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Kian pulled away after it had been long enough he feared he may have accidentally suffocated the silent, still toddler in his arms.

A wide grin stretched across his lips when he seen the cutest content smile on his daughters face as she started up at him in complete adoration.

He felt guilty that she seemed to love him so much already whilst he's been completely oblivious for years.

Which reminded him, he doesn't even know how old she is. Or her name.

"What's your name sunshine?" He asks gently, the endearing nickname naturally rolling of his tongue as he felt it was fitting for the still beaming child.

"Rah-ra! Rah-ra Geor-gia Wiley!" She bounces on the balls of her feet excitedly.

Donna, the social worker, chuckles at her oblivious mispronunciation of her name and quickly corrects her.

"Kiara Georgia Wiley, that's right clever girl." She says.

Kian keeps his attention solely on Kiara and his eyes soften considerably more.

Everything about this child is so adorable, Kian thought.

He just wanted to squeeze her chubby cheeks and hold her in his arms forever, preserving her innocence for as long as he can.

Just when Kian thought she couldn't be any more like himself, it's revealed that her mother practically named her after him. Both of their names began with a 'K' and she obviously had his surname too.

It made him think, I made half of that. She's half of me.

And just like that, she became his greatest achievement.

To hell with all of his acting career and oscar awards. The loving, smiling little girl infront of him was the best thing to come crashing into his life.

Kian thought that maybe his parents sent her down from heaven because she really is a tiny, freckled angel.

"How old are you Kiara?" He followed up, testing her pretty name on his tongue and liking the sound of it.

"Em...dis many." She replied, holding up two fingers on one hand and one finger on the other.

Kian mentally cooed at the action before the realisation hit him.

Three years.

He missed out on the first three years of her life.

He'd been messing around with girls, getting drunk in fancy bars and travelling around the world acting. Whilst his baby girl was taking her first steps, growing her first tooth and speaking her first words.

He felt his heart throb painfully in his chest whilst he put all the strength he had into keeping his tears at bay so that he doesn't upset his daughter. Is this what fatherhood is going to be like?

He pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind deciding to dwell on it another time, and focus on Kiara.

"Three? Wow you're such a big girl." He enthusiastically gasped back, even though it physically and emotionally pained him to say it.

This made Kiara twist her body and look down shyly, her cheeks heating up after hearing what she deemed one of the greatest compliments in her three year old mind.

"You're definitely ready to be her Dad?" Donna cuts in, keeping her question vague so that little ears can't understand.

Kian's face drops slightly as a fresh swarm of doubts invade his mind.

He already loves the girl with all of his heart but how on earth is he supposed to take care of her and keep her breathing?

He doesn't know the first thing about being a parent. He lost his own at only fourteen years of age when they were in a fatal car crash on their way home to him.

But remembering losing his parents only makes him more determined to ensure his daughter doesn't share the same fate as him in becoming an orphan.

She won't grow up without her father. He'd make sure of that.

"You think she'll like LA? I'm already decorating her bedroom in my mind."

Kian answers without an explicit yes, looking back down to his daughter who's face lights up even more as she comprehends what he says.

"Daddy lives in Amer-ca?" Kiara asks in a questioning tone.

"I do. And my penthouse has a big hot tub on the balcony that you'll love." He tells her animatedly.

Donna stands back smiling at the encounter between the new father and daughter.

For someone who demanded to get a paternity test and looked as pale as a ghost as he arrived at her doorstep, he's amazing with kids.

Maybe it is because of his young age and immaturity but never the less, he talks to her like he's her best friend.

And Donna has no doubt that they will be best friends.

But the mood dampens significantly at the child's next question.

"Mamma coming too?" Kiara asks, wide eyed staring up at her dad who has a fresh set of tears building up in his eyes.

Kian's heart breaks yet again for his daughter who has lost her mother, the only family she's ever known, at the tender age of three.

She's too young to know what it means to lose someone. It's not fair, Kian thought. Atleast he had fourteen years to remember. She'll probably forget by next year.

"What do I tell her?" Kian whispers, looking up to the brunette, middle aged woman beside them with glassy eyes.

She looks around awkwardly as though the perfect answer will suddenly jump out at her if she looks hard enough.

"Your mammy went to heaven for a while Kiara remember what I told you? She loved you very much but you get to spend some time with your daddy now isn't that cool?"

Donna words her sentence very carefully in a way that a three year old is able to understand.

Kiara nods her head but when a single tear trails down her cheek Kian lets his own tears fall and tries to hide it from Kiara by pulling her into another tight hug.

Her little body shakes as she sniffles into the crook of her dad's neck and he rocks her from side to side, stroking her back with his hand and swallowing down the lump in his throat.

"I'm so sorry baby. I promise we're going to have so much fun okay?" Kian whispers into her ear.

He feels Kiara nodding weakly into his neck and he holds her even tighter.

That's a promise Kian is determined to fulfill. He'll do anything to see that sunshine smile back on her face alongside the two dimples he's already fallen in love with.

Kian loses track of time as he holds his daughter for as long as she needs and his corncern spikes yet again when she becomes worryingly still; her sobs stopping completely.

He tries to lean back to get a good look at her but her head remains stuck in his neck and his eyebrows furrow in concern.

"She's fallen asleep."

Donna informs the worried father upon picking up on his secretly hilarious panic.

Kian feels his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Of course that's the obvious answer. Why had he assumed the worst?

Maybe this is what it means to be a parent. Worrying about every little thing that they do. Kian wondered.

"She hasn't had much sleep at all the past few nights. She keeps asking for her mum and waking up crying from nightmares." Donna explains further, stepping closer to the pair on the floor.

Kian carefully stands up, cautious as to not wake her up whilst securing his hold on her small, precious body.

"And what am I supposed to do with her when that happens? How on earth am I supposed to look after her? I'm only twenty two I can hardly look after myself."

Kian voices his concerns aloud to the woman infront of him, although keeping his volume low.

"You're already amazing with her Kian. Just feed her, bathe her and love her and I'm certain she'll be the happiest toddler in the world." Donna assures Kian in a gentle, encouraging tone.

She's used to seeing it happen all of the time in her line of work. Parents not having enough faith in themselves. And out of all of the parents she's ever met she can tell that Kian is already a better father than most.

"But what do I feed her? What if I feed her too much or not enough? How do I give a toddler a bath? How am I supposed to know what temperature the water should be? How-"

Donna stops Kian mid rant by calling his name.

"It's normal to be worried. It happens to every single parent but you're really overthinking everything. Trust your instincts, you know exactly what that little girl needs." The social worker reassures Kian yet again.

Kian takes a deep breath in and exhales slowly through his nose, a technique his therapist had taught him when his parents had passed away.

His aunt had made both him and his older brother attend sessions with a psychologist to make sure they were grieving healthily and coping as well as they could.

"Atleast tell me what I need to buy for her? I'm sure she needs car seats and special kiddy cups and all sorts of kid friendly things that my apartment certainly doesn't have." Kian bargains, slightly less panicked although his brain is still racing with endless reasons he isn't prepared to take care of a child.

"Kian, you're still overthinking it. We collected as much as we could from her old house so there's already...a pink princess booster seat right here... and a sippy cup right over here..."

Donna placates Kian for the thousandth time, holding up a disney princess car seat that was hidden in a corner of the room and a pink anti-spillage cup from the kitchen counter that was filled with diluted juice.

But all that succeeded in doing was bringing Kian's mind back to the topic of toddler friendly drinks and foods.

He'd have to persuade his brother to hide the alcohol out of sight from his little girl, after telling him of her existence of course, and replace the cans of beer in the fridge with fruit juice and milk.

Donna gives up trying to talk any sense into him and heads upstairs to collect Kiara's suitcase from the spare bedroom she'd been staying in.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

Once Donna had gathered all of Kiara's belongings she sat on the arm of the sofa that Kian and a sleeping Kiara were lounging on.

She had smiled to herself before announcing her presence, admiring how Kian watched Kiara sleep like she was the centre of the universe. Because to him, she was.

Donna went through the logistics of handing over the custody of Kiara to Kian and explained that once they arrived home in LA, it was protocol to have a social worker from LA check his house over to make sure it was safe for Kiara.

Kian had agreed with no hesitation, a stark contrast to his stubborn and argumentative behaviour back at the precinct in LA.

If his brother could see him now he wouldn't hear the end of it. He would tease him about turning soft and acting like a middle aged man Kian was sure.

"All you have to do now is sign this document agreeing you have full custody over Kiara and then I'll let you be on your way home. I'm assuming you can afford to be on your way back straight away."

Donna daringly remarks with a hint of a smirk. Kian was suprised she was joking around, about his status and wealth at that but wasn't offended.

It was known that him and his brother had more then enough money to enable his future grandchildren's grandchildren to live lavishly.

"If you want my autograph all you have to do is ask." Kian jokes back, smirking to show he isn't offended.

Kian manages to sign the sheet of paper with one hand whilst keeping the other securely around Kiara.

"Do you need help loading all of this into the car?" Donna offers even though she can tell he does since he still has the sleeping child in his arms.

There's no way he could secure the car seat in the car, lift the extra large suitcase into the boot and keep track of Kiara's backpack full of necessities without waking her.

Much to either of their suprise, Kian had already managed to slip Kiara's fluffy brown coat onto her along with her little bobble hat. But there's only so much more moving around she can take before she's fully awake again and the girl needs to catch up on her sleep.

So when the taxi arrived, the driver and Donna loaded the car up whilst Kian gently placed the sleeping beauty into her car seat and strapped her in, double and triple checking to see that all the straps were secured properly.

Kian was already weary about cars after his parents fatal accident but having Kiara in one doubled his worries.

Kian thanked Donna for all of her help and bid his goodbyes whilst watching over his daughter like a hawk.

In fact, Kian didn't think he had taken his eyes off of her ever since he met her. He didn't want to.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

Once they finally arrived back at the airport Kian's nerves kicked in again.

He wondered if his disguise was enough to protect his baby from the brutality of the paparazzi.

He was no longer worried about his reputation but instead he feared what the public would say about Kiara if they found out who she was and how he'd not known she existed until now. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out they're related. They look identical.

The press would have opinions about her and he knew better then anyone the effect their words can have on a person's mental health.

Kian could handle it. It was what he signed up for and he'd grown used to it after so many years. She didn't.

He couldn't bare the possibility that they may have negative opinions about his gorgeous, innocent daughter who never asked for this life.

He wouldn't subject her to the public. Not until it was absolutely unavoidable.

Kian rounded the car to Kiara's side, coming to terms with the fact that he's going to have to wake her up to get through security and get their passports checked.

The taxi driver got out of the car and kindly retrieved a trolley that Kian could use to manoeuvre their luggage through the airport.

"Wakey wakey sunshine. It's time to go on the plane." Kian said in a low, gentle tone, stroking Kiara's speckled, chubby cheek to coax her awake.

Her long ginger lashes flutter until her big blue eyes are staring up at Kian as she tries to get her bearings.

A small, sleepy smile tugs at her lips which is soon intercepted by a big yawn.

"Where are we?" She asks Kian, sitting up straight in her car seat whilst her dad unbuckles the straps.

"We're at the airport so that we can go on the airplane. Have you ever been on a plane before little one?"

Kian smiles down at the sleepy girl as he pulls his sunglasses out of his pocket and puts them on.

"No." Kiara answers, shaking her head profusely.

Kian pulls his hood up and fixes his scarf over his mouth.

"Daddy cold?" Kiara innocently questions.

Kian chuckles which Kiara wouldn't have noticed if she couldn't hear due to his face being covered.

"I'm playing hide and seek. Want to help me hide?" He turns a confusing situation for a three year old into a game, picking the little girl up and propping her on his hip.

Her arms instantly latch around his neck and her head falls back into place on his shoulder.

"You still tired honey?" Kian asks, rubbing her back before struggling to pull the car seat out of the car with his free hand.

"Mhm." Kiara yawns.

"It won't be long until we're on the plane and then you can sleep for a long while okay?" Kian bargains.

"M'kay." Kiara murmers in response.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

The airport was a nightmare.

And that's putting it lightly.

Kian struggled to keep control of the trolley full of luggage whilst keeping a strong grip on the toddler in his arms; having to dig out their passports and documents for security made him want to shout at anyone who looked in his direction.

He was dreading facing airport security dressed in his highly suspicious disguise but thankfully after pulling security to one side and explaining he needed a private room for a security check for the child's safety from paparazzi, the strict staff made the exception and found a secure room for the father daughter duo.

He was on edge the entire remainder of the journey, scared he may be recognised by someone which would put Kiara's safety at risk.

It was only after he had secured her booster seat to the first class plane booth that he was he able to breathe again.

Kiara was drinking in her surroundings with wide, curious eyes. Every so often she'd point to something and ask her father, 'what's dat?', to which he'd enthusiastically respond, smiling at how easily pleased she was.

If it weren't for the fact that the three year old is better dressed then him and has a large amount of belongings, he'd question wether or not she was raised by one of the socialites he'd slept with in LA.

She certainly wasn't spoiled. In fact, she was the most kind hearted, pure soul Kian had ever met.

And that was a trait she had to have inherited from her mother, who he had forgotten to ask the name of when he had the opportunity.

He'll have to wait until he comes across Kiara's birth certificate in her luggage and see if he recognises the name.

Kian placed his headphones into his daughters tiny ears the best he could in attempt to protect them from popping at take off.

He reached across his seat and held onto her hands whilst the plane rumbled to life and took off into the air.

Kiara was overwhelmed by the noise and the movements of the plane. It was written all over her face. Her perfectly shaped eyebrows were scrunched and her lips were pursed.

But to Kian's suprise she was extremely brave and her usual bright smile returned once the plane was in the sky.

"Woah. High in de sky like de birdies." Kiara commented adorably.

Kian smiled fondly watching her eyes scan across the clouds that were tinged pink due to the setting of the sun.

"That's right. In fact, we're even higher then the birdies, isn't that cool?" Kian replied.

Kiara nodded in response, too taken by the new and incredible view to pay too much attention to what her dad was saying.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

A/n. I thought i was gonna have to edit tf out of this story since it's so old but it's actually not bad at all. I understand the hype now lol.

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