(KiriRan)Memorable moment (1)

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 Meet with you, study with you for me is a time full of unforgettable memories ...

In early April, the wind blows slightly, these Sakura's fragile petals fell lightly. The sunny is no longer harsh, gave way room for light sunshine through the forest canopy. In the mountains, wild sakura trees like Yamazakura are blossoming, you can see the some dark red leaves appearing at the same time as the pinkish light pink Yamazakura petals.

The sky is filled with white clouds floating. I wonder if I lay in the clouds, how will it feel? It would be great!

Focusing on the scenery and thoughts made me came to school when I did not know! Ninjutsu Gakuen is located on a mountain peak in the Kansai area, and the specific location I can not reveal because it's a secret! Although it has a long history, but very large school with heavy timber doors, opened up in me a strange and exciting world. Our story starts here too ...

Not ready to step into the school suddenly from somewhere a cow stabbed me into the wall. The owner of the cow hastily apologized, It was a low and fat kid, look at the clothes is to know his family is very rich!

"My name is Fukutomi Shinbei, I also attended Ninja School, so nice to meet you!"

Just arrived at school I had a new friend, do not know what new friends will be like, what willthe teachers teach? Expect too!


I was kicked by a cow and then a heap of coins. When I was paying my tuition fees, a mountain of coins came down my head.

"Sorry! This is the money I accumulate when I go to work, so I only have the odd currency!"

Escape out of the pile of money I plan to scold him need to be more careful, but...I can not, I was attracted to that boy: a pretty boy with a tall and skinny, bright face and long pale purple hair, his hair so beautiful, different from my brown hair. But more importantly, where I was attracted was the eyes: it's big eyes, glitter and clear like the autumn lake, but at the same time, there is something vague void hidden deep inside that I can not understand.

"HEY! Four eyes!"

He waved his hand at me, now I wake up. But what, he calls me "four eyes"?

"Because my eyesight is weak , I have to wear glasses, what's wrong?"

Apparently aware of the anger in sayings, he scratched his head laughing. Seeing the his dynamic gesture I think of a small angel playfully cute!

"Sorry, sorry! I'm Kirimaru Settsuno, nice to meet you!"

After introducing himself, Kirimaru held out his hand to me, I continued to stand for a long time and then shyly reaching out to catch:

"I'm Inadera Rantarou!"

At that moment I suddenly felt something very familiar, it's like finding something that seems like it's gone!

"And I'm Shinbei, looking forward to your help! I am in 1st Year Ha class (ichinen hagumi) 

"What? I also study in 1st Year Ha class?"- I and Kirimaru them together say: "Huh? Turns out ..."- Again said the same.

Seeing the two of us standing like statues, Shinbe opened his mouth to laugh, his mouth was wide open, you can see some decay tooth in it.

Then we went to explore school, Ninja Academy is very wide, birds do not fly exhausted. Suddenly, Shinbei smells of instant food pulling both of his friends into the kitchen, the Mess Hall Lady- Ninjutsu Gakuen's No.1 chef cooks very well, The three of us together eat ramen noodles and praise. 

After we finished eating we continued to walk in the yard, when we went we told each stories. I'm talking about my family:

"My ancestors followed the Ninja profession, my parents are also Ninja, but only ranked 5th (currently ranked 3rd) so I want to be a talented ninja to make my name!"

"A family has tradition!"-Kiri commented.

"And my dad is a trader!"- Shinbei shared:"My father imported foreign goods and sold them to wealthy nobles, so he made a lot of money!"

"Money!"-At that, Kirimaru's eyes lit up:"Or you tell your father to adoption me! If not, then introduce me to the work can earn more money! "

Now that I know about money, Kirimaru will be ... excited! (that is obvious). I see that he is good at making money but how do you make money?

"Where are you working?"

"I work ... off the battlefield! "

"What? You joined the army? "

"Are not! I sell canned food! "

After that both of them fell backwards!

"Did your parents know you were doing that dangerous job?"

"Ah! This thing..."

Kirimaru's face was pale, his eyes suddenly reversed, it seems he is hiding something. And yet he does not mention his family, do not know what happened?

"Hey! Where is your house? When will I get there? "

"Does your mother cook well? When will I enjoy it?

Continuing the questions posed to Rikimaru, he was quite confused, as if he did not know how to respond.

"Oh! Is not this an expert on extra work?"

There are two boys in our age who wear the same uniform, a boy with red hair and a boy with blue hair, they both have the same point that arrogant arrogance makes me feel ... hard to love!

"Do you know Kirimaru?"- I asked quietly.

"Of course! Now out of the way, who does not know 'Expert to make money'-He has the talent to hear the coins fall 100 meters?" The blue haired answered.

"It's just a peddling child, a homeless person without a family or friends. Tragedy is abandoned by parents, Do I have too many words? Sorry!"

Turns out everything is so, I remembered Kirimaru's expression at that time, it's not just embarrassment but pain. How could I be so stupid to spin deeper into your pain?

My thoughts are quickly broken when I see Kirimaru right now: the face is indescribably angry, bullet-shaped eyes, nose breathing very fast, hands clenched, his body trembled and emit a very scary air. One can also see how angry Kirimaru is now, if this continues, it will happen! What I fear has come true, Kirimaru suddenly rushed to the two of them with a clenched fist, I immediately ran to stop him:

"Shinbei, come help me!"

Turning to Shinbei, he almost stood still. It happened so fast that he did not understand?

"Kirimaru calm down! At the beginning of the school year, which you want to go to the Board of School administrators? You two are not going fast?"

Although I had advised him many times, Kirimaru kept struggling and the other two stood still as if watching a good movie! I give up!

"Sakichi, Denshichi, where are you two?"- Someone called.

"Goodbye, 1st Year Ha class!"- They laughed and left.

After a futile struggle, Kirimaru calm down: his arms relaxed, his lips tightening, the facial muscles begin to dilate, eyes look to the side. I breathe a sigh of relief, my arms resting on my chest and bend down. Suddenly I saw something flowing to the ground, is it rain? It's still sunny! Lift your head up, the face in front of my eyes hurt my heart: from Kirimaru's eyes are shining and transparent tears that are constantly falling. What? My little angel is crying?

Seeming to see my gaze, Kirimaru ran away.

"Wait ... wait Kirimaru! "- I rushed after.

Finding half a day (the Ninja Academy is so big!), finally I saw Kirimaru sitting under the old tree. It was also late afternoon, the whole yard was bright red, the birds began to fly back to the nest, things are resting, space suddenly became quiet to abnormal.. I leaned against the tree, sitting with my back against Kirimaru. Now what should I say, how to say, say a word that so hard? Normally I am a person who is always open, and now I can not speak, why?

"Your hair is beautiful ... "

That is the sentence I uttered in thousands of sentences. How many words to say like "hello" or "are you okay?" Or a question: "It's beautiful today?" Why talk about hair?

It seemed that Kirimaru recognized my presence so he answered calmly:

"My hair? Why?"

At this point I dare to look straight at Kirimaru, watching his hair hovering in the wind:

"Your hair is beautiful ... because it's long, silky, not make up for my hair!"

"So what?"

I took off my hat, the messy red hair looked like a crow nest.

"You see! My hair is rough or tangled, very hard to comb, the red color is so unlike any other, people are teasing me is the Red Four eyes!"

I scratch my head awkwardly.

"I see your hair very special, it's the sunset color!"

Kirimaru pointed to the sky, red encroachment in the sun. The color of the sunset does not bring feelings of joy nor pain, it is a sadness, a regret for a day has passed! Afternoon scene becomes mysterious sparkling.

Then both of us continued to fall in thought. I watched him quietly, eyes suddenly stopped at hand, the hand I hold in my first encounter, the hand that I was holding in my first encounter, the more attention I noticed it was cracked and very rough, it is not the hand of the child, but so of a human with a hard life. I want to take your hand, to ease the pain he has suffered, but why is my hand trembling? Why do not I have the courage to take your hand?

"Everything will be fine!"

Finally I can only say comforting words, which I could have done more, could have been a solid foundation for you to rely on, but...

"Thank you!"

Kirimaru responds and gives a bright smile, seeing that smile suddenly I feel the light in my heart, my heart beating fast, time like stop, I feel very warm and familiar, is this feeling, this strange familiar feeling is what?

The question in my mind urged me, finally I blurted out:

"Kirimaru, have we met? "

Suddenly, the bell rang, signaling for a day to end.

"I'm not sure yet! But come back to the dorm! "

Kirimaru stood up, pulling me up and running: "Who's running faster?"

I smile, just to be able to see you happy is enough to satisfy me! I hope you can forever so...

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