Obsessive Actress 2

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Another drabble? And a part 2?

Nah man, I didn't totally do that.

Okay I did... anyways! I did this because my friend Lex liked part one, and I know he's gonna be the only person to really read this, so I did it special for him! (And partly for myself because I like tormenting Mavis sometimes-)

Let me go ahead and present you guys the warnings:

-Mentions of murder and torture

-Mentions of Stalking

-Strong Language

Word Count: 3549


Famous Beast Actress, Summer Fox, Lost Brother found dead outside Ancient Monster History Museum at 12:32 PM.

Talented Jake Fox-Monroe has been found deceased behind his famous museum. Jake Fox-Monroe founded his museum at the rather young age of 18, gaining funds from many backers, specifically his eldest sister. It is believed he was dumped there by whomever or whatever murdered him. It is unclear how Mr. Fox-Monroe perished, but authorities are gathering video clips and information about his death right now as we speak. As for who found his body? None other than his grief striken elder sister.

"It's such an ironic, horrible thing. How could someone dump his body right next to his pride and joy? It's mocking. It's horrible. If I could find out who did this, I'd want to see them locked up for the rest of their life." -Summer Autumn Fox.

Authorities have spoken to family members on the death of Jake Fox-Monroe. His father left no statement for journalists to share, while his mother had this to say on the manner.

"My son was an intelligent, strong monster. The person who did this had to be connected to the other murders and disapperances in town. They must've targetted him for getting too close." -Camilla Anne Fox.

His younger sister wasn't home to answer questions our team had to say on this, but Mr. Fox-Monroe's husband was home to speak on the manner. This was what Wysh Monroe had to say.

"Jake's death is yet another reminder that there is a monster still out there. I didn't just lose my husband, I lost my best friend. All I ask is for anyone to come forward with any information about his death. Anything at all." -Wysh Monroe.

This tragedy is just a reminder that our town is under threat by some kind of serial murderer. Authorties have asked for everyone to remain indoors after curfew and to have a friend with you at all times. No one is to be alone outside in areas unsupervised. Failure to follow these rules may result in your death or housing inside a prison cell until further notice.

Call the sheriff's department if you have any information about this case or others like it.

That was what the newspaper read only some months back. Summer was given a fresh reminder of it once she walked inside her home and locked eyes with her brother's portrait. His mocking, cold green eyes stared right at her. She only growled and walked up to the photo, pulling it down. "You've always been such a fucking smart ass, you know that?" Summer hissed at the image, before she pressed her now burning thumb against the glass. This caused it to melt into the photograph, distorting and ruining the image. "Those cops still don't know what killed you. Can't say I'm surprised, cops are all so useless," Summer huffed, slowly pulling her thumb away from the glass to examine the damage she caused, "Pity that. Your photo copies how you looked once I was done with you. I guess what they say is true: life mimics art." She giggled coyly, tossing the photo on the table.

Walking away, Summer began to think angry thoughts. Her sister was saved. Her sister had been found. How did this even happen? Why did it even happen? This anger spilled out into angry monolouging into the air as Summer brought the vaguest image of her brother to her mind.

"Oh, dear brother, our lovely little sister has been rescued! She's surely going to tell them everything!" Summer wailed up to the ceiling as she started to make her way dramatically through the house, "How she'll expose me for the monster that I am. Expose me as Mayfield's Cut Throat Killer! How she'll go into grave detail about the way I kill you and that stupid cop, Todd Scott. How I-" She paused her dramatic routine to stare at yet another photo. This one of her whole family. Mother, father, her, and her two younger siblings.

People say that older siblings are supposed to care for the younger ones. The babies. Summer not only failed to do that, but couldn't even snuff the youngest out of her suffering. But Summer didn't see this as a failure of a sister, she saw it as a failure against an obstacle.

Yet in this image, they all looked so happy. As happy as any family could be, really. Jake was so bright eyed in this image, despite always carrying such a stoic and deadpan expression. Mavis was smiling brightly, looking at the camera with her deer like eyes. Summer herself even looked happy. What had changed? What had happened?

Nothing happened! Summer was still the same, she just... found a new purpose in life. Instead of finding meaning in acting and making her family proud, she found love. Summer found her Soulmate! All she wanted to do was protect her now. That meant removing any and all obstacles that threatened this goal. There have been others that've tried to insert themselves into Summer's lovelife. Old friends, strangers, aquantinces, and even her own family. This thing spiralled madly after she killed her brother's biological father. Shadow Connor. It was immensely difficult to kill him, but it felt so satisfying. Unfortunately, this led to her brother starting to suspect her. Of course, she had to off him, which resulted in her slipping up to her younger sister. So, she had to hide her away. Originally, she decided she'd frame her sister as the killer, as she'd be the best suspect in Summer's eyes. Summer did target people she knew well, thus it would stand to reason that she could frame her sister as a jealous psycho. Unfortunately, her stupid boyfriend started to snoop a little to close for comfort...

Summer now had her hands tied behind her back.

She had a laundry list of dead bodies, all of whom would be tied back to her if her sister manages to spill the truth to others. Her hard work of preparing to frame that rat was all for not if she managed to recover.

Yet, Summer had a plan.

Summer pulled herself away from the family portrait, now making her way up the stairs. She turned down the second story hallway, down to one of her several bathrooms. The vixen opened up the door, then the medicine cabinet. A wicked smile crossed her face as she pushed aside some of the pills in her cabinet. Her own medication for her own issues. Magic supplements. Water resistant pills. That sort of stuff. However, none of that was important to her.

She grabbed a hold of some unnamed poison. Summer has only used it once on one of her ex-friends during a party. Only, she used nearly the entire bottle on accident. The mess that was caused was... something else. However, the vixen needed to use the last of it for her younger sister. "Bingo," She purred, pulling the bottle down and closed up everything.

Finally, she walked to her bedroom and decided to change. She needed something subtle. Something not too noticeable. Casual. Summer couldn't have anyone really notice her in public this time. Just this one time.

Summer looked around her closet and drawers, finally picking out a simple pair of jeans, plain shirt, and cardigan. Nothing too busy or noticeable. Summer cringed as she pulled on the outfit, but she had to do this. She had to do whatever it took to successfully remove every last obstacle out of her love life. Once dressed up, she placed the poison in her purse, then went ahead to turn off the lights in her home before leaving for the nearby drug store. Just gotta purchase a needle and carry on to the hospital. Easy peasy.


Summer arrived at the hospital at nearly two in the morning. She managed to convince the front clerk for her sister's room number and to keep quiet about who she was. Now it was a matter of keeping her face hidden as she rode up the elevator. Which was easier said then done. She had to bow her head whenever someone entered the elevator, then had to keep it bowed as she exited into the busy hallway of the 'Beasts Emergency Care' sector of the hospital. Due to beasts and monsters' more delicate bodies, they required different care.

The actress finally made it to her sister's room. The door was kept open by just a crack, as the nurses wanted to hear for whenever she woke up. More than likely so they can continue working on her as well as alert the police that she was ready for questioning. Too bad she wasn't going to ever have a chance to wake up. Summer walked inside and closed the door the way that it was. To avoid any suspicion.

There was a single bed in the room, with minimal white decorations around the place. On the bed was her young sister, hooked up to machines that beeped at a steady pace. A heart beat monitor, a magical blood injector, and a liquid injector. Those were the only ones Summer could immediately identify, there were several more connected to her. The main attraction, though, was splayed out on the bed, eyes barely open. Those once baby blues had taken on a desaturated stormy gray color, the life having basically been pulled out from her it seems. The rest of her once fluffy, admittedly beautiful coat and hair had been darken and desaturated, following the same half-dead look of those marbled eyes.

It was almost sad to see. Just almost.

Summer walked over to Mavis' magical blood injector, figuring that the best way to administer the poison would be in the blood stream. All she had to do was put the poison in the syringe then into the blood. Easy peasy. However, Summer couldn't help but stare at her baby sister. There was a faint bit of breathing and the heart monitor started to beep a little faster. Was Mavis aware that Summer was now in the room? Could she see her through those sad, pathetic eyes? The fiery vixen couldn't help but smirk, proud of the fear she brought to Mavis. Summer has never particularly liked her younger sister. Just the way she looked like their mother, the youth she had, the talent she had with singing and gardening, Summer really didn't like her. Of course, she never originally sought to kill her sister, but well... love makes one do crazy things.

Summer loved that feeling.

She placed her hand on her sister's thin arm, avoiding the tubes running into them. "Aw, Mavis," Summer purred, "You know I'm here, don't you?" She asked, playfully tapping her finger on Mavis' even thinner fur. "You know why I'm here, right? I have to keep you quiet. I can't have you blathering on about what really happened. Don't worry though, I promise you won't be in any pain for long." The vixen pulled out the syringe and carefully pulled out the poison. "At least you'll be with Todd," she hummed as she started to draw up the poison. It was a clear-greenish color and had a semi-glow to hit. Technically, this poison was a potion that Summer managed to buy through... illegal means.

Not that it mattered, as once Summer had it inside the needle, she put up the small bottle and gently flicked the syringe' needle. A small smile hit her face as she brought the tip of the syringe to the magical blood tube, knowing it'll get into her sister's bloodstream fairly quickly. At least... that was the plan.

"Summer?" Raven's voice called out, mildly surprised, "I didn't think you'd come this early. I was expecting you to come later." She started to walk into the room, closing the door behind her. Summer silently cursed and quickly put the syringe inside her sleeve.

"Oh, yeah," Summer put on a solemn voice, "I just... couldn't sleep thinking about how sickly she is. Just look at her..." The vixen glanced over to Raven as she stood by her. Summer's heart rapidly started to beat as she gave Raven a sorry smile. Raven, meanwhile, was staring down at Mavis with her multicolored eyes.

Mavis' heart beat monitor was still going quite rapidly. Stress. "Goodness," Raven sighed, "Something's got her heart going. Poor thing..." Raven walked onto the otherside of the bed and lightly placed a hand on her patient's temples. "Let's see what's going on in that brain of yours, luv." Her slight accent hitting Summer's ears like a lovely musical note. However, she found no pleasure in the sound as panic hit her.

"A-ah no! I bet it's just stress from her ordeal. You know? No need to look into it." Summer commented, pushing Raven's hands away from Mavis' head.

"Summer-" Raven started, then sighed, "Look, it's kind of a part of my job to figure out what is wrong. I need to see what's stressing her out so I can fix it. She might not be ready to have guests right now, and if she's not, then I'll need to escort you out." The sillombre stood up straight and crossed her arms. "Why are you being so weird, you know this is my job."

Summer felt her fur start to stand up and an... angry feeling hit her head. Can't Raven just understand what's she's doing for them? She was the one being weird, not Summer! "You're the one being weird," She huffed, crossing her arms, "I've been doing so much for us and you've just been so ungrateful." Summer quickly bit her lips, her anger causing her to lash out at her lover. Raven seemed taken aback by this and furrowed her brows.

"W-" She started, "What do you mean I'm ungrateful? Summer, I'm a nurse, and have a life outside of you. I wouldn't even necessarily consider us super close friends! Do you even know what my favorite color is?"

"It's yellow, and what do you mean we aren't close? We talk pretty often, don't we?" Summer pointed out, now growing hurt and upset.

Raven frowned, "I never... look, Summer, just because we talk doesn't mean we are friends. You're usually the one texting me, you know? I keep telling you I can't talk all the time, or hang out, but you hardly listen to me!" Now Raven was growing upset, angry even, "I wish I hadn't apologized to you earlier about what I was saying. You do nothing but break my boundaries! You're telling me how to do my job and called me ungrateful! What in Abyss' unholy name are you thinking?"

Summer felt something inside her shatter as Raven continued.

"You know, I thought you were something else. You're a gorgeous Beast, and when we first met, I thought you were real nice. Seems I was just wrong. You've just been so weird lately. You didn't even cry or mourn your own brother very long or even seemed too upset when Mavis was missing! And then you suddenly say they were annoying? They weren't worth it? Seems I was just wrong about you." Raven grumbled, clearly angry and upset.

Her criticism broke Summer. She could see her murderous efforts had been for nothing. Her hands were dirty and stained for nothing. That hurt. Summer scowled, dropping the solemn look she had earlier about her sister. "You have no idea what I've done for us, Raven. You have no idea how much my love for you has made me capable to sacrifice so, so much for you. For us. I cannot believe I wasted my TIME on you." Summer huffed, causing Raven to finally put two and two together.

"You're... the serial killer, aren't you?"

"Hah!" Summer laughed, "It took you long enough to realize this."

Raven pulled her hand down to her walkie talkie, quickly getting a small fireorb shot at her hand. It burned that delicate dark magic skin, making her seize up and huff. "Fuck!" She panicked, now staring up at Summer, "How could you? Are you fucking CRAZY?" The sillombre woman shouted, her short hair frizzling.

"Yes! I'm CRAZY for YOU, Raven!" Summer leaned over Mavis' bed, pushing aside the smaller vixen's body. "I've been so crazy for you since I laid eyes on you! I get so jealous seeing people talk to you. I get so sad when you don't talk to me because of the obstacles in our lives! I did everything for you!" Summer slammed her hand on the otherside of the bed, her body now on the bed as her other hand grabbed Raven's uniform collar. "But you just showed me all of that was a waste of my time. A terrible, awful waste of time."

"W-what're you gonna do..?" Raven asked, panic lit up on her face.

Summer started to giggle, wagging her tail, "Well, I have to kill you! I can't have anyone knowing what I've done," She giggled, "Perhaps I can frame you for the murders! I inject this poison into Mavis' arm, let her die, and blame you for it! Wouldn't that be so FUNNY?" Despite the laughter in her voice, Summer's expression was manic and angry. Raven started to shake her head, panicked and shocked, which Summer drank up with joy, "You know, I still really like you! I don't want this to be a total waste! Why don't I make you a deal?'

"A deal? A deal with you?"

"Mhmmmm," Summer hummed, "You can help me frame Mavis! Just change up her memories or whatever, and I'll let you live. Of course, you'd need to keep this a secret..." She pulled her other hand up and rubbed Raven's cheek lovingly, "Or, you could join me in killing people. It's very rewarding."

"It's not at all! It's sick! Why would I-" Raven was quickly shushed by Summer's finger over her lips.

" Shhhh, give it a thought, hm? You are talking to someone with fire magic. All I'd have to do is burn your neck and kill you. Then I can kill Mavis and just tell them whatever the hell I want to tell them." Summer smiled wickedly. Raven's face fell and her eyes flickered away. A momentary silence fell over the room before Summer felt a sudden pull at the back of her head. Her entire body fell off the bed and Raven finally managed to get her walkie talkie out from her pocket. There was no one else in the room, meaning Raven used dark magic to pull Summer off from her. Summer was held down by two dark ghost hands. "HEY!" Summer shouted out as Raven called for security. The vixen's syringe even fell nearby, which Raven picked up after she called for help, and studied the poison.

"Man, you got a strong potion too for this," Raven muttered, "You were going to put her through so much pain over me?" She glared down at Summer. "You monster."

"Oh haha! As if you aren't even a little flattered."

"I'm not! I'm disgusted! Murder isn't hot, you crazy b-"

The door slammed open as two strong masculine figures stepped in. Summer growled lowly as she was picked up from the ground by the two guards. Of course, she fought back, determined to go back. To get Raven. Or even Mavis. And she actually managed to break free, but she could only through a fireball back to the foot of Mavis' bed. Raven quickly swooped in and pulled the young fox off the bed, using some dark magic hands to start patting out the fire as quickly as it could. The fiery vixen screamed and hollered out before the world around everyone paused.

"Well, that certainly was an entertaining show," a masculine voice purred deeply, "Shade, you never fail to impress me with these alternate realities you have access to. I love having these little shows with you."

A dark chuckle appeared from a nearby purple-red portal, faintly glowing next to a chained figure. "Of course father. I find a new one almost every day. This specific... Yandere world just screamed intrigue to me. I've been watching this world for ages now. I think this world might be perfect for an experiment I have in mind..."

A sly smile appeared on the chained individual's face, "Oh? Do tell. Your plans are always so entertaining."

"In due time," a sillombre's face filled the portal's 'screen'. "I'll let you know all about the plan very soon. I've got to get going though before Xear gets suspicious of my activities. You know how she can be," He playfully sneered, before waving and cutting off the portal. The chained figure smiled still, his face finally picking up. Multiple eyes with different colors flanked up at the different frozen faces of the beings. His lower eyes focused on Raven and Mavis' face while the upper eyes looked at Summer's face.

"Interesting." The voice purred, temporarily doubling, "Wouldn't you say so, Mun'ee?"

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