One Last Dance (My Version)

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Hello everyone! This drabble is going to be a hot one! By hot, I mean it's going to be pretty damn angsty. As usual. Now, this is a unique drabble for two reasons:

This is the third time it's being rewritten.

This was originally PumpkingxAngel's drabble!

If you're wondering why I'm rewriting, the answer is plain and simple: They asked me for a prize for their entry in my Sketch Contest. They won first place and asked me to reinterpret their story; One Last Dance. So that's what I'm doing. Of course, my version is going to include somewhat different characters and a different type of dance. The setting won't be the same at all either. If you wanna read the original, please do so! Lex is an awesome writer and deserves a lot more amazing attention for his wonderful drabbles! Now, with all that being said, let's get this show on the road!

Content Warning for the following:
Strong Language
General Angst

Please read with caution.

Word Count: 3439


"Detective Mitchell," A voice cooed, coldness biting through the air as he spoke. A shaggy, dark haired man sat before a neat blond man, who flipped open a folder to pull out a picture. No words left this blond man's mouth, which caused the dark haired man to laugh with annoyance, "Oh come on now," He snickered, his faint accent coming through, "Don't tell me you have no wishes to speak to me. Your favorite inmate." His red eyes flashed ever playfully.

"Favorite isn't the right word for what you are to me," The detective snapped, holding up the picture. The red eyes from this dark haired individual darkened and his head lowered.

"Why are you showing me her face, Mitchell?"

The detective sneered, "It's Mitch," He growled, "And how are you upset over seeing her face. You've killed for her, haven't you?"

"Didn't get her though, did I?"

Detective Mitch rolled his eyes and gave a malicious grin, "Well, you'll be happy to hear she's married now," He mocked, "Do you wish to guess to whom?"

"Certainly not Todd." The man suddenly smiled, then frowned. "Don't tell me yo-"

"Yes Sergei, me and her tied the knot. We found we had a lot in common thanks to you," He put away her picture, "Not that you seem to care though. You're the one that caused that. I should thank you, really. I see now why you actually liked her."

Sergei growled lowly, balling up his fists. "You bitch..." He growled, getting a 'tsk' in return.

"You really have no room to talk, Sergei," Detective Mitch glared, before he cleared his throat and tilted his head, "You remember what you did, don't you? Why you're not with her and why you'll never be with her," he mocked Sergei, then shook his head, "Or should I remind you?"

Sergei remained silent, seething as Mitch shook his head.

"Seems I do have to remind you..."

>> Five years previously <<

A certain blond haired young man was preparing himself for Prom Night. Mitchell, or better yet, Mitch, was currently fixing his bow-tie in the mirror while his best friend, Todd Scott, was on a facetime call with him on his silver laptop. "Dudeee, you're gonna look incredible tonight. Bet Buck's gonna feel so lucky to be your date tonight," The half human-half fox boy laughed on the other side of the screen, "You both might even win King and Queen tonight. Or well, king and king, unless you're fine with being the queen," He teased further, getting a faint blush and an eye roll from Mitch.

"Don't you have any better insults tonight, jerk," Mitch asked, turning to face the laptop to show off his outfit. A blue-gray suit to match his eyes and a nice black tie to compliment the fit. Todd playfully whistled in response to seeing the outfit, "You think he'll like it?"

"Oh, I bet he will. Check this out!" Todd got up from his table where his own computer was seated, revealing a black suit and yellow tie of his own, "We're two handsome fuckin' gentlemen tonight! Gonna get alllllll the ladies, and gentlemen." He smirked cockily, getting a laugh and eye roll from his friend. Since Mitch could remember, Todd was always a cocky, confident kind of person. Nothing seemed to break his spirits. Well, with one exception...

"Did you ask Mavis out yet? I know she's supposed to be coming as a plus one for her step sister," Mitch commented, dusting off his top as he picked up a nearby phone and wallet. He had plans to treat himself and Buck to a nice after prom dinner. In the corner of his eye, he could see the red headed kitsune frown and awkwardly scratch the back of his head.

"So," He started, "You see... I'm still working on that."

Mitch laughed uproariously, "Really Todd? It's been two years! Get it together man! You've had such a huge crush on her for so long!" He laughed some more while Todd crossed his hands, pouting. "Come on Todd," Mitch chuckled, "You know I'm right. Besides, I think you should do it before that weirdo does it."

"Sergei? The transfer student?"

Mitch nodded, a shiver going down his spine at the name of that new student. Well, Sergei's been at the school all this year, but he gave off some of the strangest vibes. Mitch couldn't place his finger on it, but he knew Sergei had developed a strong... connection with Mavis. She was probably the nicest person to him his first week at the school. "Yeah, him," Mitch finally commented, "I think he and she might have a thing going on. Better get to her before he does, yanno?"

Todd made a face and gave a dismissive 'pft' sound, but it was clear Mitch' words struck a chord. At the same time, his sister called from outside his bedroom door, alerting the kitsune that it was time to go. "Oh fuck- here I am getting distracted by you, blond boy. I'll be on the way to pick you up, be ready in five." Todd hurried over to his computer and gave his best friend a wave, before quitting the call. Mitch waved back then turned off his laptop. He double checked himself in the mirror, took a deep breath, then hurried to the living room to head out. Both his parents had left for the evening, deciding to have a date themselves while he was out having fun. Not that he minded, he was going to be gone pretty much all night. Prom, then dinner, maybe a bit of stargazing with Todd and... hopefully Mavis. He chuckled to himself, shaking his head as he thought of his best friend awkwardly asking out that tiny kitsune girl.

> 30 Minutes Later <

Now inside the school auditorium, Mitch and Todd found themselves intermingling with some of their classmates. Everyone greeted the two in a friendly manner, making the atmosphere feel welcoming. Mitch felt a warm, excited feeling overcome him as he walked forward with his best friend, searching for his date. Buck should've been here by now, Mitch was sure to text him on the way here. He said he had nearly been here. Where was he?

"Mitch!" A familiar, friendly voice called out to him. Soon, another kitsune popped out from the crowd, waving her hands in the air as she grinned with excitement up at him, "H-how are you!?" She asked, her pretty baby blues shining extra bright behind her pretty green-blue glasses. The red dress she was wearing bounced with her excited little hops of excitement. Mitch smiled at her and gave her a hug. Todd came running up, getting a similarly, even more excited greeting from the petite, almond colored kitsune. "How are you both tonight?"

Mitch opened his mouth, quickly getting cut off by Todd as he excitedly responded, "Even better now that I see you! Your dress looks so beautiful tonight! I-i mean, you look beautiful in everything you wear, red is just a very nice color on you!"

Mavis' face flushed and she made an excited motion with her hands, "Aw Todd! That's s-so sweet of you! S-sergei actually picked it out for me! We went outfit shopping together so we'd match! I-i was hoping you guys would've seen him, actually..." She glanced up at Todd and Mitch. Mitch watched Todd's face and general body language falter for a moment, so he took over in responding to Mavis.

"No actually, have you seen Buck actually?"

Mavis shook her head, "No, I haven't. I-i'm sorry. I'm sure he'll be here soon!"

Mitch gave a worried expression, but understood Buck might've just run into an old friend or had some car problems. He shouldn't stress out about it. Buck wouldn't stand him up. Besides, Mitch had to worry about Todd's behavior now. "I'm sure he and Sergei will be here too soon. Maybe we should all get something to drink?" He suggested. Mavis nodded and grabbed his and Todd's hand.

"Yeah! Alison and Maggie are actually by the punch! Maggie s-said she wished someone would spike it like they do in those movies, but I kinda hope not. A-alcohol is awful," Her little stutters went by so fast, it was hard to even notice them. Todd seemed to perk up a bit by her hand holding, but was uncharacteristically silent. Mitch felt kind of bad, so he decided to ask Mavis some questions to gain any more insight into her and Sergei's relationship.

"So, I'm aware Alison was the one who invited you to prom, right?" Mitch asked, slowly building up to the big question, "Who asked Sergei to prom?" He asked.

Mavis thought about it and cocked her head to the side, "I'm... not actually sure. I think he just wanted to come on his own? I-i could ask him whenever he comes?"

Mitch shook his head and smiled, "No, that's okay. Why'd he want to match with you?"

Mavis thought about that question too, "Hm, not really sure why..." She admitted, flustered, "I-i agreed because we're friends! And I figured f-friends would match! Alison would've m-matched with me if she and Maggie weren't already." Speaking of the couple, the two girls came into view and waved at the two boys and Mavis.

"Hey blondie and foxbreath!" The demon girl called out, laughing as the shorted hybrid girl elbowed her teasingly.

"MAGS!" She laughed, before hugging Mavis tightly. Alison had recently become Mavis' step sister after her mother and Mavis' father married. It was a nice ceremony. Todd streamed it for him when he went, since at the time, Mitch had been sick. Speaking of Todd... after glancing over to the kitsune, it seemed he was back to his normal self. He was smiling at the group, crossing his arms.

"I'll take that as a compliment, because I ate a few mints before getting here. So hah!"

Maggie snorted, chuckling to herself, "Awww, trying to kiss Mavy-wavy tonight?" She asked, getting both kitsunes to blush. Mitch couldn't help but laugh at the response. The small kitsune hid her face behind her hands, wagging her tail. Mitch could swear she had a huge crush on Todd too. Glad to see he wasn't the only one messing with his friends tonight.

"Anyways," Alison interjected, "Mitch! You look amazing tonight! Where's your boyfriend?" She asked, making the blond melt from embarrassment.

"He's just running a bit late," He commented, getting a nod from both girlfriends. "You two are looking quite lovely tonight. Did you guys agree to wear suits or..?"

Alison laughed while Maggie blushed, "Well, it's a long story. See, Maggie insisted I wear a dress while she wore a suit. Because I'm more 'feminine' than her. So I told her she can wear a matching dress OR we can wear matching suits." She flexed her surprisingly strong arms, bunny ears perked up proudly. "Since she doesn't really enjoy wearing dresses very often, I think you can see what the end result was." Alison smirked at Maggie, who continued to blush in embarrassment. Todd laughed and shook his head.

As the group laughed at Maggie's mishap, Mitch felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out and examined the text he received. Buck! Hey, sorry! I'm having some car troubles, I promise I'll be there soon! Just got a ride from someone. x

Mitch felt his heart race with relief, and he put his phone back in his pocket. Todd glanced over to his friend, smiling, "Was that Buck?"

"Yeah, his car is just having some problems," He commented, then jokingly added, "That's kinda what he gets for driving such an old car." The kitsune snorted before perking his ears up. A slow song started to play and his tail wagged.

Alison and Maggie exchanged glances, smiling in excitement before heading out to the dance floor. Good thing Mitch wasn't much of a dancer. He was content watching off to the side while the lovers had fun. Speaking of lovers... he elbowed Todd. Todd looked at him, his multicolored eyes wide as Mitch mouthed 'ask her out already'.

"Hey Mavis?" Todd asked, after giving Mitch the bird. Mitch laughed and watched as Todd fumbled at asking Mavis for a dance. The girl seemed quite flattered, even interested in a dance, so she said yes. The two hurried off to the floor with Todd giving Mitch an excited little boy grin. What a dumbass. Mitch smiled and waited by the punch bowl for a while, watching the couples dance and laugh. It seemed Todd and Mavis were having an exceptionally good time together, which made Mitch both happy and a little envious. He hoped Buck would get here now, but he hadn't yet. So, he decided to text him and send him a recording of Todd and Mavis dancing.

Heyyy, look who finally worked up the courage to ask his crush out :P

>Attachment photo

A few moments after sending that image, he saw Buck read the message. Right after that, Buck sent an 'LOL' message, which made Mitch' heart fly. Another text bubble appeared for a moment, before abruptly disappearing. Perhaps he had arrived?

"Mitch!" Todd's voice called out, with the kitsune running up towards him, pure joy radiating off his body. Mitch smiled and cocked his head to the side as Todd stopped before him, practically bouncing up and down, "You will NOT believe what happened? Me and Mavis? We're together! Like, we're official!" He was practically screaming with delight, thankfully being drowned out by the music. Mitch cheered for his friend and gave him a high five.

"Congrats Mr. Scott! Finally! Took you long enough!" He laughed, "How'd you do it?"

"Well," Todd started, "It started off with me asking her about Sergei. She said she liked him, but wasn't sure if she saw him as more than a friend, so I swooped in and asked her if she liked me in any particular way. She said she liked me a lot, and I just... boom! Asked her out!" He grinned, getting a laugh from Mitch.

"Congratulations! Where is she now?"

Todd smiled, "She got a call, so she went outside to answer it." He purred, dreamily staring off into space for a moment, "Oh! Did Buck text you again?"

"Mhm," Mitch answered, and right on cue- another text hit. "Oh! That must be him now!"

He pulled out his phone, showing Todd the texts. He got a 'HEY!' from his friend, followed by a laugh. I'm here. Can you meet me outside? Mitch grinned at his phone, "Well, you read that! I gotta meet my sweetheart outside!" He could feel his heart soaring.

Todd grinned widely, "Well hey! Let me come with you! Maybe we can just skip this whole dance and go out instead," He laughed, wrapping his arm around Mitch' shoulder as the blond rolled his eyes, laughing. Together, both boys left the building to the parking lot. They both looked around before Mitch's phone buzzed again.

Mitchell. Some psychopath is in the parking lot. In the woods, hiding. Please help me.

Mitch's blood ran cold. Buck was in trouble? He used his full first name, he had to be in trouble. He turned to look at Todd, who was still looking for Mavis himself. His ears perked up at a loud scream from nearby in the woods, so he grabbed Mitch. "Come on, I think she's in the woods."

"Slow down, asshole! Buck's in there too! We need to be careful! Maybe we should alert authorities first?"

Todd glanced back at Mitch. He was worried, scared even. "I... yeah, okay. You make the call, I'll try to call Mavis." He pulled out his phone, powered it on, and started to work on pulling up the call app. Mitch nodded while he pulled out his phone and started to dial for the police. Both boys walked away from each other momentarily to have a moment to call. Mitch made the necessary descriptions he needed to make before he hung up and turned, only to find Todd had disappeared as well.


Mitch saw that he had left behind his phone.

"Goddammit- TODD!" He screamed. Mitch took off running into the woods himself, engulfing his entire being in the darkness of the trees. He ran, and ran until he heard another shrill cry. It was a girl, he knew that much. She sounded... like she was in a lot of pain? Fear? Mitch changed his direction and hurried over to the crying, figuring if Todd would be anywhere, it'd be near the crying. "Hello?" He screamed out, "Who's out here!?" He called out, getting no immediate response. So he continued to run until he found a beaten down path in the grass. Something looked like it had been dragged. His blood ran cold as he followed it, finding bits of fabric. Blue fabric. "H-hello?" Mitch lowered his voice, finally receiving an answer.

"MITCH! M-MITCH PLEASE!!! HE'S HURT!" Mavis' voice! She was in here. Who was hurt? Mitch pushed past some more plant life, finding this area had a particular overgrowth. Was that Mavis' doing? She did have a connection to plantlife, albeit a weak one...

That honestly didn't matter though, at least not when Mitch saw who was hurt. "BUCK!" He screamed, immediately running over to his partner. "Buck! Buck, please! Answer me, are you okay?" He placed his dark haired boyfriend on his lap, not even paying any attention to the lack of glasses or the lack of that once bright eyed life in his now dying eyes.

Buck let out a cough, bits of red spilling out. The damage had to be internal. Mavis' soft cries sounded off next to Mitch, "I-i tried to heal him! I really did! B-but it was so much! S-so much blood, Mitch. A-and-" She let out another wail, which only pained Mitch. He held Buck closer and rubbed his cheek.

"Buckbear..." He whispered, "Say something, anything please?"

Buck coughed again, now opening up one chocolate brown eye, "Never... call me that... again... Mitchie." He laughed through another coughing fit, which only made Mitch cry. "Mitch..."

"Buck, please don't die. I-i don't know what I'd do if you'd die..." He sobbed softly, squeezing his own hand into a fist, "Don't you dare die. W-we'll find who did this and make sure they go to prison. W-we'll take you to a hospital, it'll all be okay."

As he spoke, Todd finally found his way to them, stumbling into the scene through the ever thickening plant life around them. Mavis' crying must've guided him to them. "Wh-" He gasped and crouched down next to the group, "Buck? Buck, what happened?" Todd asked, multicolored eyes wide.

The brown haired boy could only cough and signal to his face with his diminishing strength. "Red..." That was all he could muster. A sudden, horrible cough overcame him and he fell limp against Mitch's body. Mavis suddenly screamed and tried to put her hands on the body, only to be held back by Todd.


Mitch sobbed and pulled his boyfriend up even closer, trying to listen for any possible heartbeat or sign of life. There was none. None at all. "Oh Buck..." He sobbed. Todd and Mavis both watched, little sobs escaping from Mavis. The group mourned silently for a few minutes. Just barely any time before a sudden gunshot fired in the air and Todd screamed.

His hands reached up to cover his ear and squeeze it. Was he just shot at? "T-todd!" Mavis screamed as blood started to pour out onto his face.

"F-fuck! Ow! Ow!" He panicked, starting to get up. Mavis picked herself up as well, leaving Mitch on the floor to watch them. He was confused. Did Todd get shot at just now? Was it the same person that killed Buck? Before he could react in any sort of anger, another shot fired, barely scraping Todd's face as it hit the tree behind the group.

"RUN!" Mavis screamed, pushing Todd away and hurrying over to Mitch. "M-mitch come on! We n-need to go! W-we'll come back for Buck, I-i promise!" She pulled on the blond's suit, finally getting him up onto his feet. He only had a moment to give his now deceased partner a saddened goodbye before running with both kitsunes. They both ran as fast as they could, only to have another shot fired out. It hit the back of Mavis' leg, causing her to crumple forward and cry out in pain. Todd quickly turned around and started to pick up Mavis while Mitch looked out into the forest, anger and fear controlling his actions.

"WHO ARE YOU? SHOW YOURSELF!" He yelled out into the woods, only to be met with silence initially, "SHOW YOURSELF RIGHT NOW, GODDAMMIT! ARE YOU A COWARD? SHOOTING AT US! SHOW YOURSELF!" Mitch screamed louder, finally getting pulled back by Todd with the use of his tail. Both boys started to run again, with Mavis letting out the most pitiful, pained cries in Todd's arms. The sound brought so much more pain to Mitch. He felt awful for her, even though he lost his boyfriend. He knew she'd never forget this night. Hell, neither would he and Todd, who had been quiet so far. Quiet and determined. It was clear he had one thing on his mind.

But so did this shooter.

Another shot rang out, finally piercing Todd's back. A pained scream escaped his mouth as he also tumbled forward. Mavis flew out from his hands, rolling a few inches away. Mitch stopped and immediately crouched down beside Todd, trying to help him back up. "Todd. Todd get up. We're almost there."

No response. Todd's eyes were wide and he was still breathing, but something was clearly wrong.

"Todd, please? Get up man. We're almost there! Come on! There's gonna be police, we can report this sicko!"

"Sicko?" A foreign, accented voice called out from behind, followed by a cruel laugh, "Is that what you think of me, Mitchell?" Mitch glanced up and gasped. A red suited, dark haired boy stepped out of the trees, hair having become a mess. A callous look glinted in his eyes as the laughter hadn't reached it. "That's a fair description, I suppose. After all, I did kill your Buckbear."

Mitch felt this unbridled, hot anger rise in his chest as he stared down this other guy. "S-sergei..?" Mavis choked up, managing to find strength to crawl over to Todd. The red head didn't move at all, paralyzed to the ground.

Sergei's red eyes glanced over to Mavis, and for a moment, some humanity and guilt passed over his face. This moment didn't last long as he held the gun up in Todd's direction. "Sorry doll," He started, "But I came out here for one mission, and one mission only. I've waited all year long to be with you, and I will be with you by the end of the night." He cocked the gun, preparing to shoot it at the downed young man.

"Don't!" Mavis sobbed, trying to cover up Todd's body with her own. "P-please Sergei! P-please! I-i love him!"

"You love ME!" He suddenly snapped at her. Mitch growled and helped Mavis cover up Todd's body. "Oh fuck you, move out the fucking way." Sergei growled, "Or I'll shoot you too."

Mitch snapped, "Go ahead! You murdered my boyfriend, and you're trying to kill my childhood best friend. You fucking sick- sick person. How could you think this would win Mavis over"

Sergei stepped forward by a few steps, now laughing, "Really now? Mavis would have no one else but me! We'd run away together! I'd keep her safe and out of harm's way," He laughed harder, but the emotion just wasn't reaching his eyes. "Or I'd kill her too. Kill her and kill myself. If I can't have her, no one else can."

Mavis let out a fearful little whimper while Mitch gritted his teeth, "You..." He started, then flinched at the sound below him. Todd had yipped after Mavis' knee hit his ear.

"Todd?" Mavis whispered, a little sob escaping her mouth. Sergei let out an inhumane scream and finally shot the ground near Mitch. The blond flinched backwards as Sergei charged forward, dropping the gun as he pushed Mitch off from Todd. The two boys struggled on the ground for a while before a knife was introduced. A knife Sergei introduced. He held the blade up to Mitch's throat, threatening to kill him. Mitch stayed still, glaring up at Sergei with anger fueled eyes before Mavis managed to crawl over to the gun. "S-sergei, get off him." She whimpered. Sergei turned around, seeing the gun aimed right at his head. The dark haired man now got off Mitch, who took a deep breath and watched the scene unfold as he started to stand up. He could tell Mavis was trembling, and he doubted she's ever held a gun before. But that determined, fear filled look in her eyes showed how much she was willing to protect Todd.

"Mavis..." Sergei started, "You don't love him, really? There's just no way, not when me and you have more in common." He started off, slowly inching closer to Todd's paralyzed body. There was no way Todd wasn't paralyzed as of right now.

"I do," Mavis whimpered, "I-i liked you too, but... but i-it wasn't the same. I-i thought you were a great person." She kept the gun trained on him, her baby blues' tears running down her almond cheeks. "I-i could've learned to love you too, I-i was actually expecting you to ask me out. B-but Todd got to me first, a-and I've liked him for a lot longer. I-i'm sorry if I led you on, but I-i thought I made it clear what I actually felt about you." She kept the gun on him, taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, "B-but killing an innocent person? Over this? T-that's... t-that's just fucked up!"

Mitch could feel himself wince back at her use of a swear. Mavis was the type to avoid swearing. This made the moment feel all the more tense now. He watched as Sergei's body language fell and he crouched down next to Todd. He sat the knife down and looked at him.

"It's because he's a track runner, isn't it?"

"N-no!?" Mavis sobbed, "No! I-it's not! I-i've just always liked him! H-he's funny, and sweet, and-and stupid! B-but he's always there for me, when I need him. Y-you only just got here, Sergei. You've never been around me at my l-lowest! H-how am I supposed to... supposed to k-know you'd be there too?"

Sergei was silent. Nearby, a siren finally rang out. The police were here... finally. It took them long enough. It seemed Sergei could tell his time was up too, so he sighed.

"Fine, I get it..." He started off, bowing his head, "I was never going to get you after this, was I?"


Sergei was quiet again. Mitch felt himself starting to relax as he heard the police calling out for them. They'd come into the forest soon and... and save them from this sicko. Right?

As Mavis started to lower the gun, she spoke up again, "You l-lost your chance, Sergei. You really d-did. W-we could've stayed good friends..."

Sergei shook his head, "I didn't want to be good friends. I wanted to be boyfriend and girlfriend. It wouldn't be the same if we stayed friends..." He glanced over to Todd, whose eyes had me up with his. He was still steadily breathing, despite the immense pain he might be feeling now. If he felt any. Mitch glanced over to Mavis, who dropped the gun and relaxed as the police lights started to shine in the forest. It felt like the rush of the night finally passed, and they could at least get out of here. They were safe...


Sergei's fast movement was hardly caught by either party. Mavis let out a horror filled scream as Mitch ran over to tackle Sergei to the ground. Todd's neck had a blade stuck in it, and all he could do was manage out choked coughs and cries. His death came swiftly after, followed by more sobs from Mavis and screams of anger from Mitch as he pummeled Sergei into the ground. The police found them much easier afterwards, separating everyone from each other before assessing the situation further. The rest of the night had been a blur.

>> Present Day <<

Sergei remained silent as Mitch tilted his head at the caged beast. "She still has nightmares about that night, you know that, don't you?" He commented.

"I'd have nightmares too," Sergei grumbled, "But it could've been avoided if you hadn't decided to show Buck that stupid picture."

Mitch rolled his eyes and shook his head, "No, it would've just been delayed, Sergei. You'd have waited until Todd was alone, then killed him. There was no stopping you once you had that in your mind. Todd was as good as dead to you," the detective brushed back his hair and felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Pulling it out, he smiled at the text message. Mitchie, what do you want for dinner? I'm thinking of making something big for tonight. "Heh, she's going to be making dinner tonight." Mitch purred at the thought, then glanced at Sergei, who stared down at the ground in a seething manner. "You know, besides telling you that Mavis is with someone far better for her then you ever could've been, I also came to remind you what today is, and what you left behind in your wake."

"I don't care what today is, nor do I care what I left behind. I'll get what I deserve someday, don't you forget it, Mitchell."

Mitch rolled his eyes and stood up, "If you insist. You aren't breaking out of here, nor are you ever getting out on parole. Everyone is aware of what kind of sick, twisted beast you are. I hope you remember that, Sergei. You gave the love of your life physical and mental scars that'll take years to go away, because you had to be selfish." He placed the folder under his armpits. "Hard to think I ever thought Todd would struggle to get with Mavis because of you. You're just pathetic."

Sergei grunted, not saying anything in response. So Mitch took this as his leave, walking away from the cage Sergei was trapped in. He decided he might as well go home early and help with dinner preparations. Every year since that incident, they've tried to host their own party. Tonight, they were going to recreate the prom theme itself and have a dance. One last dance for Todd and Buck, wherever they may be now. 

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