Blind Sunset

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This is another drabble for PumpkingxAngel! This is their second drabble prize. There isn't particularly any warnings, although there can be a subtle hint of depression. I also didn't know how to write an antisocial personality character, so I'm very sorry. Anyways, this story could also have a part 2 in the future! Maybe-


2752 Words Total


The Russian never looked at a sunset and thought about how lucky he was to see it. He never took the time to appreciate the way the colors blend together in such a magnificent and beautiful way. He has never taken the time to admire the pretty colors of roses and lilies, and just all the colors around him. That wasn't out of the ordinary for him. For anyone really. Who thinks about appreciating those little things like that? Everyone can see colors. It wasn't something new to talk about. Especially for someone with a stone heart such as Sergei, a dark haired man with broad shoulders, a ushanka hat, and his sweater. It was a pretty chilly day, so he fit in quite well among the town of other chilly-ready individuals. He was just here on a work related visit, nothing particularly interesting.

Or so the Russian man thought.

After a hard day at a long, and very boring meeting, he decided to take a nice, quiet stroll through the town's park. He brought along his only little friend, a birbun named Chirp, who was currently all bundled up in a custom made scarf on his shoulder. Despite having a pretty thick coat, Sergei wanted to ensure his one friend would be snug and warm, and the birbun seemed pretty thankful for that. They walked along the trail path, Chirp making his sweet little noises while Sergei walked, looking up at the slowly darkening blue sky. He was fine with being outside in the dark. He did it quite often at home. He found it to be the most peaceful, blissful time of day. No one was outside, there was only the natural sound of the world around him, and he could be lost in his thoughts. There was never really any concern for him to get jumped or spooked by anyone, as he was a tall, threatening figure himself. Most people wanted to avoid him. Which worked out just fine for him, as he didn't like other people. It can just stay him and Chirp, forever and always as far as the Russian was concerned.

And so far, it seemed like this was going to be like any other walk. Just the quiet chirping of the birds around him and Chirp. The Birbun rested calmly inside the Russians sweater pocket, warm and cozy. He didn't look like he was about to jump away or anything.

And then suddenly, Chirp was gone. Sergei felt the weight of the bird-bunny hybrid jump out of his pockets and turned around, looking around in a slight panic over where his beloved pet ran off too. He spotted the black-and-white fur disappear into a bush on the left side of him, along with a loud 'CHIRP!'

"Chirp! What the hell??" He shouted, dashing after the pet into the thick brush of the wooded area around him. He couldn't believe this! The birbun had been sound asleep in his pocket! What got Chirp all excited and in the mood to run about. He felt annoyed and scared that he'd lose his pet. He kept running until he spotted the little bun sprinting ahead of him, jumping right over a log. Sergei just kept following, calling for his pet to come back. To stop. To just come right to him.

Suddenly, a bright light hit his face, blinding the Russian for a moment. He clenched his teeth and made an attempt to look out ahead of him. It took a moment, but his vision soon refocused and cleared up.

There was a cliff facing a beautiful sunset. Something that wasn't particularly new to Sergei, who grumbled at the sight of his black and white pet sitting at the edge, peering down at something. He felt a form of relief spread out from his chest as he walked over, bending down to pick up his pet, spotting just a few feet from him a person sitting down. They must've climbed down. From what the Russian could spot, it was a human-monster hybrid, common in the town he was visiting. They moved their ears and looked up, blue-green eyes hitting bright red. The Russian lept back in surprise, causing his birbun to jump free from his hand and land down right at the strange hybrid.

A girl.

She made a noise of surprise, as well as a loud chirp. Sergei felt himself tense up and immediately returned back to the edge of the cliff, back down at the girl holding his trembling birbun.

"Chirp!" He yelled down, getting the girl's attention right back up to him. Sergei wasn't concerned with the girl right at that moment, as he just wanted his pet back. "Give him back! He's scared!" Sergei growled, reaching down to obtain his pet. The hybrid picked up the bun gently from her lap and stood up, stumbling backwards and turning around to give him the animal. As he grabbed hold of his shaky little bun, he finally got a better look at the girl, figuring out what to say to her. The first thing he noticed was a tear-like substance streaking across her face, as well as some puffiness in her odd...pale eyes. They didn't look completely right for some odd reason. She looked like she had just been crying or something. Despite his better judgement, he asked, "Are you okay..?"

The girl seemed surprised to hear the question, her mouth opening up to form a little 'o' and her eyebrows were perked up. Even her tail was giving a curious and surprised little twitch. After what felt like an eternity, she nodded. "I-i'm fine. I was just about t-to go. I-i'm very sorry that I scared your pet..." Her voice was so small and dainty. The Russian could almost barely hear her, just barely though. He pressed his lips together in a thin line and stood up, placing his Birbun in his sweater pocket, then knelt back down to help her up. He wasn't terrible at picking up subtle social cues in people, even if he didn't really want to be near them most of the time. It was fairly clear she had been crying. The girl's face remained pretty surprised, as if she never thought to see another person here with her. But she did take his hand.

Hoisting her up, he stumbled back a little, almost falling backwards and only catching himself thanks to his fast reflexes. He even had his hands right on the girl's hip and shoulder to keep her steady as he stumbled. A small tinge of pink hit his face once he realized his hand placement, plus the embarrassment of almost falling set in, and he let her go. Clearing his throat and fixing his hat, he spoke up, "It's fine. Chirp just got too excited and didn't realize how high up we were. He's not particularly fond of heights." Sergei glanced down at the pet, who had his floppy ears covering his face. Poor thing...


There was an odd quiet that fell between then. Usually, right about now Sergei would just leave. Just go away. But for some odd reason, he didn't move a muscle. He just felt like he should talk to the cloudy eyed girl. Say something to her.

"So, why are you out here?"

The girl blinked and scratched her covered-up arm. "To think..? I-it's peaceful... The sunset is also kind of nice t-to sit down and watch.." She sounded a little awkward talking about it, "What about y-you?"

"Me and Chirp were going for a walk. It's nice to be in a peaceful environment."

She nodded in agreement, her tail wagging a little. "I-i agree..." This girl was stuttering a lot.. Was she that nervous? Sergei thought about it some, before seeing her turn away from him and look back at the sunset. His eyes followed hers up to the sky, seeing all the pretty shades of pinks, oranges, and purples kiss the once blue sky. The sun seemed to be watching them as well as it slowly setted. It was actually a really pretty sight, but he didn't understand why she liked it. All sunsets were the same. If you've seen one, you've seen them all.

"Why do you like sunsets so much?" He asked her, stepping up next to her to see her expression. She pressed her lips together, her cloudy eyes fluttered downwards for a brief moment as she thought of her response. Chirp moved around in Sergei's pocket as that strange silence filled the air. FInally, she opened her mouth.

"I g-guess it's just e-easier for me to app-appreciate something-that already l-looks like a blur..." Her voice sounded quieter, hesitant, before she glanced up to him and pointed to her strange eyes. "I-i'm partially blind..."

"Partially blind??" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

She nodded, "I-i can see blobs of color and shapes, but I can't make out finer d-details." The hybrid explained.

Sergei stood there, stunned, and unsure what to say. Well, it explained the eyes. But she otherwise looked normal! He reached out for a moment, wanting to touch her face and gaze into the glassy, pretty eyes she had, but pulled away. Instead, he put his hand on his own face. "Ah... I see..." He muttered softly, "Have you always been blind?" Sergei asked.

The girl shook her head, her ears moving with her head. "No, not at all. I-i was born with decent enough v-vision. I-i think I needed g-glasses, but I never got t-them. When I-i turned 14, that's when my blindness s-started. I-i stopped being a-able to look at flowers and other people in t-the ways I used too." She sounded sadder and sadder as she spoke. She missed her eyesight, that much was clear. "You look like a dark blob right now in front of me. Chirp l-looked like a blob too. N-nothing looks right, even when right up to my face." Her voice cracked a tiny bit, but she managed to pull herself together and sighed. "S-so, I come look at the sunset, since I don't need to see the details t-to appreciate it..."

Sergei really didn't know how to feel or what to say. He couldn't imagine losing his sight at a young age and being unable to properly see his best friend, Chirp, or the wildlife around him. Even if he didn't care much about seeing other people on the day-to-day bases, he could envision how lonesome it had to be to only view people as walking blobs of colors. He creased his eyebrows down and looked at the sunset. He had no idea what to say to her. She seemed to have sensed this and looked back at the sunset herself, the colors slowly melting away into a purple hue. Which turned into a dark navy color as stars speckled the sky. They both stood there in silence for quite a long time, enough time for Chirp to fall asleep.

The sunset didn't seem to last long. Now that it was dark, it was probably time to go home.

The girl didn't seem to budge though. She was just staring up into the star covered sky. Sergei could've left her alone. It was clear she had done this before. But...for some strange reason, he felt like he shouldn't. The Russian decided to speak to her some more, hoping that maybe he can find out why in a moment.

"Do you do this often?" He asked her, breaking their long silence. She didn't seem to have heard him at first. Which yes, did irritate him a bit, but it didn't last long when she spoke.

"Only recently."

He made an 'ah' noise, then asked her another question, "Do you usually have someone else here to help you back home?" Sergei quickly added, "In case you get lost or anything-"

She paused for a moment, before breathing softly out her nose, "At first I did. T-then I started coming alone. I know m-my way around enough t-that I don't get too lost..."

Segei nodded slowly, "Ahhh. Well uh, I hope I didn't ruin anything." He mumbled, not really sure why he felt the need to say anything about that.

She gave him an uneasy smile and reached out with her tiny hand to touch his arm. To pat it. Sergei flinched a tiny bit, unexpecting of the kind touch. "It was... a-actually a little nice t-to have a bit of company..." The girl spoke softly, her cloudy eyes full of genuine appreciation, as well as another, more hidden emotion. Something Sergei had no way to identify. It made him feel a tiny bit uneasy, but he decided not to question her about it. It was really none of his business. They were a bit silent for a while, even when she pulled away. This time, she started the conversation. "I don't r-recall telling you my name... I'm Mavis. M-mavis Fox." Her ears perked up a little.

Sergei blinked and responded back, "I'm Sergei. Your name is... different. I like it." He gave this very awkward smile, forgetting she wouldn't be able to see it.

Mavis made a lighthearted giggled, "It is, i-isn't it. Sergei's a different name too, but I-i like it too," She said. Her voice started to clear up a bit, becoming more easy and lighthearted. Sergei kind of liked it, for some odd reason. He thanked her. They just stood silently again for another moment, then he asked-

"Mavis, would you mind if I walked you home tonight? I'd just like to get to know you a little better," He asked, realizing as he spoke just how weird and creepy that sounded. Plus-

Why did he ask?? He didn't even like people.

Mavis seemed surprised by his question, even having a faint blush appear on her cream colored face, then nodded. "I would appreciate t-that. Are y-you sure it isn't just because I-i'm blind though?"

The Russian man quickly shook his head, "N-no! That's not it at all, I just-" He noticed that same strange emotion in her eyes, which made him bite his lower lip and straighten up, "I genuinely just want to get to know you. I'm not a very social guy. In fact... I usually just don't look at people. You're kind of a rare exception for me." He admitted, not quite sure why he even told the hybrid that. She was silent for a bit, which made him feel strange. Nervous? Anger? Fear? What was it?

"I would l-love a walk... u-usually, people are freaked out when they find o-out I'm blind. S-sometimes people just avoid me, or think I'm c-completely helpless..." She gave a sad sigh, then gave a small smile, "I-i appreciate that you've been a different experience. I-i would like to get to know you some more S-sergei! Maybe we can look at the sunset again?" Mavis offered, even offering to bring Chirp something to eat. Sergei smiled again and nodded, telling her it sounded like a great idea. The two didn't maintain the silence between them as they started walking to her home. They talked, shared some stories, enjoyed talking about favorite flowers, and a whole ordeal of other things. Sergei even laughed. She made him feel happy and good. And she seemed to feel the same way. Once they made it to her home, they made plans to meet again tomorrow, around the evening. At the same cliff. He was excited.

As she went inside her home, she looked back at him and smiled widely at him, waving. He waved back, smiling back at her until she was gone. A little chirp came from his pocket, which made Sergei look down.


"I know Chirp, it's late. Let's go home and get you fed." He cooed at the birbun, patting him on the head, thinking about the next day already.

The next day to see Mavis.

To have Chirp hopping between them, begging for attention.

To laugh and tell stories.

To get to know each other more.

And most importantly-

Appreciate the sunset with his new friend. Something he would've never done before.

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