The Friendship Test

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So, remember when I said I would write more wholesome stuff? Well, guess what- I LIED!
(I didn't mean too, I promise)

This is a fanfic that I was heavily inspired by both lilspacebirb and PumpkingxAngel to write, which was based off of an MLP grimdark story: The Friendship Test. I kept the name for my drabble, since there is really no point in changing it for these characters? I did make several changes to my version.

Let me get something out of the way first. This story is one of, if not, the most heaviest drabble I've ever done in the wake of angst. I've done a lot of angsty writings and drawings, but never to this level. While I am providing specific warnings on what to be careful about, I am letting you know as the writer: be careful.

This story has the following warnings:
Descriptive Gore
Themes of Torture
Sexual Themes

Now, let's get this drabble started!

(Word Count: 10162)


A cold feeling was what woke up the small group of girls in the middle of a dark room. All of them had been chained down to the ground by some dark colored chains. The first to speak was a dark skinned demon girl, her sunset colored eyes quickly scanning the room, "Ali?" She whimpered out.

"I'm here Mags... I'm here..." A nearby cinnamon colored bunny coughed, trying to pick herself up from the floor. However, she could only lift her upper torso up several inches before the chains stopped her. "Hgn! Where are we?" She asked, starting to look around with blurry eyes.

"I'm... not so sure." A dimly lit screen flickered on, her face expressing worry. "My sensor's been damaged, I'm having a hard time locating where we are." A faint whimper came out of a nearby white fox monster, who tried to pull on her chains. No success. It seemed they were all stuck there.

"Ivory, Jenny? Where are you guys? You okay?" The bunny, Alison, spoke.

There was an erie silence before a voice finally spoke out.

A pale humanoid girl pulled her head up, "I'm okay, I think?"

A nearby blue scaled girl nodded her head, trying to pull herself up, "My lungs hurt," She admitted. "We must've been here for a while..."

"Probably..." Alison breathed out, her ears resting downwards for a second. The demon from earlier tried to lift herself upwards, getting no where. "Maybe we should wait this out? This might just be some shared dream?" The bunny suggested when Maggie gave a frustrated growl.

"Tsk, tsk," A very familiar voice finally spoke, a pair of blue and green eyes revealing themselves in the dark, "You couldn't be further from the truth, dearest."

As the figure spoke, the chains around the girls released, allowing them the chance to finally sit up. The whimpering white fox, Mavis, widened her blue-green eyes and stared at the pair of eyes. "W-wyk? I-i thought-"

"Forget what you think, doll. I've been given a second chance! Or... more like my hundredth," The voice chuckled as a dim light turned on above the group. "However, someone unexpected helped me out! And he wanted me to learn what made friendships work. So, here you lot are!" The figure called Wyk finally revealed herself. A shadow person. A sillombre. Her hair had been trimmed extra short, and her clothes were oddly... professional. As if she were about to walk into an office building. "You girls are some of the closest group of friends I know despite having more than enough differences. Not to mention the secrets!" She cooed cheerfully as she ran her hand down the cheek of the bunny girl standing nearest to her.

"W-what do you mean?" Alison asked, forcing herself away.

"Just what I mean," Wyk's feet lifted up from the ground as she floated around the circle, "However, I'm not going to delve into all that now. I'm quite excited to start these tests! I've been dying for you lot to wake up!"

She set her feet back down behind Mavis, placing a hand under her chin and forcing her to look up. A faint whimper escaped her mouth and a tremble of fear went through her body.

"This first test is an easy one! Let's see just how kind each of you are! All the others managed to pass this with... interesting results!"

"Others?" Ivory asked, her pale skin glowing the slightest bit under the light.

Ignoring the question, Wyk continued, letting go of the young fox' neck, "It's a test of kindness. How willing are you to sacrifice something of your own for someone else? Will you give into those selfish desires, or will you be ever so kind and let go?" The sillombre smiled at the group, before producing a sharp axe. The weapon was pitch black, being made out of a form of dark magic.

"We're gonna kill each other?!" Maggie spoke up, horrified.

Wyk laughed, "Oh no! Could you imagine?" She shook her head, "No, no dear. This test is very survivable. However, you can die if you break just these two rules. They should be very easy to abide by, though!" She then stood next to Alison and gently handed the girl the axe. "Don't try to come out of this circle, especially to attack me, and after 10 seconds, if you don't make the choice..." Wyk careful placed a finger on Alison's antlers, "I'll make it! And you might not like it." With that, she pulled away from Alison and floated in the air.

Alison looked at the axe, then up at Wyk. "W-what am I supposed to even do?"

"Oh! Silly me! As this test carries on, I'll be asking you all to give bigger sacrifices to each other! For now though, Alison, would you be willing to sacrifice a digit, or your lover, Maggie's, digit? Any digit is fine!"

"What's a digit?" Jenny asked, having been quiet since the start of the game.


The robot girl, Loli, froze, her face lighting up and her monotone voice started to fill the air.

"Digit - any of the numerals from 0 to 9, especially-"


"-when forming part of a number or-"

"8" Wyk started to grin as the group worked on trying to power down the robot.

"-a finger, including the thumb, or toe."


Alison started to burst into tears, "I can't do this! I can't hurt you Maggie!" She wailed, her hands trembling. The demon quickly jumped over to her, holding her with her two strong hands.

"Ali, please, you have to chose! And that choice needs to be me!" Wyk's counting carried on, landing on 5 as Alison sniffled and whimpered. "Ali, please, I'm a demon! I'll be okay! Think here, think!"

The bunny girl weakly nodded, "I-i'm scared," She hiccuped.


"I know dear, I know. Come on, get my pinkie, quickly."

Alison and Maggie both crouched on the floor and Maggie splayed her hand out. Alison carefully leveled the axe above her girlfriend's fourth digit, her anatomical expertise coming through as she expertly and quickly cut through the pinkie finger. Maggie's eyes widened and a loud cry of pain escaped her mouth, blood pouring from the now opened wound. Alison dropped the axe and quickly grabbed her lover, sobbing as the wound bled over her. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I-i-"

"Aw, how sickly sweet! Look at this display! Come on you two, we don't have all day!"

"Fuck you." Maggie growled, picking up the axe with her good hand, shaking. Her face expressed levels of pain inconceivable to any normal person. Wyk only grinned, her sick gaze trailing over to Loli. Maggie's eyes flickered over to the robot, who had a hand on her head as Mavis comforted her.

Wyk's voice filled the air again, "Alright Maggie! Are you willing to lose a hand, or will you take Loli's hand?" She crossed her arms and grinned down at the group. "10."

"Maggie," Loli started, her robotic eyes filling up with digital tears, "I'm a robot. You have to cut off my hand." She told the demon softly, "It's the correct thing to do."

The demon turned to look at the robot, tears falling down her face as she held her girlfriend. Blood still poured from her pinkie, even as she nodded her head in agreement. Loli was a robot. She wouldn't exactly feel the pain like the others could, and it'd be easier to fix her missing hand than to fix anyone elses. As Maggie started to get up off the ground, grabbing the axe, Wyk continued her slow countdown, growing more excited as she watched Maggie lift the axe upwards. Loli braced herself by looking away and squeezing her hand on Jenny's arm.


The axe sliced through the hand cleanly. As any of them could guess, Loli just gave a cry of terror and mild pain, then looked down at her stub. Bits of purple liquid leaked out from her 'wound'. "A-ah..." Loli's face teared up and she looked at Maggie, whose face was covered up by fluffy magenta hair.

"Oh what a wonderful first test! Loli, it's your turn! You have to chose between your foot, or Ivory's foot!" Wyk clasped her hands together, "Better chose soooooon! You and Maggie only had three seconds left! It can't be hard to chose something in ten seconds!"

Loli looked up at Wyk, an angry look crossing over her face. Before Ivory could even offer to take the damage to her foot, the robot picked up the axe with her one hand, held it over her own foot, and cut down. "There. Decision made. It was the only right one to make, I'm not cutting off someone else' foot," Tears fell from down her screen face, showing the discomfort and anger she was going through. The sillombre only laughed and told Ivory it was her turn.

The pale human girl walked over to Loli, light red hair swaying with every movement she made, "Loli, you cou-"

"Ivory, I'm a robot. I can get these things repaired easily. Please, it was the only thing I could do," She sighed, her screen dimming as it entered a power saving mode. "If you gotten damaged, you'd have lost so much, even for a short period..."

Ivory sighed warily as Wyk's voice cooed, "Awww, Ivory!~ Isn't this just a sight to see. It's your turn to make a decision! Let's seeeee!~" The sillombre floated around the circle for a moment, her eyes twinkling like a child about to gorge themselves on candy. Her eyes landed on the white fox, trying her hardest to comfort the bunny girl. Wyk grinned and set her feet down on the ground behind the girls' quivering bodies. "Ivory, I want you to cut off Mavis' tail or stab yourself in the gut." She placed a hand on Mavis' shoulders, trailing them down her body to her fluffy, white tail. The woman only froze and whimpered. "Ten seconds starts now!~"

Ivory stood there, her eyes wide as she stared at the fox and Wyk, who only ran her hands through the fur on Mavis' soft tail. "9." Wyk cooed, smirking at the pale humanoid. The girl seemed to snap out of her funk as Wyk commented, "This would make for a cute trophy of your affection on the wall of your room, wouldn't it Ivy!~"

Ivory walked up to Wyk and Mavis, hair falling over her pale face. It seemed she may have chosen to go with cutting off Mavis' tail. The fox closed her eyes tightly as Wyk spoke '5', bracing herself for the impact to her tail.

But nothing happened.

Instead, Mavis heard the girl right next to her scream, forcing her eyes open. She, along with all the other girls in the room, witnessed Wyk grab Alison's fragile head, using her antlers to hold on better, and forced her head 90 degrees to the left. The girl could only let out a short cry before falling limp as a sickening snap filled the air. Nearby, Ivory screamed out, "NO! NO NO NO!" Her body had been held back by several dark hands, each holding different limbs of her body.

Once Alison fell limp, Wyk dropped her body to the floor and kicked it over a little. "Such a shame, I hated to have to do that to her," The sillombre sighed, as if genuinely hurt. "Oh well. Can't be helped that some people can't clearly listen to the rules I lay out!" She then brightened up and walked into the circle. The hands around Ivory's limbs finally pulled her forward and onto the ground. Wyk walked up to her, placing a hand on the girl's long hair. "Well now Ivory, you are responsible for the death of a friend! All over a silly little crush," She teased, pulling her long hair roughly.

"I-i didn't kill her. You did."

"Ah-ah-ah! I laid out some very simple, easy to understand rules, and told you what would happen if you broke them! This is your fault, darling. I told you, this test is very survivable! In fact, all of them can be, if you had just played by the rules," Wyk let go of Ivory's head and held her hand into the air. The axe that laid near Mavis shot into the air and landed straight into Wyk's arm, devolving into two weapons. A cane and a dagger. "You changed how this next test works, all thanks to your selfish actions! I'd hate to say this, but you guys failed such a simple test. The next ones are all going to be so much harder thanks to this failure." Wyk gave an exaggerated pout, then grinned.

Maggie crawled over to her deceased girlfriend as the sillombre cackled nearby. She wrapped her arms around Alison's limp and fragile body, pulling her closer and into her arms. Streams of tears fell down her face as she sat there, silently mourning. Ivory watched them from her forced seated position, seeing the grief on all her friend's face. Her own eyes downcasted, believing herself to be at fault now. Wyk seemed ecstatic by this revelation.

"This next test is one of loyalty! Are you more loyal to those who have passed, or those who've lived, especially those who've caused the dead to well... perish!" Wyk wonders around Ivory, who hung her head low. "Ivory dearest is going to be the target of your loyalties in this test. Since she murdered lovely little Alison, she's gotta get punished." The sillombre finally paused and walked over to Maggie, holding out the weapons for this next test, "Since you appear to have been far closer to the deceased girl, I'll let you have the first choice! The rules are simple: whip Ivory on the back three times, or stab yourself to the hilt." She snickered.

The demon brought her gaze up to Wyk, eyes full of tears as she sat, holding her lover. "You're a sick monster," her voice trembled, anger and grief fueling her body. She snatched the weapons from the sillombre and carefully studied both of them. Finally, she made her decision and stabbed herself in the shoulder, hissing as the blade tore through muscle. Letting out a sharp pant, the demon pulled the weapon back out and threw it on the ground. "Fuck off." She panted, angrily glaring up at Wyk, who only smiled.

That same dark, disgusting grin. Taking pleasure in the suffering of the girls in the room.

"I hardly had to start counting, you already knew what you wanted to do, hm? I'm impressed, I always thought you were rather dull," Wyk hummed, patting Maggie's head in a condescending manner, before turning over to Loli, whose screen face flickered on. Horror sat on her face. "Loli, it's your turn to choose!

The robot's gaze fell on the floating woman before her, then over to Ivory. Her head was still covered. The robot gave a weak, robotic sigh, and pointed up at Ivory, "I can't take any more damage to my body right now. I'm sorry Ivory..." Loli's voice flickered, indicating low battery. It seemed that all the damage done to her body was causing issues to her mainframe. "I can't exactly move so can y-"

Wyk was already a step ahead of her, picking up the cane from the floor and stepping over to Ivory. As she moved, she hummed a cheerful tune, treating this as nothing more than a game for her amusement. Reaching the pale girl, she lifted up the cane and-


Ivory's voice never let out that high or loud of a scream before. Not once in her life. A fresh stream of tears ran down her cheek. Wyk ignore her cries though and hit her back again.


The girl's body started to release a dim light, trying to quickly heal over the damage done by the cane. Revealing the lumine side of her heritage, which only made Wyk's smile distort as she landed another blow to her back.


Blood spewled out from the lash marks created and she howled in agony. Her body couldn't quickly heal the wounds from the cane, thanks to the dark properties of the weapon. However, it almost seemed the sillombre was done as she turned away.

And then she quickled whipped around and landed a fourth blow to her back.


Maggie screamed out, horrified by the blood and the extra beating Ivory had just experienced. The halfling girl wailed on the floor, squirming in agony as her body fought and failed to heal the inflicted wounds. Wyk only cackled and floated above the girl, letting some phantom hands hold the weapons away from herself. "Oopsies, I forgot a rule. You see, for every person that skips beating Ivory, that's an extra beating for her back! I feel it's only fair to give murderers extra punishments." She cooed down to Ivory, who laid there sobbing and trembling.

"YOU SICK-" Maggie screamed, throwing her hands onto the ground. Jenny ran over to the girl and quickly held her back, "I-i cannot believe you! I can't- I-" She let out a weak sob and curled up into a ball, with Jenny all the while trying to comfort her and whisper sweet nothings to her. Mavis sat in shock of the whole ordeal while Loli tried to move. Tried to figure out how bad the wounds were. "L-loli why..." She sobbed out, barely able to look at the robot, who seemed to express an exorbitant amount of grief.

"I... I had too..."

"Enough, it's now Mavis' turn!" Wyk handed the weapons over to the shocked girl. "Mavis dearest, what might you do? Ivory did basically kill your soon to be sister in law, didn't she? All over a silly little crush! Will you give into your sisterly loyalties to your dead friend, or will you allow the rule breaker to live on?" She asked, expecting a specific answer.

The white fox stared at the weapons, shaking from fear. Eyes from her other friends landed on her, expectantly. Waiting. They all didn't know what she would chose. Mavis' unsteady hands finally picked up the dagger and brought it over to her shoulder. Still trembling, she glanced up at Wyk. Wyk's eyes flashed for a moment, as if remembering something, as she watched the trembling girl thrust the weapon into her shoulder. Mavis let out a pained cry, trying to grit her teeth to keep from yelling out any louder than she had. A secret message seemed to have been sent between the two, and Wyk pulled the cane away with her phantom hand. Mavis threw the dagger on the ground and held her bleeding shoulder, panting and silently crying.

"Well now, I'm rather impressed! I was wholeheartedly expecting you to want to see Ivory suffer! Ah well, can't say I'm particularly surprised either, given your... history, hm doll?" She then turns down to Jenny. "What is your choice, hm?"

The syrain looked up at the sillombre, then shook her head. She picked up the bloodied knife and stabbed herself in her shoulder, joining Maggie and Mavis in protecting Ivory. She tossed the knife to the side, a few tears coming down her face, but she remained stoic. "There. Can't punish Ivory anymore if we all passed," She glared. Jenny was the only one who seemed unfazed by the horrors that had been going on around her. The other girls watched her movements carefully, unsure of her next action. Wyk's mouth produced a small frown, upset that the girls... technically won. But then...

Wyk smiled, looking down at Ivory herself. "Now, now. Nothing's over until all the contestants pick something. Ivory, what do you think? Should you get whipped six times, or should I let you stab someone?" She asked, bringing the cane and dagger over to Ivory as she spoke. The dagger dripped with blood from the three friends that had already stabbed themselves for Ivory's sake. The girl's eyes watered as she stared at the weapons.

Maggie spoke up, "Ivory! Stab me, please!" She pleaded to the halfling.

"No, stab me!" Loli pleaded out, "I should've known Wyk would've tricked me! Please, I can take it!"

Jenny quickly joined in, telling Ivory that she could die if Wyk whips her.  Pleading her to just choose anyone to be stabbed.

Ivory finally looked up at her group of friends, tears streaking down her face. "If I choose anyone to get stabbed, you would definitely die. I'm not killing another person from my bad decisions. I can't." Ivory lowered her head, "I'd rather take the risk of death then have the certainty that someone would die by my hands. Wyk, go ahead and beat me." Ivory clenched her first and braced herself as best she could with the beatings.

"With pleasure!"

With that, Wyk grabbed the cane and swung down with all her might. The sickening thud of meat filled the air as Wyk tore through the superficial layer of skin on Ivory's back. The girl let out an inhumane scream, forced to endure the second hit as the tears fell from her eyes. Maggie had to cover her ears and close her eyes while Jenny turned away. Loli and Mavis froze and watched the brutal beating occur to their dear friend, blood spraying from her back. Each whipping was harder and harder than the last as Wyk's already distorted face grew more erratic.

As the final lashing sounded in the air, Ivory's body seized up. The noises of pain she had let out suddenly died and her body fell forward. The group could see the damage Wyk had done.

A sickening silence filled the air as the group stared at the dead body of Ivory. Her hair covered up her face rather perfectly, leaving nothing but the destruction done to her back exposed. It was made clear that Wyk cheated by exploiting a common weakness of luminombres. The weapon leaked dark magic into the wounds, combatting the natural healing properties of the light magic within her body. Wyk was doing everything in her power to ensure the halfling died.

"I-ivy...!" Mavis finally spoke out, tears falling down her face. Jenny let out a yell of shock, picking herself up to run over towards Ivory's corpse. Maggie stayed by Alison's already cool corpse and Loli just gave a soft cry.

Wyk floated upwards, obtaining an unseen mask from the ceiling of the room. The girls below her grieved for their fallen friends, faint cries filled the room until a faint hissing sound was heard. Before long, each of the girls went silent and fell over, deeply unconscious. Everyone besides Loli, that was. However, Wyk came down from the ceiling and looked at the young woman in the face.

"You know, I think Ivory would've survived my beatings had you just been more loyal to her." Wyk teased, before pulling Loli's head forward and flicking a switch on her back. Loli's final expression before powering off had been one of guilt. Once all the girls were out, a door opened up nearby, shedding in small beams of light into the room.

A silhouette of a woman stood by the door, long-wavy auburn hair covering her back and the right side of her face. Her golden yellow eyes shimmered in the faint light and her navy blue bodysuit barely showed in the light. She walked into the room and looked at the bloodied corpse of Ivory, "Such a mess. I thought you weren't planning on killing anyone on this test after he told you not to." The orange fox sighed, kicking the dead aside with her heel.

Wyk floated over to the lady and pecked her fluffy head. "I didn't want to, my love, but they had it coming. They broke the rules, and I have to punish them! They failed the easiest test." The sillombre cooed as she ran her fingers through the fox' hair, getting a faint purr from her. "Besides, I know you like seeing me a little bloody,~" she chuckled darkly, grabbing her by the waist.

"Oh!" The fox only purred and placed a kiss on her cheek, "Of course, of course. I love seeing you get all dirty. You have noooooo idea.~" she cooked in response, a red flash passing in her eyes. Wyk only chuckled in response.

"You're so beautiful. Now help me move these bodies into the next room, love."


The group woke up in yet another room. This one was better lit with no circle. "Hgn..." Maggie rubbed her head, realizing her missing thumb nub had been bandaged up. "A-ah??" She looked around as the others started to move around.

"My battery has been charged..." Loli commented, feeling her body. Her hand and foot were still missing, but her screen appeared brighter. The girls looked at each other and their own bandaged wounds. "I think Wyk bandaged our wounds." She commented.

"Why would she do that?" Jenny asked, looking around for any sign of the sillombre anywhere.

"To prolong our suffering."

Mavis' voice was soft, but eerily monotone. Her eyes seemed glazed over with fresh tears and magic, reminding the group of her condition. Jenny got up to head over to Mavis, wiping away the tears that managed to escape her cloudy eyes. The others looked on, feeling that dreadful, hopeless feeling she had.

Then a voice filled the air and a screen came on. It was Wyk, sitting calmly at a desk, grinning at the camera. "Hello dears. Welcome to the third test! A lot has happened since those first two tests, and you guys unfortunately fucked up royally with that first test!" She giggled a little and tapped her fingers on the table. "This third test is the laughter test! The gas in this room has been made especially potent from the shit dentists use to make you laugh so hard you die! I won't go into details, but you lot are smart..." she chuckled as a whirring sound filled the air, revealing little vents on the upper parts of the wall.

The group quickly huddled together, looking around anxiously as the vents became visible.

"This test is very simple! Just hold your breath for 5 minutes!" She cooed, then smiled wickedly, "Ready girls?"

The group looked at each other, deciding this challenge might be easy enough. Mavis brought her sweater up to her muzzle, better covering her nose and mouth. Jenny blew outwards, using the weak moisture in the air to create water bubbles around her nostrils. Loli sat still, while Maggie prepared to intake oxygen. A hissing sound filled the air as the screen shut off. A timer started on the screen as the gas filled the air. The group all held their breath and sat together, looking up at the timer with hope.

A minute passed before an image flashed on screen. The group graduated from high school together. A bit of music played in the air and echoes of the group's laughter and jokes filled the air. The image transitioned into the group partying. Then Mavis, Alison, and Ivory at the mall. Mavis and Alison at a wedding. Alison and Loli playing board games. Maggie and Alison kissing. The demon's eyes started to water as each picture passed. Especially as each picture seemed to zoom into Alison or Ivory's pictures. Daring the group to give into the toxic gas. The timer continued above the flashing images. They only had 2 more minutes left.

The image then flashed to something none of the girls could even recognize as a picture they've taken. Maggie opened her mouth to let out a scream. "YOU MONSTER! YOU FUCKING MONSTER!" She wailed out as the image revealed Alison's corpse sitting against Ivory's body. Both women had been dressed up respectfully, and neither looked to be in any kind of pain. Despite this though, the demon started to scream and cry out.

These pained cries, however, turned into those of laughter.

Intense laughter.

Those laughs only became more hysterical and deranged, her eyes becoming bloodshot. Her nose even started to bleed from the air. Her friends watched in horror as Maggie gasped and choked on both the air and the blood coming from her torn up neck muscles.

The images on the screen came to a halt in time for Maggie's body to falter and drop, blood pouring from her nose and mouth. Mavis let out a loud gasp just as the air was sucked back into the vents and oxygen was forced in. She then hurried over to Maggie's corpse, tears and magic mixing together as she sobbed over yet another friend's deceased corpse.

Jenny and Loli both crawled over to try and comfort her, but Mavis pushed them back. "S-STAY AWAY! STAY AWAY!" She screamed out, holding up the demon's corpse.

Her two friends flinched at Mavis' reaction to them, and they couldn't help but feel more hurt.

"Mavis, you aren't the only one who lost friends." Loli pointed out, her voice blunt. Mavis trembled as she held her dead friend's corpse, sniffling and crying softly. Jenny could only give her a sympathetic look. Loli realized how harsh her words sounded, and opened her mouth to speak again, but a sudden force grabbed each girl and pulled them apart, into separate glass chambers. These chambers were formed into the shape of a triangle, Loli being the tip, Mavis being the left lower angle, and Jenny being the right.

The girls looked at each other, horrified by what just happened. "Guys...?" Jenny quietly whispered out. Loli leaned against her enclosure, tapping on the glass with her one good hand.

"These are indestructible."

"Of course they are." Mavis muttered, her voice low and dull. It was like life was drained from her body when she spoke.

The room around them darkened and a voice rang back out. "Good job guy! I am so glad to see that you all held your breaths for so long! Such a shame that Maggie had to go. Oh well!" The voice of Wyk spoke cheerily, unaffected by the string of deaths she had caused. "Here is the fourth test! It's the generosity test! How generous are you going to be to your friends?" As she spoke, clicking sounds above each of the girls' heads forced them to look up. Another vent had opened up, and the sound of water could be heard. "You will all have five minutes to decide who will take all the water! Just press the buttons in your chamber, and you'll have casted your vote! Good luck, dears!"

The speaker cut out just as little drops of water fell onto their heads. The screen in the middle of the room started yet another timer. This one was going by rather quickly, and it became obvious that they'd have to choose very soon. They all looked at one another.

"Well, I'm a fish, so you guys should vote for me," Jenny commented, "I won't drown or get damaged like you two would.

Mavis shook her head and slid down the back end of the glass chamber. "It's not that simple Jen... Wyk more than likely poisoned the water," Her voice remained dry. Jenny furrowed her brows, ready to argue against Mavis when Loli touched the water with her finger.

"Cyanide. She's right," Loli sighed, rubbing her index finger and thumb together. "Mavis, you sure know a lot about how these games have been working..."

The fox gave a dry laugh, her blue green eyes only watering over as the timer by her head continued down. "I've lived around her most of my life. She's... sick. S-sick and disgusting."

Loli's screen flickered for a moment and she looked over to Jenny, seeing her face fall as well. So much for trying to be a hero, even in this shitty situation. Just then, Loli felt water drip into a crack on her missing hand. She felt a tingle arise and understood immediately what had to be done. "Guys... you're going to need to kill me," she looked at both of them.

"W-what?" Jenny widened her eyes and started to shake her head. "No! No way! There has to be another way!"

Mavis remained silent as Loli continued, "Jen, listen to me. No matter what solutions we could come up with, Wyk already thought up of them and will kill us anyways. At least here, I'm not going to feel the pain of drowning or being poisoned to death like you two would be. Please, it's the least I can do, especially after what I did to Ivory," her eyes looked down at the three buttons in her chamber. Their faces had been drawn in a cartoonist fashion, as if taking a serious situation and mocking it. What a joke. Loli pressed the button with her face and the vent opened up more above her, letting out more water onto her body.

Jenny watched helplessly as Mavis stood back up and looked at her own set of buttons, eyes glazed over. "Loli, we can't just let you die..." Jen started, then looked over to her other friend. Mavis continued to stare at the buttons. "Mavis?"

"She has a p-point," the fox pointed out, faint bits of emotion showing through as the idea of another person dying kicked in. Tears fell down her face as she finally looked up at Jenny, "We have too..."


"Jen, listen to me," Loli begged, "you have to do this. Besides... my parents might be able to rebuild me. I get my hard drive saved pretty frequently! It'd just be my... Soul that'd be hard to obtain again," she sighed. "But think about it like this: I'm like a phone. How often do you mourn your phone when it breaks?" Loli tilted her head to the side, "Just make sure you guys survive, I'll find a way back..."

She offered a smile to her friends. Mavis' face remained upset and dull, but she pressed the button to Loli's chamber, another bit of water flowing in. The robot flinched and fell backwards, unsteady on her feet now that water dripped into her circuits. Jenny still hesitated, but after another glance at the clock, she caved in. The timer stopped and for a moment, it seemed that the test wouldn't go on...


The vent shot open and before the robot could even react, water fell onto her at high speeds. The liquid magic inside of Loli's body almost instantly stained the water purple, letting both Mavis and Jenny know that the water had been strong enough to break something. Jenny had to look away while Mavis stared in horror at the destruction.

This only lasted a minute before the tank filled up fully with water, and the girls were met with a cloudy tank of water and magic. Inside were several robotic body parts, floating about. Mavis stared at the tank, Loli's head floating into view. Her face screen was off. Black. No vital signs were showing... she was dead.

Jenny finally uncovered her eyes as the lights cut out and a small hissing sound could be heard underneath the two women. Wyk was knocking them back out. The syrain started to scream and cry, "No! Not again! Not again please! Just stop this, stop this!" She sobbed out, tears now flowing from her face as the fear built up. There was silence from the speaker system.

Wyk was too busy laughing to even pay the terrified screams and cries of Jenny any attention. In fact, she was laughing alongside another woman, the orange fox from before. The two were sharing a bottle of wine, treating this as some kind of date.

"Oh Wyk! You're so bad!" The woman laughed, teasingly running a finger along Wyk's arm. The sillombre snickered and grabbed the fox' cheek.

"Not as bad as you, my little firefly! It was your idea to use those photos!"

The fox cooed, her eyes filled with malic as she grabbed a hold of Wyk's shoulder. "I'm so glad he brought me to you. I was so sick of the version of you who never understood my sense of fun."

"And I'm so glad I managed to kill off that sickly version of you. I've never loved you more than I have now," Wyk hummed, squeezing her face, "Summer, I never want to know what the world is like without your sexy ass knowing exactly how to have a good time."

Summer continued to run her finger along Wyk's arm. The two looked at each other longingly. The sillombre brought her lover's face closer to hers. It didn't take long for them to start kissing with a form of hunger. Longing. This kiss excited the two of them and only furthered the neglect of the two sleeping girls in the glass chambers. However, it was quickly cut short by a male's voice coming alive on a speaker. "Wyk, Summer. How's Friendship Test 41 doing?" He asked, voice smooth as butter.

The two women jumped away from each other, startled, before Wyk cleared her throat. "Well, we've just finished the generosity test. They failed it, as they have all the others. How about test 40?" Wyk asked.

"Failures. Seems that as soon as anyone dies in these tests, they suddenly can't think of the best ways to survive. So much teamwork and using your brain, but I suppose it can't be helped," the voice sighed, then hardened, "unless you've been cheating, Wyk."

The sillombre gasped, "I would never! I've been playing the game fair and square, not my fault this group is so stupid."

"Hm. Well, I'm going to prepare for the final test. I hope you and that... rat of yours gets ready."

Summer's eyebrows furrowed in anger as the voice insulted her. Wyk didn't respond, instead only getting up, "well, come on then Summer. Let's get this done so we can have some fun~." She hummed. Together, both women left the little surveillance room, heading over to the room with the tortured girls.


This was hopefully the last time either girl woke up in this hellhole. Jenny and Mavis found themselves strapped down into a chair. There was a desk before them that had a glass divider between the two of them. Sitting directly in front of the girls was a tiny tablet, turned off for the time being. Mavis shuffled around a little in her chair while Jenny started to yell out.

"Hello!? Wyk?"

No responses.

"Hello!" Jenny called out again. Mavis hung her head low, a near suffocating feeling now entering her chest. She could barely think or feel much of anything. The two of them witnessed all their friends dying, and now they had to stare at each other. Probably about to see the other die. Mavis felt a stream of tears run down her cheeks as she thought about life outside of this hell hole. How long had they even been here? Days? Weeks? Did anyone at home even notice their absence?

Mavis could only let out a soft cry, her head pounding from the overwhelming stress that occurred. Jenny quieted down and looked at Mavis, watching her cry. Her expression softened, "Mavis, it'll be okay... we'll get out of here..." Jenny offered a weak smile, trying her best to comfort the fox. Comforting others was never her strong suit.

The fox could only wheeze and whimper, "I-i feel like I'm dying," She cried, "My c-chest hurts..."

A soft hiccup escaped her mouth and Jenny's face gave an even bigger frown from before. "Hey, hey! We'll get out! Please don't panic, please?" She tried to pull her hands up from the chair, but to no avail. "Just please, have faith in me! We'll figure out a loophole, we have too! For our friend's sake..."

Mavis sniffled and nodded slowly, "I-if you say so..." Her voice was wavery, but she seemed to at least want to try and believe Jenny. It seemed to almost comfort her to have a calmer person in the room with her.

A speaker finally came on and the two girls' hand restraints finally unclipped. "Good morning girls!" The speaker laughed, "I apologize, I kept you both in that sleeping gas for far too long! You two must still be exhausted." Both women looked around, trying to locate any potential traps in the room they were in. Nothing really... stood out. "Here's the final test. The honesty test! Just how honest will you two be about things?" Wyk snickered as the tablet screens lit up and a small drawer opened up on both sides of the table. "The rules to this game are very simple, actually! I placed an electrical chip inside of both of your neck, at the back. For each question you answer incorrectly, the electrical chip with shock the questioner. For every question you get right, the sooner you are to leave out of here relatively unscathed. And if you just so happen to be quiet..." Wyk's voice dropped, and both girls envisioned a sick smile spreading across her face, "You both will be shocked! Keep answering honestly, and you'll walk out of here alive!"

"Oh!" Jenny seemed relieved, "This will be an easy test then! We both are honest!"

Mavis actually seemed pretty excited too, hope starting to appear in her once very cloudy eyes. It actually appeared that someone brought her medicine and cleaned up her eyes so she may see the questions. This was a promising test...

"Jenny is first to ask a question."

The syrain looked down at her tablet and touched an arrow button on her screen. A question popped up. "What is your favorite color?" Jenny asked, glancing up at Mavis.

The fox almost laughed, "I-it's green. It's green!"

Nothing happened.


The fox quickly pressed her button, pleading for the game to be as easy as Wyk made it seem. "H-how many pets do you have?" She asked.

"I've got two fish!" Jenny laughed herself, the tension and stress in the air gone as they believed this test to be the easiest. Jenny quickly pressed her 'next' button, carefully reading this next question. "How close are you to your parents?"

Mavis had to pause for a second. What kind of question was that? "I'm... I-i think I'm pretty close with my parents." Jenny suddenly flinched and wince, alerting to them both that Mavis had lied. The fox' ears lowered, "I-i'm telling the truth!"

Both their screens flashed.

Truth: You don't like your mother.

The girls stared at the screen, then at each other, uncertainty on both their faces. "Mavis, you don't like your mom?"


"Mavis, it's your turn to ask a question," Wyk's voice hummed on the speaker. Mavis didn't know hoe to defend herself. It wasn't like she hated her mom, she just...

She pressed the button on her tablet, seeing the next question. "W-were you jealous of Alison?"

Jenny's face paled and she quickly turned away, "I-i... yeah, I was. I-i always really liked Maggie, but I do- didn't hate her."

Nothing occured. She was telling the truth.

Jenny went to the next screen, "Are you a v- EW? W-why would I even want to ask that?" Jenny struck the table with her hand, "That's disgusting Wyk!"

A shock went through both girls' bodies. Now it was Mavis' turn. "U-uh... why did you become my friend in the first place?" Mavis whimpered, rubbing the back of her neck as the tingles of electricity still burned her body. Jenny perked up.

"Oh! That's easy! You were the first really nice person to me in that old friend group! Plus like, you stood up against Regina and Rowan. That was pretty brave of you!" She smiled.

Mavis felt a little flattered, her tail wagging for just a moment until a shock hit her body. Jenny yelped as she watched Mavis double over, holding her neck tightly. "I was telling the truth!!!" She screamed.

Truth: Jenny pitied Mavis and just wanted any opportunity to get away from RnR.

"T-that's not true! I like Mavis a whole lot!" Jenny whined out. Mavis didn't speak, only laying there in pain. Jenny shivered a bit as Wyk's voice commanded her to go onto the next question. "W-what happened to you in spring of junior year?"

Mavis didn't answer. She didn't even hear the question. A shock entered both girls' bodies as Jenny tried to repeat the question to Mavis. The fox laid there in pain, trembling as the electrical shocks caused great amounts of pain. Wyk came on the speaker, "Daw, poor thing! Since you two have been obeying the rules so well, I'll give you both a quick intermission! I'll give you two minutes to relax and recoup for the next round of questions! The shocks are only going to increase in power." With that, she went silent, giving the girls a moment to calm down. Mavis shakily sat up, looking over towards Jenny with bloodshot eyes.

"W-why did you lie?"

Jenny's expression turned defensive, even as she rubbed her tender neck. "Me? What about you?! You lied and didn't answer a question! Why did she even have that question down anyways, we all know you got so sick you had to be hospitalized!"

Mavis didn't speak.

"Unless that wasn't all, was it Mavis?"

The fox gritted her teeth and turned away, "I-i don't want to talk about it."

"So were you going to lie about it to me then? You are that protective of yourself that you'd be willing to lie about something and risk killing me!?" Jenny slammed her fists on the table, tears falling from her eyes. "I can't believe you!'

"It's not that I want to lie!" Mavis screamed back, tears falling from her face. "I didn't think Wyk would hold my s-suicide attempt over my head and m-make you ask me about it!" She cried, enraged and hurt.

Jenny went limp and stared at Mavis. "Suicide... attempt...?"

Mavis took a deep breath outward and shook her head, indication she didn't wish to discuss it. Jenny just had to accept it. They sat in silence for a few seconds when their tablets switched on, ready for the next round of questions.

It was Mavis' turn.

"Did you get sick on purpose during my d-dad's w-wedding?"

Jenny hesitated, then bowed her head, "I did. I... saw pictures of Alison and Maggie the night before, and I didn't want to see t-them. I'm... sorry. I know you and the other girls were super excited to have a wedding shoot together with Ali's mom, but I couldn't... look at them after that photo."

Nothing happened. Jenny was honest.

Mavis didn't respond and just looked down at her tablet as Jenny spoke up. "Did you know Ivory had a crush on you?"


No buzz occurred. Jenny gave a halfheated laugh, "I guess it was kind of obvious, wasn't it?" The fox remained silent until she asked the next question.

"Who was your first kiss?"

Jenny scratched her arm, "Um... I think it was uh..." She struggled to think of a response, "Regina...?"

A surge of powerful electricity went through Mavis' body and she cried in pain. Jenny lied.

Truth: Jenny's first kiss was with Rowan before he transitioned.

Jenny remained silent, her face guilty for lying, "I... honestly forgot about that." She tried, then turned away. Once the initial shock blew over from being electricuted, Mavis had to ask another question. Her voice was so weak. So tired and weak.

"Were y-you the one t-to spread rumors t-that I was an orphan?"

The syrain hesitated. The fox braced herself for another lie, ready to just have her life end here and now. "I was. It wasn't meant to get as far as it did, I didn't expect Rowan or Regina to spread it around like wildfire..." She admitted, her voice weak.
There was no buzz of electricity.

The two sat in an uncomfortable silence for a long time.

"I... I'm sorry I wasn't always a good person. I was a young, dumb kid who wanted so badly to be like RnR. I should've been so much nicer to you..." the blue scaled girl turned her head down. "I'm so, so sorry Mavis. When we get out of here, I promise to be far more honest to you..."

The fox didn't respond. Her expression said it all. She was tired. She didn't care anymore. All she wanted to do was curl up and cry. This game broke her.

Mavis' tablet flashed for a moment, then brought up a video. She stared at the screen blankly, then opened up the video. As she watched the video, Jenny went to the next question. "What's the video about?" She asked, then raised an eyebrow. "What?"

The fox stared at the video for a moment as it started. Someone was setting up a camera... whoever it was, it wasn't Wyk. It was another woman though, and Mavis could kind of see the outfit she was wearing. . Mavis could just faintly see the outfit she was wearing as she stood back. Every part of her body had been covered up in nothing but a dark colored body suit, her hands were covered with gloves, her hair had been tied up to the top of her head, and her face was covered by a mask. Mavis watched as the woman stood next to a seated individual, caressing the tied up person's covered face. Her eyes watered as she realized she recognized the outfit.

Her boyfriend, Todd Scott.

Just as she made this realization, the woman brought a finger up to her mouth, telling Mavis to shush. Unmasking Todd's face, the fox could see the state he had been reduced too. It seemed he had fought for his life, and he was currently knocked cold. Mavis couldn't look away as the figure ran her hands over his damaged face, looking into the camera with her covered eyes. Probably smiling. Another figure walked into the room, right in front of the camera. It was Wyk.

If you answer her question with the truth, we'll kill him.

Wyk grinned at Mavis, waiting patiently. Knowing she had caught the young fox in such a fragile state of mind. The sillombre moved aside and stood next to the stranger, holding up Todd's battered head. For a brief moment, Mavis watched his eyes open. He was alive, but most definitely on his last legs.

"Mavis?" Jenny asked, "Mavis, I don't want to get both of us shocked again, please answer me."

She finally opened her mouth, letting out words she soon regretted saying, "It's me and Todd. We're j-just hanging out." Mavis kept her head hung low, waiting for the shock. But nothing came. Wyk smiled into the camera and wrote down the next question for Mavis to ask.

"Ah, phew... that's actually kind of a nice video..."

Mavis didn't respond, only reading the question that had been asked to herself, before reading it outloud. "Did you e-ever think you and Alison stood a chance together?" She kept her head low as Jenny looked at her.

"Ah... no... I don't think we did."

No shock. Honest. Mavis started to relax for a moment before she noticed the video feed on her tablet stopped in time for Wyk to speak again. "Okay girls! Look at that, you passed!" Her voice sounded so sickly sweet. For a moment, the two girls expressed excitement for having finally ended the nightmare. This was short-lived when Wyk spoke again, "However, I must be the bearer of bad news... " she cooed a little, her voice growing sickly sweet, "I decided to give Mavis a secret test during this test! And... she failed you!"

"W-what?" Jenny asked, confused and upset. "What do y-you mean 'secret test'?!" She cried up at the ceiling. Wyk's laughter was the only thing that filled the room.

"Well, don't worry, she's getting punished too. However, since my rules very clearly state to be honest the whole time, I'm afraid I'll have to shock you Jenny," Wyk hummed, amused, "However, before I let you go, I want you both to bare witness as to who's life had been more valuable to her then you."

Mavis froze up as hers and Jenny's tablet came to life. Both women from the earlier video were wearing masks now as well as weapons of their own. A cane and a dagger. Todd was no longer in his chair either, having been pulled to the ground in a similar fashion as Ivory had been. His head had been covered up by a bag and he heaved with great effort. Wyk was the first one to strike, hitting the young man on the back with the cane. That same sickening thud let out in the air as it became obvious to the viewers that Todd was punished the same way as Ivory was earlier. Just not as fatally as she had been, it seems. Todd let out a muffled cry, his distressed sounds filling the room as the two women beat into his back with the cane, before the stranger gave the man a merciful stab to his neck. The sight both women could see was just... awful.

It seemed they removed any and all bandagings they must've had on his back earlier, and took away new chunks of skin with his latest beating.

Mavis let out a choked cry of pain, that same suffocating feeling returning to her in full forced.

"You know, he suffocated on his own blood," Wyk commented, "it was rather pathetic. I expected a bigger fight from Mr. Scott. Ah well..." She carried on, "Well, do you have any final words, Jenny? Anything you'd like to get off your chest to your dear Mavis?"

The syrain slowly looked up at the fox, her eyes wide. She was hurt, yes, but she knew nothing she could say to Mavis would hurt any worse than what she just witnessed. If she was willing to lie about what she saw in the original video then... she was suffering for it now. As pained sobs escaped from deep inside, Jenny was let out of her restraints, and walked over towards Mavis. Wrapping her arms around the sobbing girl, she hugged her tightly. "I... I forgive you Mavis. Please try to escape..." Jenny whispered to her.

"J-jen I'm s-sorry! I'm s-sorry! I'm so sorry!" Sobs escaped her, each one wracking her body with great shivers. Her friend only rubbed her back, nodding her head slowly as she hugged Mavis. It was all she could offer in the way of comfort.

Unfortunately, the moment didn't last long as her body seized up, shockwaves of pain entering her body. It was such a disturbing way to go. Her face and body twitched, the smell of burning meat and blood filled the air. It was a slow death, but ended faster then maybe anyone else other than Alison.

Mavis sobbed as she watched the syrain drop limp the the floor. Her eyes clouded over as she wept, and those big tears continued to fall. She hardly noticed when her restraints came undone. All she could do was sit there, sobbing uncontrollably. She just witnessed basically all her friends and her soulmate die in what seemed like so little time. Her brain was fried. Her psyche felt shattered. All she could do was wail out like a banshee, her vocals echoing throughout the room. All her crying left her clueless to the door opening up nearby her, in walking Wyk and the same figure from the film, now unmasked. Summer. Her very own sister.

Mavis could barely formulate the words or feelings she felt once she even noticed their presence. All she could do was sob.

"Ugh, she did this too when I had her kill Todd," Summer rolled her eyes, "What a baby." Her voice was callous and cold, only adding to the sting deep inside of Mavis.

Wyk placed her hands on Mavis' shoulders and squeezed, "Poor little girl. She lost all her friends! Now she's allllllll alone." She cooed at Mavis softly, treating her as if she was a child. In the broken mind of the young lady, it... made her feel somewhat comforted. As Wyk moved over to be better in view, the girl was now reduced to a sniveling mess of fur. Her eyes looked so dull and lost. "Daw, poor baby. I actually feel bad..." Wyk placed a finger on her lower lip, giving a dramatic pout. It was clear she didn't actually feel any guilt. However, Mavis was too lost to care.

Summer sat down on the table and picked up the tablet. She tinkered around with it before grinning widely. "I wish we showed her this video of me in this world. The Todd one was great, but sooooo last year." She placed the tablet on the table and Wyk laughed.

"Well, it's not as though my Mavis had a very close connection with Summer until a year or so back. It wouldn't have hit as hard as Mr. Scott." She pressed play and propped it up like a family watching a movie. A girl that looked exactly like the Summer sitting on the table had been sleeping in bed. Fur had fallen off from her skin and her hair was thin and short. She was incredibly ill... Wyk laid the tablet forward on its screen and hummed. "Besides, it's such a boring way to go. I think we'd have bored her to death."

Mavis sat there, staring up at the two, trying to understand what they were even saying. What were they...

"Oh! Let's go ahead and mark this entire test a failure and bring her up to Shade." Wyk hummed, lifting Mavis up from the chair, "he'll have to mark this world a dud, we've wiped it clean of people. I'm so glad I was able to convince him to bring you with us." The sillombre pinched this faux Summer's cheek, chuckling darkly. The fox nodded in agreement and smiled wickedly.

"Shade...?" Mavis asked weakly, her voice so quiet it was hardly audible.

Wyk laughed and shook her head, "You'll see. Besides, does it even matter? You'll be taken care of, doll. Not like those phony friends, hm?"

Phony friends...

Yeah, p-phony. They were phony. They just had to follow some very easy rules. And they didn't.

Mavis' head bowed as she was taken away, those thoughts traveling through her head easily thanks to the broken mind she had percurred. Wyk could only grin with delight at the ease while the women walked off, meeting a tall, slender man down the hallway. His cat-like smile greeted Mavis as he picked her up. "Come now doll, I have a perfect home to bring you to. Come along you two, it's time to mark this world down as done." He snapped his fingers and opened up a purple-red portal. He nodded his head at the women, letting them enter the portal first, before he looked at the fox. She stared at the portal, her eyes empty of any real thoughts. He only purred at the sight, "Friends are meaningless, I hope you agree," and with that, he entered the portal, closing it up behind him.


Gawd damn, this took 3 whole days to write!!!!!

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