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Hey guys! It's been a while since I wrote something hasn't it? So I decided to "come back" with a bang, and do something I asked if you guys would like to see, and the results were overwhelmingly in favor. Here are the top 10 most annoying topics that for some reason are very popular in Pokemon fanfictions. This list is in no particular order.

Just so you guys know, if you use any of these cliches in your story, that's okay. Hell, I even used one or two of them myself! But the thing is, that when it's repeated so many times, it loses its original sparkle and basically becomes the same thing copied and pasted all over the place! If you wanna use any of these cliches, try to do something original with them...

Okay, enough intro! Let's start with...


Number 10 - Calem being an antagonist

Seriously people! What has Calem ever done to you? He's not that bad! No really, he's not!

For some reason, many people resort to having Calem (the male player character from Pokemon X&Y) as an antagonist of sorts in their fanfics. Sometimes it feels like the writer doesn't like Calem so they just make s**t up to make him look bad. I've seen everything! Him being a cheater, a stalker, a RAPIST (WTF?!), and even a f**king DEMON! No joke!

What some people don't understand is that, generic as it may be, Calem already has an established personality (actually 2 personalities but I'll get to that in a minute). If you play X&Y as Serena then you get to interact with Calem. And he's an okay dude. He teaches you the mechanics of the game and battles just for the Hell of it, as a friend. Oh! And here's something that was brought up to me by the ex-Leader of the Amourshipping Army (she constantly changes her username, but I think her current username is tomato-fairy):

And even if he did like Serena as something more than a friend, I wouldn't mind that. PUT YOUR PITCHFORKS AND TORCHES DOWN! Let me explain! The Serena in the games is completely different from the Serena in the anime. She's older and she likes battling!

And Calem also has a different personality, that actually constitutes as a personality and not just as something that the player will experience no matter what gender they are just so that they can have a rival who acts like a human being. I own some volumes of X&Y Chapter of the Pokemon Adventures Manga. I highly recommend it.

In the manga, Calem (named X) is a former Pokemon Trainer who drove himself away from society and his friends because of the paparazzi. This guy is the very definition of "Anti-Social". He travels around in a makeshift tent on Serena's Rhyhorn just so he doesn't have to interact with human beings! And I thought I was anti-social.

You might be asking yourselves; "What's the point?" Well the point is, do you see anything in the two personalities that I described Calem having that's missing? Oh yeah! Rudeness or outright insanity! Despite what many writers what us to believe, Calem's not a monster!

One more thing: Yes, these are FANfictions. The writer can do whatever they want, including making a character's personality be the complete opposite of what it actually is. I know that.


If a character has an established personality and I read a story in which that character acts a certain way that is completely wrong considering who they are (**cough cough** "So Much for Loyalty" in **cough cough**), I personally find it hard to believe that the character I'm reading about IS the character they're supposed to be. More on that in a future cliche...

Well, that's pretty much it. Again, if you want to make Calem an antagonist or a romantic rival for someone (hopefully Ash), than you can do it! Just try to think about who this character is and try not to "draw outside the lines" too much. Cause Calem being kookoo-fot-cocoa-puffs is getting old. Think of something new.

That's pretty much all I want you guys to take home from this cliche list: Be creative! I don't think people are automatically going to like a story just because it has something they've read in it before.

Thanks for reading!

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