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"Now I have a very, very important question for you little one okay?" Kian deadpans.

Kiara nods her head, sitting up straight and flashing him her puppy eyes as a precaution.

The kid has learnt a thing or two about how to use her adorable charm to work in her advantage over the years.

Kian smiles at the cheeky girl, making a mental note not to look her in the eyes in the future when telling her off.

"What colour do you want your new big girl bedroom to be?" He finally spits out, his fingers hovering over the 'add to basket' button on multiple items online.

"Pink!" She beams, clapping her hands in excitement.

Kian had a feeling that would be her answer so he presses a few keys on his macbook and orders everything they had chosen out in the colour pink, out to be delivered the very next day thanks to his rich privileges.

"Okay so that's all the furniture and necessities ordered..." he murmers out loud, "...now for the toys." He holds back a smirk, waiting for his daughter's reaction.

"Yeh! Lots of toys dadda!" She squeals causing Kian to wince at the volume.

Who know someone so little could make so much noise.

She stands up on the sofa, clutching 'wush' and starts to bounce up and down, unable to contain herself any longer.

Kian shoved his laptop forward onto the coffee table and shot his arms out either side of her.

"Careful! I haven't Kiara proofed the place just yet crazy girl." He lectures, puffing out a stressed sigh.

"I love toys dadda." She ignores him, giggling whilst holding out her turtle to prove her point.

"I can tell." He laughs.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to let her take a nap if it has the effect of a sugar rush.

The only good thing is that he knows she'll wear herself out by bed time and sleep through the night.

Then their sleeping schedule will officially be back on track.

Kian is suddenly tackled backwards into the sofa when Kiara comes flying at him, wrapping her tiny self completely around his body.

"Oof." Kian humphs, taken back by how strong the small girl is.

She has some power in her.

Small but mighty.

"Jeez, you're one strong little toddler aren't you?" He questions, huffing an exasperated laugh out and sitting up again.

She giggles into the crook of his neck, tickling him slightly and putting the perfect idea in his head.

"Do you know what little monsters like you get baby?" He asks.

He feels her shake her head, no, smiling into his skin.

"They get..." he brings his clawed hands up to either of her sides, "tickled!" He exclaims, going all in so that her grip on him fully loosens and soon enough she's writhing on the couch beside him.

Her little legs kick at his arms in attempts to stop him but unluckily for her, they aren't powerful enough.

"Sto-op dadda... can't- breathe..." she laughs, tears streaking down her freckled cheeks.

He continues for a second longer before stopping so that she doesn't actually pass out.

Her flushed, red form heaves to catch her breath before even attempting to speak up again.

"That's what cheeky monkeys like you get when they tackle their daddy." Kian smugly remarks, his heart swelling with pure love.

In this moment he feels he may burst with happiness. He feels content yet excited for every day ahead of him and that's something hard to come by he knows from experience.

"Meany." Kiara pouts, struggling to roll over and lift herself up on her now weak limbs.

Again... adorable.

"You were being a meany first." He sticks his tongue out at his three year old daughter, who reciprocates the action right back as any child would.

Nobody said Kian had to act like a father would.

He'd much rather be her best friend. Someone to have fun with rather then being serious and boring.

He'd so kindly leave that role for his older brother to fill.

He already is partly that way from looking after Kian growing up so what's the harm?

"No you were." She retorts sassily.

"Toys?" Kian asks, distracting her from the playful argument.

"Yeh!" She brightens up again.

Kian laughs and picks his laptop back up.

I love that kid to death but I can't wait for Rowan to get home so he can help me out here, he thinks.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

The father daughter duo didn't even make it until seven o' clock before calling it a day and retreating to Kian's bedroom for the night.

If it were just himself he would have completely skipped any nightly routines and passed straight out on the sofa infront of the telly.

But being responsible for a small child he thought it was best he set a good example since Rowan still wouldn't be home for a few hours to lecture him.

So he dug out Kiara's wash bag from her suitcase, taken back once again by how sophisticated it was all for one tiny three year old.

He didn't know what half of the products in the bag were for and he'd leave that for Rowan to figure out.

Meanwhile, he found her toothbrush and kiddy toothpaste and watched pridefully as she demonstrated how much of a 'big girl' she is by doing it all herself.

And after a quick flannel wash and a pyjama change, they were cozily wrapped up in an embrace in Kian's king sized bed.

He didn't even give Kiara the choice to sleep in her own bed knowing he wouldn't even get to leave the room before she was screaming down the entire fifty floor building.

Atleast that's the reason he convinced himself of.

Maybe he didn't want to admit that he was equally as scared to have her out of his sight.

Especially with the countless haunting scenarios playing in his mind ever since finding out just how dangerous Lucy's murder was.

Any intruder wouldn't be able to break through his security measures with a chainsaw but that doesn't stop the image of him waking up to find his little girl gone flashing through his head.

Even without the knowledge of Lucy's case, Kian still would have been scared that she was all just one amazing dream that he didn't want to wake up from.

Or scared that she would be taken from him again and he would miss out on even more of her life.

And with all of this playing on his mind, it took one footstep in the dark of the night to have his eyes shooting open and his arms scooping up the sleeping bundle infront of him.

"Hey, it's just me." Rowan holds his hands up, a fond smile on his face as he looks down at his lightly snoring niece.

Kian relaxes and burries his face into Kiara's soft amber locks, hiding in embarrassment.

Kian prays his brother dismisses his jumpiness as the trait of any protective father and nothing more.

He doesn't feel like sharing the miserable details of his child's mother's case right now. Not in the middle of the night when he can barely get some decent rest as it is.

"Why so jumpy? Did something happen while I was gone? You know I would have came straight back if you called me." Rowan lectures, too loud for Kian's liking.

"Shhh. She may sleep like the dead but wake her and I'll staple your mouth shut." Kian groggily threatens.

"I missed her though. You have no idea how painful red carpets are when all you want to do is go home and play with your niece." Rowan whines like a child.

Kian rolls his eyes.

"Tough luck. She's mine. Now piss off and sleep would you." The youngest brother snaps, closing his eyes and snuggling further into the crook of Kiara's neck.

Rowan groans but never the less, eventually retreats out of the room and gently closes the door, submerging the room in darkness once again.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

Kian is awoken bright, and way way too early the next morning when multiple small but powerful kicks dig into his abdomen.

"Oww." He half growls half groans in pain.

Just like the time before, it takes a few minutes for him to gain his bearings and remember the fact that he has a child.

His own daughter to look after.

A daughter to exact his revenge on for waking him so painfully and so early.

"Kiara." He growls, trying to cruelly scare the wriggling girl, attempting to lift the heavy covers from her body.

She goes still from the tone of his voice and he almost feels bad.

Until she starts flailing her limbs around again, hitting Kian in dangerous places.

"That's it." He calls, dragging her back into his chest and mercilessly tickling her exposed tummy.

He winces yet again at the high pitch of her giggles, his memory not serving it justice.

It probably doesn't help that he just woke up mere moments ago.

"Da-da... stop being a mean-ny..." she chokes out, remembering her new favourite word for Kian any time he tickles her.

He decides to stop before she wakes Rowan up, kindly having mercy on his brother even if he did wake him last night.

Plus, he has a better plan to wake Rowan.


Since he missed his dear niece so much it's only fair they catch him up on all he missed out on.

"Is Zio back?" Kiara asks, hope shining in her wide eyes.

Kian's face scrunches in confusion and his head tilts to the side at the funny sounding nickname.

"Zio?" He questions his daughter.

"Where has that came from?" He frowns, sitting up and picking her up to help her out of the blankets.

"Mamma. Mamma said Ro-Ro ma Zio. Ma unca." She explains, her own head tilting at her father's confusion.

Was her mamma wrong? She remembers her mamma telling her that Rowan was her Zio. Her Uncle. And Kian is her dadda.

She'd tell her every time Kiara demanded to watch their films. She remembered it clearly since it happened so often.

She craved to one day meet them instead of watching them do the same things over and over on a screen.

She wanted to give them both a big hug and hear them say her name for once.

"Is that a different language or something?" Kian ponders aloud in a quiet whisper, not expecting Kiara to understand.

"Tally-in." Kiara replies, her sea blues still drilling into Kian's.

Her genius brain was starting to be a danger to Kian's heart.

One more suprise and he was sure to have a heart attack.

What type of Einstein genes did her mother pass down to her? They definitely weren't Wiley genes.

Three years old and bilingual? Could she be any more perfect.

"You can speak Italian?" The shocked father asks his confused daughter.

She nods her head again in confirmation.

"Si." She giggles at her ironic use of the language.

She was obviously only taught as much as she knows English which isn't much, and probably can only recall half of it, but for someone her age it's extremely impressive.

Kian sits with his jaw hanging open whilst Kiara laughs at his funny face, thinking that he's only joking around.

Little does she know she's just completely stunned the poor boy.

"Let's go and show uncle Rowan." He declares, standing from the bed and holding the little girls hand as she skips alongside him.

The two burst into the said brother's room, stirring him from his sleep immediately.

Unlike Kiara and Kian, Rowan is a light sleeper.

Maybe similar to Kian, he inherited the trait once he felt responsible for his little brother, like Kian does Kiara.

Or maybe he just simply takes after his mother.

Rowan makes a tired noise as he streches out his limbs but a hundred watt smile is plastered on his face upon seeing his favourite little girl.

"Hi gorgeous girl. I missed you" he greets, opening his arms wide inviting her for a hug.

Kian stands idly by waiting for him to get winded just like he had by the little force that is his daughter.

"Zio! Missed you!" She shouts, shooting forwards and taking off towards the bed.

Kian watches Rowan's face fold in confusion just like his did.

He gives his daughter a boost up onto the high bed, aiding her in her attack and she does her signature koala bear attack move.

"Umph." Rowan sputters, just as winded and taken back as her father was.

"Christ. You're only tiny! How do you have so much power in you?" He repeats Kian's earlier thoughts.

"Your beloved little devil apparently knows Italian! My daughter is a genius!" Kian boasts, a proud smirk on his face, his arms crossed over his bare chest.

Rowan's eyebrows shoot up in justified shock and he peels the girl in topic off his chest, holding her out infront of him like the most precious prize that she is.

"There's no way my tiny, baby Kiara is that clever. She doesn't know Italian." He playfully teases in a silly tone.

"Si Zio! Lo voglio!" She proves in a pleading tone.

Two terrified and gob smacked expressions stare back at her grinning face.

"That's actually scary. We're not gonna know what she's saying Key." Rowan states, blinking between the little girl who's almost more intelligent than him, and her father who is still in a state of shock.

"And how is she supposed to keep it up if we can't teach her? Do we get her a teacher or..." he adds, speaking as though Kiara can't also understand English.

Kian shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders.

"We'll cross that bridge when we have to think about education. For now she's still a baby." Kian dismisses, not wasting a single second stressing about her education plans.

He only just found out about her a few days ago. He missed out on her literal baby days so he'll do anything to prolong her innocent years and make up for that.

"I no baby dadda." Kiara frowns, crossing her arms and spinning around to face him in Rowan's hold.

"I big girl." She states with the cutest little pout.

"Nope. You're my tinyyyy little baby." Kian winds her up childishly with a smug smirk that only angers her further.

Father of the year everyone, Rowan mentally rolls his eyes. The man is twenty two years old going on three.

"Noooo!" Kiara whines, jumping on the bed in frustration, starting for Kian in revenge Rowan guesses.

Rowan pulls her backwards into his embrace and restrains her.

He takes a deep calming breath as it all dawns on him.

He now has to deal with two, chaotic Kians.

He has a feeling they're going to fight and play more like siblings rather than father and daughter.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

A/n catch me asking for theories NEVER again lmfaooo. I know it's wattpad but it still annoys me when you're all on the right track😂😩

My only goal on wattpad is to write a damn suprise 😭✌🏻

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