Halloween Night

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I woke up still on Jacks lap and I could feel his breathing and I could hear his light snore. I smile and slowly got up heading to the kitchen I put on a cup of tea On the coffee maker. I yawned and smiled. Last night i feel asleep on Jacks lap but I woke up last night a few times. That was because Wade kept getting up and drinking coffee then snoring when he went back to guest room. This morning was Halloween and I was excited. I ran to the bedroom to get ready. Okay okay I know what your thinking yes Halloween starts that night but I wanted to wear the costume all day until the time to trick or treat. As I walked back to my bedroom I opened the door to see Annalee placing the hat on to her head and completing the costume.

"Oh god you scared me", Annalee said.

"Oh sorry I was going to get on my costume", I said. I ran over to the dresser and pulled out suspenders colored bold pink, the black Markiplier shirt, and jeans.

I quickly put them on but Annalee stopped me.

"Your missing a few things", Annalee said as she went over to the night stand and handed me the black hair spray.

"Oh almost forgot that", I said. Annalee sprayed the black colored hair spray all over my head and she found some pink hair spray to put on on strand of hair. After I finishe I helped hair spray Annalees green. We stood next to each other smiling.

"I think it looks great", I said.

"Me too", I said.

"Lucky charms?", Annalee asked.

"Heck yea", I replied following her in to the kitchen. Annalee was wearing jeans and a Sam hoodie with the hat. It really did remind me of Jack. We poured a bowl on cereal careful to not wake up sleeping Jackaboy. We sat down at the dining room table. We started eating and then Wade came out to the kitchen with his eyes closed not noticing either me nor Annalee. He made him self a cup of coffee and sat across from me at the table.

"Morning Wade", I said. Wades eyes opened.

"Hey", Wade said. "Wow you guys have been busy",.

"Yep throwing costumes together", Annalee said.

"Looking good", Wade said. Yami came out and made a cup of tea followed by Matt and Ryan with a cup of coffee. We all sat around the table waiting for everyone to wake up. Bob came out and made toast and we were crowding the dining room table. I looked at the clock. 11 am! I got up from the table putting my bowl in to the sink and going to Marks room. I opened the door to see Mark sitting at the end of his bed.

"Well good morning Dad", I said giving him a hug. Mark smiled and hugged me saying good morning.

"You excited for tonight?", Mark asked.

"Very as you can see I put on my costume", I said.

"Well hello me", Mark said.

"Yep well come on every one is awake except Jack", I said.

"Okay I'm up", Mark said getting up and we walked out of his bedroom where everyone greeted him.

"Hello guys", Jack said getting up off the couch. "Hello little Jackaboy",. Jack smiled at Annalee who was holding his hand.

"So what are we doing today?", I asked.

"We get ready for the Halloween party of course", Mark said. "All of the decorations and food need to be ready before our guests arrive at 9 o'clock", Mark said.

"Okay then let's get started", Jack said. Mark walked over to a closet and pulled out a large box labeled Halloween Party Extreme Decor.
We began to set stuff up by hanging up streamers which was my favorite because we had to throw them over the ceiling fan. Annalee and Jack set up party tables and stuff like that. Me and Yami had the job of ordering pizza and cake so we ordered a large cookie cake and like 7 boxes of pizza! Wade and Bob were setting up glow sticks and glow stuff. After we were done it looked fabulous! The place looked like the castle of Halloween. It was 3 o'clock and we decided to go get the cake and get the last few things including balloons. Mark sent me and Wade to go get them of course. We climbed in to Marks car and drove to the Great American Cookie place and go the large cake that had orange frosting on it that said "Happy Halloween",. We ran to the dollar store and grabbed a bunch of orange and black balloons and then we were on our way home. When we pulled in to the parking lot me and Wade grabbed the items and went back up to the apartment. It was now 6 o'clock and me and Wade set up the cake and put balloons every where. The guys went directly to there rooms and got ready for the party. We let Jack use my room to get ready. Me and Annalee had a lot of time so we drew creepy Fnaf drawings and put them on the fridge and then we made a checkered lining like the Freddy fax ear location and lined the wall with it. Jack was the first one out and he was wearing a Spider-Man costume. Annalee ran over to him and jumped on his back.

"Jackaboy, Jackaboy, does what ever a Jackaboy does, can he spin from a web? No he cant because he is just a guy", Annalee said and Jack ran around the room. He sat Annalee down and took off the mask.

"Geez you can't see crap out of the eye holes", Jack said.  One of the guys came out wearing a mascot suit that was a wolf.

"Who is that?", I asked. They took off the head and it was Yami.

"It's me Maddie", Yami said.

"What are you suppose to be?", Jack asked. "A wolf?",.

"Bingo", Yami said putting back on the mascot head and sitting on the couch. Matt came walking out in his security gear stuff followed by Ryan. The quickly stood beside me.

"What's all this?", Annalee asked me.

"Body guards", I said. Matt put on black sunglasses with Ryan and the two of them went on the couch. Mark walked out wearing  a Warfstach costume from the cyndigo skit The Ned Affair. His striped jacket still fit and his top hat looked amazing.

"Mr Warfstach", I said. He picked me up bridal style.

"Just Wilfrod", Mark said. I smiled. Mark sat me down and walked over to talk to Yami about his costume.

Wade came out and was dressed up as a king.

"And what are you..", I began but Wade stopped me.

"I am King Minion ruler of all minons on the world!", Wade said adjusting his crown. He was hearing his W pixelized shirt with a crown pic on it and a red cape. I smiled and curtseyed and Wade sat on Marks lap. Bob came out wearing a striped shirt and holding a balloon.

"Balloon boy", I said.

"Yes!", Bob said sitting over on the chair in the living room. It was 8 now so about a hour. Mark put in Surgeon Simulator on Co-Op mode so people could play it. I got out the cooler and put some soda in to it with ice. Halloween was going to be great.

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