The Vampire and The Prince

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Hints of abuse (verbal and physical)
Strong Language
Alcoholic Themes
Cannibalism(?) Warning
Sexual Themes

Well... It's been several weeks- or actually- three months since I've posted literally a n y t h i n g in this book. Well there's a good reason for that!

I had no motivation or time to write.

However! That is going to hopefully change with me now being out of school and having more free time! This first drabble is actually a payment for a custom PumpkingxAngel made for me, so I hope they enjoy it very much! I know we both live on angst, but I did want to put a slight wholesome spin on this crack ship too! After all- Todd did go through a minor character change recently, and what better way to show that then through a non-cannon story!!

This was definitely a journey and a half to write, but was surprisingly really fun! I hope you like it! 



"You're so pathetic! So fucking weak! You couldn't lead this kingdom ever!"

Down a shot of whiskey. 

"You're such a fucking idiot! Can't even complete his tutor's English work!"

Down a second shot of whiskey.

"I ought to exile you out of here and into the pits of the Abyss!!"

A third shot. This one hit hard. A slamming of cups and men arguing in the background hit the fox hard. Pushing his shot glass up to the shadowy bartender, he silently asked for another shot. Another shot of poison. Another shot to make his throat burn and his memories fade away. The years of built up negativity and anger could only be satiated away through drowning his sorrows through whiskey and heavy alcohol. Not that the monster would mind. He was the prince after all. He could afford to do this. He had all the gold in the world.

However, gold and whiskey was never a proper solution to such a broken mind.

As the bartender filled up his next shot of acid, another figure walked up to the hooded prince. No one in this bar could even tell who he was. Besides the bartender, who gave a worrying glance from the prince to the stranger, before carrying on with their duties. 

The stranger that sat down put both arms on the bar in front of him and leaned forward, a flirtatious look on him face. The prince paid this stranger no mind. Just another human who saw a monster with money hoping to manipulate their way into stealing it. "Hello there, foxy.~" The man purred, leaning his head closer to one of the fox' exposed ears, forcing a shiver down his spine, "I don't think I've ever seen you around here. Are you new here?~" He asked, placing a hand on the mysterious prince's lap. The prince forced his leg away and shot the stranger a glare with his multicolored eyes.

"I'm no stranger, just what in celestial's name are you doing?" The fox growled, getting a good glance at the figure. Fluffy brown hair, lidded brown eyes, and very...

Un-modest clothing.

This man had to have been some kind of... streetwalker, just from the way he was dressed up.

But there was some surprising amount of flare to the outfit as well. This wasn't a common streetwalker outfit. There were some feathers and gold pieces sewn into the outfit. As well as a velvet-esk material being used instead of the commoner's cloth garments. This couldn't have been some normal, poor commoner. Just what was his deal.

Even in a bit of a tipsy state, the prince knew something was a little fishy here. "What are you wearing?" He asked, finally returning his gaze back up at the now eyelash-fluttering flirt.

"Oh this? This is just a part of my work uniform. I'm an entertainer here darling!" The man cooed, placing a surprisingly cold thumb underneath the prince's chin, "And I thought I could... perhaps give the prince a bit of a show. It's not everyday an entertainer like me gets to show off to royalty, you know? Well... other then the females who can flaunt their stuff for the king." The stranger seemed a little salty by this, while the prince remained unshaken. He knew his father took to the town to see his mistresses. 

The prince turned away and downed his fourth shot of whiskey, before responding with a snarky, "Then why don't you flaunt for the king, hm? He may be interested in sleeping with you." The prince's voice was cold and angry. His mother had yet to find out about any of this. Or if she had, she kept the knowledge well hidden from him. Pushing the shot glass back to the bartender, he looked back at the inappropriately dressed individual. This didn't seem to faze the stranger, who just crossed his arms and legs.

"You haven't even seen what I can do yet! What if I can show you an amazing show, hm?" The brown haired human raised an eyebrow and grinned, teeth hidden behind his smile. The prince raised an eyebrow as he continued, "If I can show you a good time, then you must pay for everyone's drinks." As he spoke this sentence, the town drunks paused their bickering and fighting to listen in. The half drunk fox heard the silence around him. Perhaps it was that inner fox pride that wanted him to partake in a stupid bet, or it was simply the alcohol getting to him, but he decided it would be interesting to get involved.

The prince tapped his chin, thoughtful, "Hm... I suppose that could be an interesting bet. You are a human after all, you couldn't possibly be able to do anything too crazy..." He muttered, then took another shot, worsening his thought process more, "Alright then! If you can somehow manage to pull off a good performance, then sure, I'll pay for everyone's drinks. But if you can't... then I think it's only fair that you owe me the gold I'd have to pay if I were paying for everyone here." He smirked. The human kept a cocky face, then held out a hand.

"Alright then, deal!" 

The prince took his hand and they shook on it. Before Todd could scoot over his shot glass, expecting nothing less then a victory drink, the human shot up and, rather gracefully, kicked the glass against the wall before cartwheeling over to the end of the bar. Once his hands hit the edge, he propelled upwards with an inhumane strength and wrapped his legs on one of the wooden beams of the ceiling. Upper body hanging down, the human only stared into the prince's shocked eyes and grinned, showing teeth that couldn't be seen by the prince. He pulled himself up, then dangled from the ceiling with his hands before landing on a table and hoping from table to table over to an old wooden stage, where a piano player and mini band had been playing away. A whisper passed between the two groups, a sign this was not the human's first rodeo, and a more upbeat, exciting tune started to play in the bar.

Everyone started to grow excited as the human danced, showing off every ounce of flesh possible without showing off the bits that only the gods could know about.

His movements were incredibly fast yet... graceful. Dreamlike even. This was no where this guy's first time doing this. And admittedly, the prince was very impressed. As his stared at the human, he got the overwhelming sensation to do nothing but just... accept his loss.

Accept the defeat he had.

This man was somehow incredibly talented.

Just as quickly as his show started, it ended. Everyone who had gotten up to either cheer on the guy or somewhat join him had finally sat down, now excitedly waiting on their free drinks. The human got off the stage and made his way over to the prince.

Once he was close enough, the prince finally snapped out of his amazed daze. "Fuck..." The prince breathed heavily, placing a hand over his face then brushed it back into his long hair, "Alright, shit, you got me there. I wouldn't have thought a human could do so much," He admitted, pulling out his bag of coins. He then handed it to the bartender. A man of his word, after all. "Alright, everyone can get their free drinks," He grumbled, a bit upset he lost. While cheers went on behind the two men as the bartender started passing out new drinks for everyone, the human sat back down.

"I'm glad I could show you a good time! I must admit though, it was rather cute seeing you go from cocky to surprised in a matter of seconds. I wonder if that's a trait among all foxes or just you,~" He purred, getting a bit closer, "I wouldn't mind getting to know a bit more about all that." He winked. The prince' face flushed a tad bit and he pushed the dancer away.

"Woah, woah, woah," He started, "What are you even doing now? You won your little bet, and I just spent the last of my gold for the night on everyone getting drinks. I don't even know your name!" The fox huffed. The dancer looked a bit perplexed. As if confused as to why the prince was so pushy. After a moment, he just smiled and called the bartender over to get the prince his next whiskey shot.

As the bartender came over and filled up another glass, the man leaned against the fox, rubbing his finger against the bar table, "My name is Roman." He picked up the prince's glass and continued to speak, "And even if I won, I'd like to still treat the loser to something a bit special. I can pay for your tab for tonight, and in exchange, I want to go into the castle with you. Maybe not so much to sleep with you, although that I wouldn't mind, but to just see inside it. It's a dream of a... commoner, as you'd call me, to see inside the castle walls." The human hummed wistfully, and placed the acid drink back down. This made the prince feel a little... bad. Guilty even. The castle wasn't anything impressive to him. He's been to other castles and kingdoms, all of which look much nicer. That wasn't even to mention the... other parts of his home. A shiver ran up his spine as he recalled the near strangulation he had today. His neck burned from the memory of his father's hands hold him against one of the walls of his room.

Another shot of whiskey to drown the pain.

"Alright then," The prince spoke, "I suppose it's only a fair exchange. Everything valuable is well hidden anyways."

The human brightened up at the chance to be inside the castle, "Oh thank you!" He smiled, clapping his hands, "Thank you, Prince Scott!"

The name made the fox cringe back a little, and he took another shot. "Just call me Todd. Please."

~An hour later~

Now drunk, the fox prince had to be helped out of the bar. He got into a near fight with one of the other patrons, which was really the reason why he got kicked out. However, as he and his new human companion, Roman, walked down the road, he insisted it was because the bartender had no respect for those who could hold record amounts of alcohol at a time.

This just made the human laughed.

Together, the men started the long walk to the castle, all while Todd was stumbling about. This seemed to not matter much to the human, who carried on helping the monster by holding him up. All seemed to be going well until they stopped near an alleyway for Todd to look around and give Roman a moment to stretch. The monster prince took this time to look at all the desolate buildings and poor architecture around him. This town was... shit. The king took all the money and used it on himself or maidens. Never on wanting to better this place. Never wanting to better the family. Never wanting to better even himself. This made the prince really upset and angry. "How can you live like this?" Todd asked Roman, his words slurring quite a bit as a reminder of his drinking problem.

"What do you mean, Prince Scott?~" Roman asked, behind the prince. His mouth was opened but unseen by the royal son as he threw his hands up at a building in front of him.

"This!" He moved his arms up and down, "This building is falling apart! The family inside must be so cold and hungry all the time!" The prince huffed, pulling his arms back. "The king should be doing something about this! But nooooooo! He'd rather spend all his precious gold on fucking anyone he lays his eyes upon!" 

There was a faint breath on Todd's neck, causing him to turn around to see the human several feet away, looking at another building down the road. "I've never noticed that," Roman admitted. 

"Right." Todd grumbled, turning away again. He started to stumble down the town street, over towards the castle, continuing his rant, "This whole place is a sham. The town is in ruins. We don't have a proper army. We have no books in the town library. No good soil. No produce. The royal family is a sham." He kicked a rock he stumbled upon and watched it skip down the street. It made him growl. Roman remained behind him. Out of eye sight. Nothing Todd really thought about though. He carried on ranting, "I've seen nothing but people suffering through the eyes of the king. The king who happens to be my father, mind you. I bet they all think I'm going to be a shit king!" 

Roman spoke up, "I don't think that's true. Can we hurry up though, I'm getting co-"

"See! Exactly my point!" The prince pointed out, turning around suddenly to grab Roman's shoulders, "The king is ruining this kingdom, and by proxy, so will I! I'm doomed to be a bad king!" He laughed, finding it all to be a sick joke. A sick, stupid joke. Why in Idyllic's supposedly perfect would did he have to be born royalty? Realizing the tears that had started to form from the almost complete release of his negative emotions, he quickly pulled himself together. At least... as best as he could with how drunk he was. Taking off his cloak, he wrapped it around Roman's body and clipped it together, then pulled the cloak over his head. "Sorry. I'm sorry for yelling and venting, it's not at all your problem. You just wanted to see the castle, and I'm making you sit out here and freeze to death," He spoke rather softly now, even with his words slurred over, "Come on, we're almost to a secret entrance."

The human seemed surprised by the sudden change in the prince's attitude, but gratefully accepted the warm cloak. They continued their journey together, Roman helping Todd maintain balance by walking next to him and holding him up. It was a silent journey, one with the prince remembering cloudy things. Nothing serious could be remembered in this state. Just as he preferred it to be. 

Finally, they made it up to a set of doors on the side of the castle walls. They were well hidden behind some bushes and trees. Opening the door up, he walked inside and snapped his fingers to create a spark, which he then brought to a torch to light it ablaze. Handing the fire stick to his companion, they walked through a hallway and down several flight of stairs until they entered the basement of the castle. This still required more navigation and stuff, and thankfully by this point, the prince started to sober up a bit. Not too much, but enough to at least remember most of the directions to go in this death maze of a basement. After nearing forty minutes in the maze, they escaped to another flight of stairs, this time going up and into the main entrance of the castle. Todd stepped out, then helped Roman out, and together they looked around the main entrance.

The walls were decorated in the past kings and queens portraits, with red and gold banners lining the pillars around them. Some pillars had candle holders, while others had decorative knight armor lining the walkway up to the throne chairs. Speaking of those, there were two of them. The biggest one on the left side. His dad's throne next to his mother's. There were two smaller thrones below the bigger ones. His sister's and his own. A small sigh escaped his mouth. This afternoon, they were sat in here, dealing with some issues from neighboring kingdoms. Todd had to open his mouth and suggest something that enraged him so much that he threatened to not only exile his son, but to also have hunters chase after him to kill him. "Well, this is the main entrance." Todd sighed. Roman didn't even say anything as he ran up to the thrones. The prince followed him, concerned as to what he may have been wanting to do.

Taking a seat on the king's seat, Roman giggled to himself. "Oh wow! I've always dreamed this seat was really big and comfy, but I didn't think this!" He giggled more, squirming around to get more comfortable. The prince stayed silent and watched. Normally, this act would be considered treason and it was punishable by death, but Todd remained silent and unmoving during this act. What his father didn't know wouldn't kill him.

Standing back up again, the human shivered and grabbed Todd's hand, "Oh my goodness! Wouldn't it be just... really funny for us to become kings? Fix the wrongdoings of the kingdom and all that?" He grinned, his eyes growing wide with an... interesting red hue developing deep within them. It made the fox feel... uneasy. His tail started to twitch slowly as the human squeezed his hand some, "Can't you imagine just how... amazing of a king you could be? And how great would it be to have a commoner by your side, hm?" 

Todd forced his hand away and stepped back, ears low against his head, "Look, I don't want to think about any of that shit right now, okay? Let's just get your tour over with so you can go home and I can go to bed..." He grumbled, now walking down the stairs. He heard a disappointed huff come from Roman, but soon, he heard footsteps following him.

Soon enough, they made their way to the hallway that would lead them towards the many other rooms of the castle. Roman seemed so enthralled by every last bit of it. The red and gold coloration carried on in here. There were symbols to label each room as well. The kitchen. Library. Study area. Dining hall. Ballroom. All that nonsense. Each room saw the human act more and more strange as they carried on through the rooms. 

Todd was making sure to steer clear of any vaults full of treasure while he was doing this tour. However, there was also the matter of where the bedrooms were as well. With how often Roman was talking about becoming king, Todd thought it was best to just... avoid those.

So with no more rooms left to show off, he was ready to take Roman back through the secret entrance, but it seemed the human had other plans. He walked away from Todd as the fox began to tell him they would have to head back down now so he could go home. The human walked all the way to a nearby balcony window and stared out into the night. Wind started to blow at his hair and it caused this almost... magical moment to be created. The monster couldn't help but stare as the moonlight caused the human to glow with some form of ethereal beauty. In fact- this human was incredibly beautiful. Todd didn't get a chance to really process this, but Roman was an exceptionally handsome guy. Almost suspiciously so, in fact, but Todd couldn't quite figure out what.

He walked up towards the human and stood next to him, both now staring out into the sleeping kingdom below.

"You know, I'm not actually from this kingdom..." Roman started, voice surprisingly soft, "I came here after my home went into ruin from a war. It's been a dream to become someone memorable. Someone important." He stared dreamily into the city, "It's fun being a dancer, don't get me wrong, but I would love a chance to become a prince. Or even a king. You're pretty lucky to live in such a nice castle. Not living in any of those... ruined homes." The human sighed, and glanced over at Todd, who leaned against the railing.

"I suppose I am lucky in that regard..." Todd admitted, "I'm privileged in the fact I'm a prince. I'm an heir to a throne..." He looked out at the kingdom, only seeing ruin and sadness. The product of neglect from his father's family. "But in reality, I'm miserable. My father is a shitty king, and my mother has no power over what he can and can't do since she's always off on ambassador trips. He's cheated on her multiple times, destroyed rooms just because he wanted too, and heavily taxes the poor just to fulfill his... sexual desires." Todd sighed and stood up a bit, "My own father wants to exile me, but he can't simply due to the fact I'm his first born son. If my sister marries, he'd probably exile me then and have whoever marries her take over. He's stopped trying to find me suitors because he wants to get rid of me." The prince looked down at his hands, which gripped the railings tightly. So tightly his arms were shaking. His mouth craved for the nasty taste of whiskey again, but he remained steadfast on not budging. Instead, he worked to take his mind off the pain, "I'm sorry you went through all that though. I do hope you get a chance to at least become a lord. Maybe you could entertain my father enough and he'll grant you a title," The fox half joked. 

Roman snorted, "Not too bad of an idea..." He chuckled, then frowned, seemingly lost in thought. Todd looked over at him for a bit then back down at the ground. 

A long, silent moment passed.

"Hey, Todd," Roman started, "You know, I was planning on killing you, right?" 

This statement made Todd's heart race and he quickly looked back up, alarmed, "What?"

Roman continued, calmly, "I'm not exactly human. I'm surprised that canine nose of yours didn't pick that up. But you are drunk, so I suppose I'll cut you some slack..." The... non-human chuckled a bit, then continued, "I'm a vampire. Normally, I would've killed someone like you by now. Either that, or have intercourse. I don't really enjoy killing all the time. Very messy, you know?" Roman stuck his tongue out, grossed out by the imaginary mess, before he continued, "But... you know, you're the first guy I've ever met that I... haven't done either too. I mean, yes, I'm really hungry. I would really like to take some of your blood, even if I got alcohol poisoning afterwards, but I haven't done it yet. It's like... every single time I get so close to killing you, you say something that makes me think."

Todd raised an eyebrow, confused by what the vampire really meant. "What do you mean? There's no way..." Then again, he could recall the strange breathing down his neck. The times the vampire stayed perfectly out of sight from him. The fox lowered his ears, unsure how to take this new information. Should he want to push the vampire off the roof? Call for the nonexistent guards? There really wasn't much the prince could do here. 

"Well, what I mean is I was expecting you to just be some snobby royal kid. I wouldn't have minded a bit of fun time with you, but I was honestly more hungry then I was horny, if you get what I'm saying," Roman chuckled, "But you talking about how the kingdom is in ruins and how your father is... well shit. It reminded me of my old dreams. And I'd like to help you out here. You and the rest of your kingdom, in fact."

"How... do you propose to do that?"

The vampire looked back at the kingdom below, silent for a moment, before a sinister and quite hungry grin spread across his face. "I say I finally have dinner with the king," He hummed.


Word Count: 4110

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