Task no:-01 ❤️

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Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathu.

Hope you all are in the best of health.

May Allah bless you with the best,Aameen.

So here goes the task no:-01

Praying at time.

Listen to me,Oh sisters and brothers. Five daily prayers are something so valuable. And we dare not to miss them. They are a gift, Subhahanahallah. They are something so special in our lives. That it had to be our first priority,now,today, tomorrow and always. Forever. Do you get it.

And yeah,For a minute close your eyes.


It's whole dark right?..You are on the day of judgement. You are there, Every one sorrounding you. And you hear sounds. Allah is asking you,Why did you miss your prayers? Allah is asking you that he made it compulsory. Then why didn't you pay heed to it ? Allah is asking you all of it? He has record of all the prayers you missed. He has it all. What are you going to answer him? Think for yourself. Now. If not now then never. Shaythaan might not let you think but for the betterment. Think now.

Open your eyes,You still have time.You still have time. You still have time. Iam reminding you again and again and again. Why don't you pay heed. This reminder is for you and me too.

We have to put our efforts we have to try harder.  In Shaa Allah :)

You get it?

Hearafter In Shaa Allah,Let's pray on time. Let's pray every prayer. Let's pray it all with full concentration. In Shaa Allah.

Will you? Will me ?

Let's question ourselves. Okay?
Now..do it now. Please.




Listen to all of this.

Will you for yourself. You are doing a help for yourself,if you read this,listen to those,and implement it in your life.

Are you willing to do that for you?
Comment :)

In Shaa Allah,I'll ask in a few days and U want positive response okay? May Allah Subhahanahu tha'ala make it easy for you and me,Aameen.

Let's hearafter pray on time.okay?

What's your thought about this chapter?

See you soon,
Witha another task for you all.
Till then,
Take care.

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