The Fallen Angel

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Mentions of murder
Descriptive bits of transformation
Gore in general

This is just a drabble about a more obscure character of mine and their backstory. It's probably obvious who this is, but I'm still gonna write about them anyways!


Have you ever fallen in love with someone you really weren't supposed to? 

Someone who shared that love for you? 

Someone who just so happened to be a god?

I have.

Their name was Sillo. You may recognize the name as one of the judges for the afterlife. They determine what afterlife you mortals would go too. At least, that was more of a day job sort of thing. When it's just me and them, we're like two peas in a pod. I give them advice, offer them my insight, deliver messages for them, and so much more. In return, I get love and affection. Not many angels of my caliber can be this lucky. Sure, this relationship is not really allowed between a god and their Elemenu, but me and Sillo are special.

We care about each other.

We love each other.

Me and Sillo understand each other.

So when the day arrived that me and them can work on our very own race of elemental beings, we were ecstatic. Of course, they found out about this first from our dear creator, Idyllic, but they were quick to let me know. So together, we worked on our own creations, with an occasional piece of advice from their sibling god, Lumine.  We had our own beings. Our own perfect creations. Our... children, you could say. We were really proud of them. Sillo was so happy with them.

They even thanked me and begged me to pick out the perfect specimen for our first creature. So I gained permission from Demise to enter what you mortals would call Purgatory to pick out the perfect soul for our firstborn. It was all going well. So... so well.

I picked out this mortal soul, a cat monster, that had been just... neutral throughout their lives. This soul was just begging for a second chance to me. How can I say no!

After picking out this seemingly perfect soul, I was confronted by a kokya angel. I was told to immediately hurry to my god. To protect them. Some kind of threat entered our realm, and the angels were trying to protect the gods. Of course, I was busy holding this soul and was just now processing what was being said to me when I watched this angel die

Turns out, it wasn't just a threat in this realm either.

It had been nighttime on Earth for a day at this point and our moon god was no where to be found.

At least, not until he was stood right in front of me, gloating over the corpse of this angel. Although... this wasn't the moon god I know. This was not Mun'ee.

This was an unhinged entity. There was corruption leaking out of his once beautiful eyes. This god had been tainted and was now looking for others to corrupt.

For some context, Mun'ee had always been a troubled god. A beautiful god, sure, but he was always very jealous of the other gods, especially his sibling. I believe he had been tricked by an old god, Fla'awe, to fuse together. To take over the entirety of the Godly Realms, I would assume. Of course, this guy also always wanted a lover. And what is a better lover to the moon then darkness itself?

I... suppose our relationship was obvious to a keen fox god.

All I could do in that moment was stare at this once perfect god and try to protect the future of my children. Mine and Sillo's children. 

His laughs.

His fucking laughs.

They echo in my mind.

My very being was ripped apart from just a single swipe from this monster. I felt the fiber of my being becoming torn apart. My eyes fused shut and my mouth... gods my mouth. All I can say is my body shifted. Changed. I grew new limbs. My eyes became one. My mouth became filled with jagged teeth. I was horrendous. The worst thing though? The soul was forced into my newly destroyed body. I remember bleeding so, so much. And elemenu angels don't normally bleed easily. I suppose a god would be capable of doing anything they desired though.

I thought the torture was over until I felt my mind burst. New waves of signals came in. My mind wasn't... mine anymore. I could hear a voice that wasn't mine. That wasn't even Mun'ee's. It had to have been that... that fucking celestial. Fla'awe.

With this thing in my mind, I wasn't myself anymore.

I attacked Sillo. 


I hurt my lover.

If you ever meet Sillo in the afterlife, which you will, you'll take note how they cover up their face now.

That was my doing. I blinded them. Or at the very least, disfigured their face.

And I never even got a chance to apologize, as I was deemed a danger to my own god. My own lover. In order to protect them, I was sent down to become a part of my own children. That wouldn't have been so bad except for the fact I could still hear that voice.

That gods forsaken voice.

I'd be grateful that I wasn't killed, but I would rather be dead then to listen to this awful voice.

I hate it so much. I've had to hurt mortals JUST to appease that FUCKING VOICE.

That voice never shuts up!

It will never end!

I will continue to hurt people! Smash up people! Watch their bodies break under a weapon I should never have been able to create. I've had families just to hurt them. This voice physically hurts me. I wake up with cuts and bruises. I wake up chained to a wall in a room on an island, slowly BURNING TO DEATH because of this voice! This fucking-

I'm sorry.

I can't say it's all bad. I haven't heard the voice in a long time. Not since my little brother had been born. His name is Silas, actually. He reminds me a lot of Sillo, actually. A part of me wonders if he was sort of a gift for me... I... I hope so. I pray it's so. He's my special gift from my lover. The perfect example of our species. Untainted from stupid mortals trying to kill them by infusing extra dark magic. Silly mortals. I'm happy to have him here with me.

I would kill myself if anything happened to him.

Then find the person that hurt him.


1080 Words.

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