", Mark said.
"Yea, you guys are my heroes and you do a lot for me so now it's time for me to do some thing for you", the lady replied.
"Thank you so much", Mark and Jack said together. We drove away and Mark went through the bag and handed out the food.
"Sir, I ordered you a burger do you want it", Mark asked the cab driver.
"Yes please sir, thank you", the cab driver said taking the food from Mark.
The cab driver drove us to Jacks doorstep.
"I will call you again when we are ready to leave", Mark said. Me, Mark, and Jack got out off the car.
"Okay see ya", the cab driver said driving away.
"Could you guys help me pack?", Jack asked.
"Yea sure", Mark said. We helped Jack get in to his house and to his bedroom.
"Maddie, dear can you please pick out like five shirts from my closet and a couple sweat shirts please", Jack said.
"Okay", I said. I walked over to a door and opened it and turned the lights on. Jacks closet was kind of messy but who cares, my drawers at home were messy as well. I ran my hands on the prices of clothing then I saw a green shirt with the eyeball, Sam, Jack called it. I pulled it out and held on to it while also grabbing a dark green sweatshirt. I grabbed more shirts with Jacks logo on it and a few with out. The logo shirts would be for the days at comic con. I came out of the closet with the shirts and put them in a suitcase Mark had put on the bed. I packed them carefully to the jeans and short Mark and Jack had packed. After I was done I zipped up the suit case and rolled it out to the living room to where Jack and Mark were sitting.
"You all done?", Jack asked.
"Yep, Boss", I said with a smile.
"Good, you know your a great kid", Jack said.
"Well come on let's get to our hotel", Mark said. He reached in to his pocket as pulled out his phone dialing the cab.
1 hour skip
(Sorry I skipped I did not want to bore you from the drive to the hotel)
Jack sat on my hotel bed as me and Mark ran around the room grabbing clothes and our items of the floors and from the bathrooms.
After I was done packing I sat next to Jack.
"How is your leg feeling?", I asked.
"It hurts a little bit with each step I take but I will be fine", Jack said with a reassuring smile.
"Good, you know that when you, Bob, and Wade left me and Mark felt sad", I said.
"Yea", Jack said.
Mark was done packing and we all sat together on my bed.
"When does our flight leave?", I asked.
"In about a hour why?", Mark asked.
"I don't know, do you guys want to leave now and just get to the air port early", I said.
"Yea", Mark said. He pulled out his phone once again and called the cab. In a matter of minutes the cab driver was here. Mark helped Jack get in to the car while I loaded Jacks and Me and Marks suit case in to the trunk of the cab.
When we were all in we drove for a good hour so I had time to type on my notes app on my phone since I left my diary at Marks house.
I typed this:
May 7
Today we are going to go back to Marks house until comic con. And Jack is fine, he is just super beat up. He is going to stay with me and Mark and go to comic con with us. We are heading towards the air port in a cab.
Bye  Maddie
When we pulled up to the airport. I pulled out the suit cases and we said our good byes to the cab driver. I held Jacks hand and guided him behind Mark to the loading area to get on the plane. Once on the plane I sat in between Jack and Mark. Turns out that we were in first class!
I was sitting in between Jack and Mark and I got to watch a movie with pop corn.
The movie was Nemo. I loved the movie so much, I had not seen it in a long time. I began to felt sleepy. I leaded on Jacks arm and crossed my arms getting relaxed. I closed my eyes as Mark gave me a hug before putting me back on Jacks arm.
"Sleep tight Maddie", Mark whispered. I grinned then I slept.
Authors Note:
Aren't we all happy thy Jacks okay? I hope so. And yes you read write we have 11 followers officially!
I know that some of you are thinking that it is a small number but we got to it not because I me but because of you guys! I would like to thank you for your support.
Buh bye

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