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Mark woke me up and gave me a hug then left for me to get dressed. I did not change my clothing I just put on my space converse and grabbed my phone. I also brushed my teeth and combed my hair on to a pony tail. Grabbing my suitcase I walked out of the bedroom door and met Mark at his front door.

"Ready?", Mark asked.

"Yea", I said. Mark opened the door letting me out anad me and him made our way out to the parking lot and in to Marks car.

"How did you sleep last night, Mark?", I said.

"Couldn't sleep until two hours ago but I am fine", He replied. I giggled. We drove down the high way to the airport. This time for some reson the air port was not as packed with people like the past times now it was housed by only a few people.

"Come on, grab your suit case and lets get on that flight", Mark instructed.

"okay", I said getting out of the car and pulling my suitcase out of the truck with Mark. He held my hand as we made our way in to the airport and to the loading area. Mark gave the flight attendant the tickets and she let us on to the plane. I had a window seat which was pretty cool. After we put our bags above us in the compartments, I began to relax and buckle my seatbelt as well as pulling out my phone. I scrolled through my games and found Crossy Road and began to play that. Mark noticed me playing and we had a competition on Crossy roads on his phone too. That was until the flight started and Mark told me he was tired. I put my phone down and looked out the window to see the clouds. It was really pretty. I put my hoodie up and my hands into my pockets. I closed my eyes and the plane slowly rocked me to sleep.



I was outside of my parents house some how standing next to Jack.

"Hi Maddie", Jack said. I turned to him and smiled. I did not know it was a dream nor did I even consider the fact that Jack was hurt.

"Do you know who lives here?", Jack asked getting on one knee.

"Yea, this is my house", I replied smiling.

"Oh silly me", Jack said. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up to the front door. I opened it and to my surprise the house did not have any lights on. I frowned then I let go of Jacks hand and ran around the house screaming "mom!, Dad!!",.  When I searched the whole house and I came back to where I had left Jack he was gone too. I sat down on the floor and curled up in to a ball and started to cry. I was all alone again.


I woke up and my eyes opened to the plane window. I had tears in my eyes but I quickly wiped them away. I did not want to cry again in front of Mark . But apparently I did a horrible job at hiding my tear. Mark reached over behind me and put his arm around my shoulders.

"You okay?", Mark asked.

"Yea, just a bad dream", I said leaning on him.

"Okay", Mark said putting his head on mine. We stayed like this until the flight ended. People like us piled off the plane and me and Mark entered the Ireland airport. I had my suitcase rolling behind me as Mark lead me to the outside of the airport. We stood there for a second then a cab pulled up.

"The hospital please", Mark said handing the man driving a piece of paper.

"Sure thing sir", The man said. He began to drive then we were at the hospital. Mark and I got out and carried our bags to the front of the hospital lobby. Mark then asked the lady at the desk to watch our bags and tell us where Jacks room was.

"It is down the hall, sonny, and make a left", The lady said.

"Thank you", Mark said. Mark held my hand as we walked past hospital rooms down the hall. Then we made a left and a sign read "Sean M. Visitors Welcome".

"Well this is it", Mark said in a deep sigh. He grabbed the door knob and slowly opened the door. We stepped in and saw Jacks Mom and Jack laying there on a hospital bed. There was a huge gash on his head and there were ivs and cords everywhere.

"You must be Mark", the lady said who was sitting next to Jack.

"Yes, and you must be Jacks mother, Hi", Mark said walking over and shaking her had. " This is Maddie, my daughter",. I smiled and shaked Jacks Moms hand.

"I will you give you guys some time to visit with him, I don't know if he will last", Jacks mom said. She got up from the chair next to Jack and went out of the room. Mark sat in the chair Jacks Mom was sitting in and he said "Jack, were here for ya, don't go",.

Marked looked away from Jacks face and looked away tears coming out of his eyes. I slowly walked over to Mark. Mark grabbed Jacks hand and held it. I stood next to Mark and rubbed his back. I began to cry my self.

"Maddie, you want to talk to Jack?", Mark said looking at me.

"No, I would want to be alone to talk to him", I replied. Mark got up and walked out of the room telling me he would be in the waiting room. I sat where Mark had been sitting and stared at Jacks motionless face. Tears dripped from my eyes and I took off my glasses cleaning the water out. I held Jacks hand and said " Jack, Its me Maddie, I need you. I need you more than anything. I need the funny Irish, loud guy to come back. You mean  the world to me and Mark  and if you left, well I don't know what I would do. You are more than a uncle you are my best friend. And you always will be. Don't go, please...just...don't leave me now...... I don't want to be alone......I don't want to be sad....I want you to come home",. I let the tears fall and fade in to my hoodie. I wiped my noes with my sleeve and held Jacks hand. I did not want him to go. I don't want to lose anyone else, I already lost my parents. I got up from the chair and kissed Jacks forehead. I let go from his hand and I sit back in the chair with my hands in my face bawling. This was the hardest time ever in my life when I cried this hard. He was my best friend, my uncle, and the funniest guy ever that made everyone smile.  The door opened and Marks head popped in.

"Maddie.. we need to go get checked in to our hotel room", Mark said.

"Dad can I just stay here with him he needs me", I said. Mark looked at me then said "I will be back soon with some food, stay here",. He walked out of the room and I scooted the chair back to its place on the wall in the corner. His IV was beeping and the noise made me lay my head up against the wall and cry.

"Jack....I love you..... boss....", I stuttered in between the tears. I put my hoodie up and curled up in to a ball and listened to the beeps as I cried. I did not know what to do.    

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