Harley Steele

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Name: Harley Steele
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Role: Nerd
Grade: 11
Faceclaim: Sarah McDaniel
Personality: Harley is a bit of a loner. She doesn't have a huge group of friends but she knows people. She isn't social but isn't shy. If she needs to talk to you she will but won't go out of her way to talk to people or make friends. She is your classic nerd. All AP classes and straight A's in every single one. She practically has 100 in every class. She's also the queen of too many activities. Captain of debate, top winner in science fair, president of mock trail, and in honors societies. And out of school activities too. She volunteers a lot and overall does anything good she can, either because she likes it or because she wants it for colleges. She doesn't hate school, but she doesn't love it. People may assume she does since she works hard but she doesn't. She care about her grades and future which is why she works hard. She also wants to impress her parents. She doesn't feel like she's enough. She can win science fair, build a shelter at volunteering, she could be accepted into Harvard but her parents never tell her that's good. She's always looking to do better.
Likes: Early morning runs, reading, most all music (especially classical), her many activities (science fair, mock trial, debate, volunteering, honors societies, etc.), thunderstorms, coffee
Dislikes: People who don't care, tutoring kids who don't care, not being good enough, not knowing her future
Backstory: Harley has a pretty normal life. Well normal to her. She's been busy since forever, and always looking for ways to better herself, and her chances at a good college. She puts 100% effort into everything she does. She started with AP classes as soon as she could and even skipped a grade. But despite her many, many accomplishments, she always feels the need to do more. She was adopted. Her birth parents she researched and found they are both well off lawyers or doctors. Since she's never met them she has no idea if they know about her and everything she's done. She works so hard to impress them, so if she does ever meet them she can have them be proud of her. Her foster parents simply do not care. They are alcoholics. No matter what she does they never seem to notice. She does well in everything she does and they don't care. She works hard to impress them and they don't ever notice. They are usually drunk so they can't even process what she says half the time. She's essentially raised herself. Her mom just never cares. But her dad on top of that can get violent sometimes. She's usually never hurt. He doesn't punch or hit her. But will throw glass cups or plates at her. Usually she's never hit. She blames this on the alcohol, so badly wanting to think they both still care.
Extra: she has black rimmed glasses but usually wears contacts
(I listed a few activities she's in. The list could go on but I didn't feel the need. If you'd like me to make a full list I can, and if any of the activities I have listed are not okay just let me know and I'll adjust it. Also sorry it's lengthy I got carried away.)

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