Five Nights at Freddy's

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*Time Skip to September 10th*

The summer went by pretty fast until school got closer. But I talked about it with Mark and he decided that he would home school me for a while and hire some one to tutor me as well. I was fine with that. They Cyndigo boys were still here and said that they were going to stay till xmas which I was fine with as well. Things were going my way. Today started with me waking up to Marks loud scream.

"Ugh, not again", I said. I got out of bed and walked to Marks bedroom to see him back to sleep again. He was going threw this thing where he had like hardcore nightmares and for the past couple of days they were getting worse and worse. I shook him awake and he sprung up. He was super sweaty.

"You did it again, Dad", I said.

"I did, god, its like the 3 time thins week", Mark said putting his hand on his forehead.

"I know but you'll get threw them", I said. He got up out of his bed and both me and him walked out to the kitchen and poured up some cereal.

"We probably need to start school", Mark said.

"Yay, M school", I said. I got up from the table and put my bowl in the sink. And sat back down. What was fun was that Mark taught a different way, instead of work sheets he found video games around each subject or we would go some where. 

"Go get your computer, were going to start with science today", Mark said grinning. I got up and went to my room grabbing the computer and came back down to join Mark at the table.

"Today you are going to play,  one of my favorite games", Mark said. He turned the laptop towards me and the screen lit up with the words Five Nights at Freddy's.

"What does this have to do with science?", I said.

"You will see the point of my teaching after you compleat all five nights", Mark said snickering. "Then you will get a award, and you will not have to do more school time because this game pretty much covers everything",.

"I don't understand how this covers it but Ill play Ive seen you play and it did not seem scary", I said. Mark giggled and got up and turned out the lights in the dining room.

"COme on don't be a jerk", I said.

"Just stop complaining and play it", Mark instructed.

"Okay", I said pressing Night 1. I listened to the guys phone call and closed on door on Bonnie making it to Night 2.

"This isn't that bad", I said. I then made it to 5 am but died because I did not pay attention to Chica who jump scared me. I fell out of my chair on to the floor. I got up and sighed.

"Fine It is a little scary", I said. I replayed Night 2 and it took about 3 tries because I did not pay attention to either Bonnie or Chica!

"Good darn it", I yelled after the third death still on Night 2 .

"Keep trying, Maddie don't give up, I believe in you", Mark said.

"I know you do, I got this", I said back retrying and then completing it finally. I laughed then continued on to Night 3. Then it began to get hard. Bonnie kept going every where but Chica was fine. I check everything then died.

"God darn it", I said throwing my hands in to the air. "No, I must complete it",. I played it about 5 times and then won. I looked at the clock on the wall.

"Holy crap I have been playing for a hour and a half", I said.

"Yep, but I failed more then you did", Mark said. "Your doing good",.

"Okay", I said playing it again and then dying then I won. Ryan and Daniel woke up and came out and sat with us while they ate cereal.

"Moving to Night 4", I said. "I will win this",.

I played it and it was nuts. Foxy ran but I was able to stop him and keep Chica under control that was until the power failed! This happened 3 times and that went up to four

"Come on", I moaned.

"It takes a long time to complete this game", Mark tells me crossing his arms.

"I know", I said relaxing and getting my game face on. I died again then won.

"Okay now you got one more then you will be fine", Mark said.

"Go Maddie", Daniel cheered. "You got this",.

"Yea", Ryan said clapping.

"Thanks guys now lets do this", I said gulping and clicking Night 5.  It did not even turn 1am and Foxy was out of his curtain. Then he ran. I closed the door on him just in time. I kept a close eye on Bonnie and Chica then Freddy woke up.

"Stupid bear", I mumbled and watched him on my camera the when I put the camera down Golden appeared.   Then he killed me. It took me like 19 times to finally win. I jumped out of my chair and jumped up and down.

"I freaken did it, I made it! HOLY MONKEYS I did it! Yay", I said. I was about to burst in to tears in happiness.

"Yay, You did it Maddie", Mark called. "And for a treat we go to the Zoo",.

"Wait what..", I asked stop dancing.

"We are going to the Zoo", Mark repeated.

"Yay", I said hugging Mark the Daniel then Ryan. " I have not been to the Zoo since like 2 years ago",.

"Great, go get dressed and lets go", I said. I ran off squealing. I went to my room and pulled out a shirt I got from Mrs. Kim for my Birthday. I put on some shorts as well and put my hair in to a pony tail and put on sneakers. I skipped down the hall where I saw my Dad and Daniel and Ryan leading against each other.

"Come on yall lets head out", Mark said. We walked out threw the lobby and went to Marks car.  I sat in the back with Ryan while Mark rode with Daniel in the front. The sun looked so bright today we drove for about 30 mins driving then we made it to the zoo. It was packed especially when we got there. We went in to the place and a we saw the large giraffes that toward over us.

"See Mark every ones taller than you even the animals", I said giggling and we continued looking around. My favorite was the lions because the looked so powerful and the honey badgers were cool too. We spent the whole day there and when we left we got ice cream. But not just a scoop we each go a container of ice cream. I got Moose Tracks , my favorite ice cream, Mark go Chocolate chip Cookie Dough, Ryan got Mint Chocolate Chip, while Daniel got plain Chocolate chip. WE came home at around 9 am. It had been a great day.

Authors Note: HOLY CRAP Yall I am so sorry for not writing but I had stuff to do with school and stuff but yes I will be sticking to the current date as of today because I could not write months of stuff but now I get to do Halloween Specials and Xmas Specials which you guys will love. Have a great night yall.


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