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Hell mother-fucking yes, it's a girl.

I mean, I shouldn't celebrate too hard just yet because I've heard horror stories from mothers who ended up finding out the scan had been completely wrong...after buying a wardrobe full of pink tutus.

But I have faith in my girl, she'll pull through for me.

To be completely honest with you, I really, truly would've been happy either way.

There's just way cooler names for girls. You can't disagree with me.

Just think about it, half the population of boys are called Jack and the other half Josh, and I aint raising no J-name fuckboy.

I'd rather sacrafice him or send him to you. Although that would guarantee a future fuck boy so lmaybe not.

Remember Abigail my midwife? It turns out she's a real babe, bless her pure heart.

An angel sent to save my ass from being dragged down to hell.

...nah, I'm still definitely going to hell.

Just yesterday in the local supermarket I purposely hit an old lady with my trolley because she was taking her sweet time deciding which soup to get.

I mean come on, her tastebuds probably fizzled away years ago, who cares which flavour she gets?

Anyways, Abi being the sweetest- and only- person in my life, hand delivered me a stunning arrangement of pink flowers and balloons after her shift at the hospital.

The poor girl holds all this pointless guilt and empathy for me since I told her I'm completely alone in this.

While I just feel bad I broke her nose for getting my name wrong.

I realised mid swing that she was just using the alias that I gave her but at that point it was too late.

The stupid girl forgave me instantly and proposed she should arrange a small gender reveal for me.

That girl would be dead meat if she were in my shoes.

But hey, atleast she can have a chat to her co-workers when they pop her nose back into place.

And that's the story of how I found out we were having a little princess.

I'd write more but I have more interest in buying matching mother-daughter outfits to force her into while she's too young have a say.

I'm such a good mama.

Ew, I'm too young to be called that.

Gonna go cash in my pension that I don't have, play some bingo and go to bed at eight thirty.


"She must have really loved you sunshine to raise you this well." Kian whispers, stroking back the sleeping toddler's soft hair behind her ear with his one free hand.

The other she had held captive in her sleep.

If she was big enough there's no doubt she would have more than just his arm in her python like grasp.

He couldn't stop thinking about the last letter he'd read, not that he ever stopped thinking about them.

But this one in particular.

It's not because he was realising how bat-shit-crazy his baby mama was but it was realising how non of those traits rubbed off on his angel.

If it weren't for their striking resemblance, he'd be wondering wether they had a mix up in the social care system with Kiara and his true feisty daughter.

When she eventually stirs awake her gaze flits around the room, worried she had been left alone in the middle of the night.

The brightest, dimply smile lights up her freckled face upon spotting Kian to her right side, still tucked under the blankets with her.

She elicits the most adorable yawn, reminding her father of a baby cub, and sits straight up, climbing onto Kian's bare chest.

It's safe to say she didn't get the morning person gene from him.

Like the sun, the minute she awakens she's illuminating the things around her. Bringing warmth and joy to those near.

"Morning sunshine." Kian instantly mirrors her smile, hugging her to him on instinct.

"Mornin' dada." She cups his smooth cheek with her chubby hand.

A habit she'd copied off her mama when she used to wake her up every morning.

Kian was right in thinking she'd pick up her mother's habits.

He just hadn't realised she'd picked up all the best ones.

But Lucia wouldn't have blamed him for being suprised at how gentle and caring Kiara turned out.

How could she? She couldn't believe it herself.

"You're so cute." He cooes, squidging her cheeks together and causing her to giggle.

"You're so cute." She immitates him, although still genuinely meaning it.

He laughs heartily and leans down to kiss her forehead.

"You'll be the death of daddy you little monkey." He sighs, knowing she has no clue what on earth he means.

"Let's go get dressed for the day ay?" Kian voices, placing the tiny girl on his hip and heading directly across the hall to her spectacle of a bedroom that Harry had generously finished for her.

It was huge and pink and had every toy and fun feature kids could only dream of.

But it didn't have her dada.

It was all good for naps and play dates with Grey and Jace but no amount of slides and ceiling swings could persuade her to sleep there alone at night.

Not when her dad was a few steps away across the hall with a bed big enough to fit them both three times over.

And if it was a special night where he had to stay out late for work, her uncle Rowan's bed was just as inviting.

Kiara subconsciously runs her hands through Kian's hair as he walks and whilst he riffles through her closet.

It had been thoroughly organised by Kelly whilst her husband was working on the rest of the room. Better than he himself had done it back in their old apartment.

He lifted up a completed set on a hanger and contemplated its practicality.

"No dada. Mamma match." Kiara suprised Kian by inputting her refusal to an outfit for the first time.

Kian's brows furrow as he tries to calculate what she's trying to tell him.

"Mamma match?" He repeats, confusion leaking from his tone.

He thinks back to what Lucia had finished the letter with.

She was going to look for matching mother-daughter outfits for them both, Kian recalled as slowly the pieces start to slot together in his mind.

"You don't want to wear this because it has to match with mamma?" He empathetically questions Kiara for confirmation.

"Ya. Me match with dadda?" She quickly moves on, a new and exciting idea taking priority.

She's never matched with her father before and she'd feel so grown up and pretty just like her mamma when they'd match.

Kian grins at her excitement towards the idea and agrees straight away.

They'd be the cutest duo dressed identically.

Kian just had to search for something they both owned.

It wouldn't be as fancy as her mother but it would be adorable and cozy.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

Rowan looks up from his phone towards the staircase when the pair make their entrance downstairs.

A deep chuckle emantates from his chest and his hand itches to lift his phone and snap a picture.

Both Kiara and Kian are dressed in white joggers with a plain light blue t-shirt and matching white nike caps.

Too precious, Rowan internally cooed to himself.

He lasts the time it takes for them to fully descend the stairs and cross the room before his phone is lifted before his face and the arrogant father and innocent smiley toddler are modelling heart warming poses for the eldest Wiley brother.

"I can't cope Kian. This is too adorable." Rowan pouts his bottom lip.

"Thanks Row, I always knew you thought I was the better looking brother." Kian smirks.

Rowan raises his eyebrows, a forced happy expression on his face for the sake of Kiara.

"Don't let it get to your head you arrogant p-...ickle." He sings behind his teeth as though it will stop Kiara being able to hear just as well as Kian can.

"Pickles bleugh." Kiara scrunches up her nose in disgust, casually hopping in on the conversation much to Rowan's suprise.

Which he soon gets over, too taken with how precious the mini human is.

In that moment, Rowan especially, feels she suddenly looks too grown up.

Maybe it's the player esque oufit  or the fact that she is seeming to form all of her own opinions and her own little personality is starting to shine through.

And the realisation both excites the brothers and fills them with panic.

They just met, she can't go growing up at the speed of light.

In fact, they would both like to freeze her growth completely to make up for the three years they missed.

"I agree little one. Pickles are pretty gross." Rowan beams, his own nose scrunching up to emphasise his point.

"Gwoss." She repeats, her tone proving her feelings.

"Dada, you like pickles?" She turns to her father who is simultaneously having a panic attack and melting on the spot all at once.

She suprises him each and every day with her intelligence and it's only getting harder for him to handle.

"Not on their own. I like pickles in cheeseburgers though." He responds, pressing a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Gwoss." She repeats again, a playful gleam in her icy blue eyes.

"I think you've just taught her her new favourite word Row." Kian raises a brow at the supposedly most responsible of the two.

"Better than half the words you'll teach her no doubt." He shrugs, challenging his little brother to disagree with a knowing look.

"You wanna put a bet on it? Because I disagree." He accepts the challenge.

"Oh, one hundred percent." Rowan perks up, not being able to believe Kian really thinks he can watch his language from now on.

"I bet you one hundred K that by the time she's thirteen she'll have spoken every colourful word out there." Rowan raises his hand, proposing the offer.

Kian narrows his eyes as he thinks it over, Kiara reaches out to touch Rowan's hand since it's outstretched and taunting her.


What we think of this one guys? Did it satisfy your Kian with Kiara needs?

I always feel like they're going to be boring fillers when I write these scenes but I feel like that's what everyone was missing.

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