Day 1 of camping

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I got up and then remembered that today went  camping.  I ran in to Marks room and jumped on top of him causing him to scream.

"Jesus get off of me", Mark yelled.

"Sorry just super stoked for it", I said. "Excited for today",.

"I am too", Mark said. "Wake every one up we have packing and planning to do",.

"Roger that", I said heading to the living room couch and waking up Matt and Ryan.

"You guys ready for a great adventure", I said.

"Okay were up were up", Ryan said getting up and going to get dressed. Mark had to help me get Matt up but we did it eventually. Soon we were ready and we grabbed our gear we choose and headed out to the car.

"Okay team here is the plan", Mark said. "We are going to meet them at the campsite and Ken had like 7 four wheelers and Maddie your social worker told me that your pretty mean on a dirt bike", Mark said. "So Ken is bring that too",.

It was true a year ago I had ridden a dirt bike and was able to do a front flip on one. I was pretty good on both a dirt bike and a four wheelers.

"Yay", I said as we carried our gear down to the lobby and to the parking lot where we loaded the stuff in to the trunk of the Cyndigo jeep.

"Mark why dont you drive us?", Ryan said tossing Mark the keys.

"Okay sweet every one in", Mark said. We all got in and Me, Annalee, and Matt sat crammed together in the back as Ryan and MArk rode in the front. We began to drive and as time progressed Ryan and Matt got happier. Mark turned on the song Geronimo by Shepherd and we sang all of it. After about a hour of driving Mark began to drive on a dirt ride until a four wheeler flew past us, and another one.

"Oh okay there here", Mark said starting to drive again. We pulled up to a flat area and Mark parked the car. I jumped out of the car and breathed in the piney fresh air.

"Hey Maddie", Kens said to me waving. He was sitting my a non lit campfire waiting for us.

"Hi Ken how are you?", I asked giving him a hug.

"Fine", Ken said. "I believe Cry is getting his tent set up why don't you go say hi?",.

Ken pointed out in to the distance and I saw Cry putting up  a white tent. I ran over to him just as he turned around I gave him a hug.

"Oh hello Maddie...", Cry said.

"Hey Cry, you ready to camp?", I asked.

"Heck yea I look at this tent", Cry said pointing at the tent behind him. "is your dad around?",.

"Of course follow me", I said leading him to the jeep. 

"Hey cry", Mark said. While they all greeted cry both me and Annalee went to find Rhett and Link as well as set up our tents.

"Why don't we find a spot to get set up and set or stuff down and as Ken to use the four wheelers and Dirt bikes?", Annalee asked.

"Sounds good I like that spot next to Crys tent", I said pointing over to a space.

"Okay then", Annalee said. We sat our stuff down and ran back over to ken.

"Ken can I ask you for a favor?", I said.

"Yea sure... HI Annalee", Ken said hugging her.

"Hi ken", Annalee said.

"Ken can we use the four wheelers and dirt bikes?", I asked.

"Sure there parked over there", Ken said pointing over in a field with out trees. "YOu guys looking for Rhett and Link?",.

"Yup", I said.

"Well take which ever four wheeler or dirt bike you want and be back by dark", Ken said handing us helmets.

"Okay thanks ken see ya Dad, Ryan, and Matt", I called running towards the field holding my helmet and that was when I laid eyes on it. The perfect  dirt bike. it was blue and had a yellow golden streak on it. A awesome lightning bolt!

"I call that one", I said.

"Okay well I call that dirt bike right there", Annalee pointed at a bike that was colored red and had stars on it. A really cool bike as well. We ran to the bikes and got them started up. I put on my helmet and gave a thumbs up to annalee and she would lead the way. Annalee kicked up the kick stand and revved the engine then she was off. I went after her and the memories of the times I use to ride a dirt bike. I felt the wind in my face as I dodged trees and drove behind annalee. I spotted Rhett and went after him after telling Annalee to go fink Link. Rhett was riding a yellow four wheeler and it had Good Mythical morning written all over it. The chase is on!

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