If my Ocs play Among Us Pt. 1

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(Btw I won't be saying who the imposters are, I wanna see who u guys think is the imposters-)


BM: Ok so we have to vote out 2 people that might be the imposters right??

RM: Duh.

YS: We also have to do tasks so the ship can run!

Exe: *Joking-* Paint looks suspicious-

Paint: real funny Exe-

Exe: sorry sorry-

Midnight: D-does that mean the imposters will k-kill us if we don't find out who they are?...

Gold: don't worry Middy! I'll do tasks with you so you'll feel safe! OwO

Midnight: t-thanks Gold *smiles*

BM: Ok so Imma head down *goes to the bottom part of the ship*

RM: I'm coming with *follows BM*

YS: Me too! *Follows them*

Exe: To the left then- *goes to the left part of the ship*

Paint: Wait up Exe! *Follows*

Midnight: l-let's go to the right side

Gold: Oki!

~ 1 hour later ~

*At the Electrical room*

*Emergency meeting*

Midnight: B-BM is Dead?!

Gold: Y-You two are joking right?

YS: *crying*

RM: No....

Paint: And how do we know it wasn't one of you guys that killed her?

RM: What?!

YS: W-Why us?

Exe: I mean there's a chance that one of is an imposter and just self reported the body. And YS might be fake crying

RM: Me and YS just came into the room and she was already dead!

Paint: wait, what room was the body in?

RM and YS: Electrical..

Exe: Who was nearest there other than RM and YS?

Midnight: Me and Gold were on the right side of the ship

Paint: Me and Exe were in Medbay

Exe: And who had tasks to do in Electrical?

YS: I had one while BM had two....

Gold: doesn't that mean RM had no reason to go there? Since I'm pretty sure that there's only three tasks to do in Electrical

Midnight: so it m-might be RM...

RM: What?! Are you kidding me?!

YS: it can't be her! I was with her!

Exe: Hmm.... Then there isn't any leads I can think of

RM: Don't you guys fuckin' dare skip this meeting. I want to send the fucker that killed BM in outer space so they can suffocate.

Paint: Sorry RM but we have to...

Gold: we don't have any proof that it was any of us...

Midnight: *comforting YS* Let it all out YS...

YS: *crying*

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