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A/n. It's short I'll warn you. I'm still absolutely dying with covid. If you can give me tips to get rid of this nose thing then i might have two days to get a few more chapters done...

I'm officially moved in.

Let me tell you something Kian Wiley.

I. Will. Kill you....if I ever see your smug, punchable face again.

I wrote my last letter just one week ago. You wouldn't think in the first week of finding out about my pregnancy there would be any developments.

But you best believe that is NOT true and be grateful you aren't here so that I can't wring out your skinny neck with my bare hands.

Because making hourly trips to the toilet in between moving boxes and assembling furniture (which by the way is way too much work for me) to throw up everything I've just barely managed to stomach, is NOT enjoyable.

And the fun doesn't stop there.

My boobs feel like they've been used as a punching bag, not that you'd understand that pain, and I can't sleep without feeling like an old menopausal woman having hot flushes.

You better start counting your days because I might not be able to stop myself from flying over there and snipping off your balls just to show you a fraction of this god damn pain.

I can't believe I'm doing this shit alone all because you couldn't keep it in your pants.

I guess this letter is pretty pointless but as it turns out, I feel allot better after having threatened you on paper.

-your radging surrogate

It was a strange coincidence that Kian was going through a similar situation with their daughter to Lucia in the current letter of the week.

A week after his viewing of the only house that caught his eye, and walking away with the keys and signed papers, he was starting his slow and discreet move.

It involved allot of boxes and dissembling and reassembling of a few particular items of furniture that held sentimental value from Kian and Rowan's family home with their parents. Just like Lucia had mentioned in the third letter Kian had read.

It was like a full circle moment.

She was moving into the house she raised their baby in up until her very last moments, whilst he was starting their own new beginning.

Both Lucia and Kian had to make sure to be as subtle and discreet as possible, for the same reasons at last.

For Kiara's safety from the same threat Kian is still unaware of.

Kian has been contemplating hiring more security to protect specifically Kiara, he just doesn't know if he should commit and risk entrusting them with the knowledge of her existence.

It's hard for him to take the leap and risk everything when he has zero idea as to what this person or people even, look like.

For all he knows Lucia could have pissed off a deranged pensioner with murderous tendencies, although it didn't seem likely.

But he also isn't naive enough to think he was enough to keep her from this danger.

Lucia was proof of that.

Which leads him back to point A with no progress.

"Dada." The door to Kiara's bedroom swings open which startles Kian and gives him all of two seconds to stuff the letter in his hands into the chest and lift it back onto the shelf.

When he turns around he's met with his favourite pair of big glassy blue eyes...on a nude baby.

Kiara's orange hair is in a wet clump, sparkling with a few bubbles, probably left over shampoo, and dripping dark trails onto the carpet beneath her.

"Kiara Georgia Wiley! What on earth are you doing dripping water all over the place?!" Kian scolds, a forced frown on his face as he refrains from laughing like he truly wants to.

"Dada I scared. I no like the water it's scary." She shuffles forward, wet palms clutching her dad's once dry jeans.

"I know darling but uncle Rowan was there, right? You can't just jump out and run away." Kian bends down, pulling her back by her shoulders to look her in the eye.

Her eyes fill with tears and then comes the progressive sobs that cause her shoulders to bob up and down. Before he knows it she's got the whole water works going, only now Kian has learnt the difference between her real cries and her 'trying to get out of something' cries.

"Kiara..." he warns in a low tone, raising a brow at the mischievous girl.

It may appear cruel but once you see how fast she'd sober up if he gave her what she wants, you'd realise they're nothing but crocodile tears.

And now commences stage two, the petty whines of frustration when she realises he isn't giving in.

"Kiara listen to daddy one second..." Kian asks.

Her whines halt to a few dramatic sniffles and he takes his chance to tell her off.

"What you did was naughty and dangerous okay? Uncle Rowan was just trying to help you and you could have slipped on the floor and ended up needing to go to the hospital." He rants, rubbing his hands up and down her arms as she begins to shiver.

Stage three, crying commences and Kiara tries to make it up to Kian by hiding in the crook of his neck.

By this time she's past the point of bargaining with and as other parents may continue to distress their child by keeping a firm foot down, Kian has discovered that since she's only young and still growing she needs comforting so that she feels like she isn't being dismissed. And in the future she'll have no resentment and no problem running to him when she has a problem again.

Kian kisses her on the head when her breathing evens out, and lifts her soggy form into his arms.

"Don't you dare fall asleep on me little one. This doesn't mean you got out of having a bath." He digs a finger into her ribs eliciting another whine.

Upon entering the bathroom, Kian is met with a scowling, drenched Rowan on the flooded floor.

Kian brings Kiara's head into his neck so that she can't see his shit eating grin directed at Rowan.

"What happened here? Was there an earthquake I missed?" Kian asks, his tone smug and teasing.

"That little devil hit me in the balls again, and soaked me with half the bath water when I tried to shampoo her hair!" The usually calm and responsible brother grits out.

Kian clamps his teeth down on his lip and looks up to the ceiling for some strength.

After taking a shuddering deep breath or two, he looks back to the devious girl in his arms who is acting very much like her mother, Kian realises.

She definitely purposely taught her that trick on the odd chance this exact moment ever occurred.

"Kiara...what do you say to uncle Rowan for hurting him and being naughty?" He asks.

"Sowwy." She whispers, looking at the ground with puppy eyes in full effect.

"No...look at him and tell him why you're sorry Kiara." Kian sets down the nude toddler and nudges her towards her uncle.

"I sowwy for-for hurting you Ro-Ro a-and for running away and being naughty." She admits, pulling on her bottom lip and finally looking into Rowan's eyes.

He narrows his gaze at her cute mannerisms and genuine apology.

"You, miss Wiley, are the devil in disguise. This is the last time I volunteer to give you a bath. Your daddy can do it from now on." Rowan speaks to the child as though she's a full on teenager.

"No!" Kiara's eyes widen in fear as she protests her uncles words.

Memories of the previous baths she's had each night with her dad only flashing through her mind.

Sure Kian is a fun and childish dad but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a no nonsense father mode for circumstances involving a cunning and bratty Kiara.

"Dada is too mean and scary at bath time!" She complains, knitting her brows and tugging on Rowan's t-shirt in the beginning of another tantrum.

"Oh well, don't get cheeky with me missy because you just blew your chance to have a fun bath time with me." Rowan shrugs nonchalantly, angering the toddler more.

"Noo! Please Ro-Ro." She cries, climbing on his lap and trying to be cute by giving him hugs since she knows that's too his biggest weakness.

"Come on then, let's get this bath finished with." Kian interrupts, picking her up by her underarms and plonking her back in the luke warm bath water.

Sometimes with kids you just have to let them cry and see that it won't make a difference, Kian and Rowan have learnt over the past week.

Sure they're careful to be especially understanding considering the new and daunting circumstances. It's always going to be hard uprooting a baby and giving them a completely new routine with strangers but there's a point where they have to teach her that crying won't get her out of everything she doesn't want to do.

If they coddled her too much she'd never be able to do anything on her own in the future.

"Do you want me to finish boxing up her clothes for you?" Rowan asks his little brother.

"Nah, I was nearly done, it's okay. You just do your own things and anything we took from mom and dad's." Kian replies, not turning away from the rosy faced, wriggling toddler splashing water everywhere.

"Right..." Rowan claps his hands.

"I'm out of here. Have fun."

And with that he's halfway down the hall whilst Kian faces the wrath of a relentless, stubborn mini him.

A/n. Hi guys, I'm concentrated on my story 'Tempest' at the moment and it's 20X better than this one so why not go and give that a read next? Thanks huns x

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