Ihop and a movie

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I woke up leaning against the door like the night before.

"It has to be a dream", I mumbled. I woke up Annalee and me and her walked out of the bedroom. We walked out to living room and Mark and Jack were sitting there talking quietly.
Jack noticed we were there.

"Good morning girls", Jack said trying to be cheerful.

"Morning Daddy Jack and Uncle Mark", Annalee said.

"Good morning Mark and Uncle Jack", I said sitting between Jack and Mark while Annalee sat on Jacks lap.

"So it was not a dream", I said.

"Afraid not little one", Mark mumbled.

"Where is Ryan and Matt?", Annalee asked.

"They are at the hospital with Daniels family", Jack sighed.

"I wish he did not leave us", I said.

"We all do and we trie to stop Daniel but he just did it and we could have saved him sooner if..", Mark said.

"Mark, I don't even think we could have saved him", Jack said.

"Some how we could have, Jack", Mark said. He grabbed me closer in to a hug.

"So what should we do now?", Annalee said.

"Nothing we can just go get something to eat and then come back and morn we can't do anything else", Jack said. Then we heard a phone ringing.

"That's my phone", I said getting out of Marks grasp and heading to my room and grabbing my phone of the night stand.

"Hello?", I said.

"Maddie it's Wade", Wades voice said.

"Hi Uncle Wade", I said.

"I'm sorry", Wade said.

"What do you have to be sorry for Wade? You did not do anything wrong", I said.

"No I'm sorry about Daniel, he was a nice fellow. I just wish I was there for you and the guys", Wade

"Were fine just this time it's more serious because some one is dead", I sighed.

"I know just tell the guys that me and Molly have them in mind", wWade said.

"K see ya Uncle Wade", I said.

"See ya Kiddo", Wade said ending the call. I walked back out living room.

"Who was that?", Mark asked.

"Uncle Wade", I said.

"Oh, well I'm getting hungry lets go get some breakfast", Mark said. "You girls go get dressed okay?",.

"Okay", me and Annalee said. We both went back to the room.

"How long do you think it will take till the guys are back to normal?", Annalee said.

"A week? A month? I have no clue all I know is Cyndigo is probably done for", I said.

"Wait what?", Annalee said putting on a Good Mythical Morning shirt.

"It has to, you know it won't be the same with out him", I said.

"Your right", Annalee sighed.

I took off my Fnaf hoodie and put on my Tobuscus shirt and a pair of black shorts. Annalee still had tears coming down her face so I went over to her and hugged her.

"We will be okay,we need to be there for the guys now", I whispered to her. She let go of me and we quietly left the room.
Mark and Jack were standing there wearing hoodies.

"Ready girls?", Mark said.

"Yup",  Me and Annalee responded.

"Come on", Jack said pushing u out Marks apartment. We went down the elevator and down in to Marks car. We all were silent as we drove. I hated it being silent, why couldn't Daniel just be alive?
I did not know. There must have been a reason  behind it. Today was Sunday September the 20th.
Why did he have to die on a Saturday? The questions stopped when we pulled in to the parking lot of IHOP. Which is one of my favorite places to eat at.

"Yay Pancakes", I said as we all got out of the car. We walked in to a empty house. A lady who was working there greeted us.

"Hi I am Amy, how many will be being served?", She asked.

"4", Jack said.

"Okay right this way", the lady said guiding us to a booth. I sat on one side with Annalee while the guys sat across from us.

"I would like a pancake with whip cream and a red cherry and chocolate chips", I said with out picking up the menu.

"Okay", Mark said.

"What do you want, Annalee?", Jack asked.

"A pancake with just whip cream", Annalee responded.

"Kk", Jack said. We told the server what we wanted then waited quietly.

"So.." I said.

"Just don't try", Mark mumbled.

"Don't stop the girl it is horrible for her and Annalee to see you and me like this, they have gone through a lot", Jack said.

"I know but some times good stuff has to end, like Daniel", Mark said.

"MARK", I practically yelled." How could you? He was your friend and was almost part of your family",.

"Look I'm sorry and I regret saying that", Mark said. "I am just angry at Daniel and how he could have done such a thing",.

"We all are, Uncle Mark", Annalee said reaching over the table and touching Marks hand. The lady came to our table with food and we ate a really good meal. After we were done we all got back in to the car and instead of going home we decided to go see a movie called "The Visit",.

"I heard it is really scary", Annalee said.

"Me too", Mark said. "I am excited",.

We went to the movie and sat back and ate some popcorn. The movie went on for a hour and a half. And it was a bung of cheesy jump scares. Nothing that scared me that bad. But Jack said that the sound effects were so cool.

"Loved the audio", Jack said. "Good audio equals a great movie",.
We all laughed.

When we got back Ryan and Matt were back. They looked super tired and I knew they were fighting tears.

"Ryan.." I said hugging him. "Let it out",. 

He started crying and bawling. I cried too. Daniel left to soon. Matt was being comforted by Annalee and Mark and Jack went to go take a nap or some thing.
Me and Annalee spent the rest of the say comforting the guys we turned on Sponge Bob which made it a little better. Then Annalee brought up the idea to make some bacon. So we made the guys bacon and they almost got back to normal. It was around 8 that we decided to go to bed. I cried that night. Daniel was gone for good.

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