Meet up with Youtubers

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I woke up to me laying in my chair at my desk. Droll was on my face that I quickly wiped off. Then on a accident I clicked the space bar and the Jacksepticeye video that I was watching blasted through the earbuds causing me to jump. Jacks intro rammed me in the ears and I smacked the space bar and it stopped the video.

"Why do you got to be so loud Jacky?" , I asked the computer screen. I got out of my chair and pulled out my phone. Today was the 16 of September if yesterday would have been in October yesterday would be my birthday. My birthday is October 15, if you did not know. Annalee had been texting me like mad.

ANNALEE: Hey are you up?
MADDIE: I'm up, I'm up how are you
ANNALEE: good I thought you were dead for a second
MADDIE: well, I had had my share for near death experience
ANNALEE: well wanted to make sure your okay, I got to go bye

I put my phone in my back pj pocket and went out of my bedroom. Mark was laying on the couch sleeping so I went up to him and sat down on his belly.

"Oh my god.. Maddie get off", Mark moaned sitting up. I got off of him and sat next to him.

"How did you sleep Maddie?", Mark said.

"Great but I made the mistake of pressing play on Jacks video and it being turned up all the way", I said.

"Like Jack always says that that is a rookie move", Mark said laughing. I laughed too.

"So where did Matt, Daniel, and Ryan go?", I asked.

"They went to look at new home they want to be out of here by Halloween", Mark said.

"Okay", I said.

"So today I am going to go meet up with Dan and Phil and some YOutubers at a meet up do you want to ag along, I think there will be kids", Mark said.

"Sure, what ever you want to do", I said.

"Okay the meet up starts in about a hour so go et ready and I will make some bacon and eggs", Mark said.

"Sweet", I said getting up and going to my room. I clicked on to Jacks video to watch the rest of it while I putt on the #selfie hat with a black Markiplier shirt with jeans. Not one of my best out fits but I thought it was comfy.

"I will see you dudes later", Jack said ending the video. I closed off my computer and went back out to the kitchen.

"Maddie, can you please change in to my sh.....", Mark said turning around shocked. "Oh never mind I wanted to tell you to wear one of my  shirts but you already knew that",. I smiled.

Mark turned back to the oven and with a flip of the pan the over medium eggs were ready. Mark grabbed the bacon out of the oven and sat ot on the dining room table as I sat down.

"Mmmmmm. I love me so meat", I said.

"Me too, lets eat", Mark said. We then began to grab stuff of of plates. I had two eyes and three pieces of bacon on my plate. Mark had three eggs and 5 pieces of bacon.

"Mark, have you ever tried bacon and maple syrup?", I asked.

"No but the thought of the two of them together is amazing", Mark said getting up and grabbing to maple syrup. He sat it down and I poured it on my bacon. I handed Mark a piece and when he ate it his eyes lit up.

"Now that is flipping good", Mark cheered licking the syrup off of his fingers. 

"Glad you like it MArkimoo", I said.

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