Warriors covers

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hollyhockfang okay so i had a random burst of creativity after you put out that note about covers.

so i made three

each cover has a theme (for absolutely no reason, but i have an interesting thought process behind it). you said before that you cycle through covers so this is in no way trying to convince you to change your way of doing things, this is just coming from my imagination.

so for the first cover, my idea was that it looked bright and peaceful and just chill, and represents when all is going well within and between the clans. hence the pretty yellow lighting and light blue words.

for the second cover, it looks dark and thrilling, and the black cat on the cover seems to be looking at/for something specific. so i like to imagine that its being chased and is frightened for its life. to me this cover represents the danger and devastation that clans may face in the future.

for the third cover, the theme for it in my mind is mystery, a devious plan, and betrayal. it looks like a cat is lurking in the shadows, waiting for its victim(s). it represents the tension between the clans and the scheme of certain cats *cough* snAKestar *cough* possibly being carried out or being prepared for.

anywayyy, that's just some interesting 'lore' about the covers. please don't feel obligated to use all of them, if this is too many then just use whichever one you like best!

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