Murder Gals get arrested-

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(The vid on the top is this whole Thing- but I changed some things up a bit so it would fit the ocs-)

Nova: hey Mom?

Black: Hm?

Nova: What do you think of your team??

Black: Half annoying and half decent.

Void: who are the annoying ones?

Black: The Murder Gals. But they still get the job done nonetheless.

Void: What's the most annoying thing they did?

Black: get caught by the police and make a shitty excuse to try to get out.

Nova and Void: Pfftt- Tell us everything please-

Black: Ok-

*Flashback timeeee-*

(They taking those picture things that the police do to the criminals-)

Fright: *smiles at the camera-*

Karma: *done taking the picture Thing-* could you send me the picture?-

Deana: *done taking a 1 pic*

Police: Turn

Deana: You fuckin' turn.

*At the cells*

Prisoner: Heya~ *tries to touch Karma's hair*

Karma: *slaps his hand* Go away.

Fright: *tries to fit through the bars* mOOOMMM-

Prisoner 2: *giving Deana a tattoo on her left arm* Your badass

Deana: I know-

Police: Fright! Karma! Deana!

*Interrogation room-*

(They are in seperate rooms-)

Fright: I'm not telling you anything!

Police: Who did it?

Fright: Karma-

Karma: Deana did it-

Deana: it was that dumb bitch Fright!-

Karma: I'm gonna call my 'lawyer'.

Deana: wait- She got a lawyer?-

Karma: Yes. I'm the ✨ leader ✨

Deana: She's like, "I'm ThE lEaDeR".

Fright: She was literally 'helping' the robber

Karma: I didn't help him Rob. I just helped him with 'life'.

Like if your gonna be a robber, be a good robber-

Fright: She gave him a mask, a gun, mY KEYS-

Karma: Deana gave me the gun-

Fright: she just comes and steals Deana's gun!-

(Fake Scenario-)

*Gun shots and sirens blare inside the bank*

Karma: Oh god- *tries to go the other way-*

Fright: *grabs her-* Uh-Uh. You got this-

Deana: *pushes her towards the bank-* You're the leader!-

Robber: *gets out the bank and starts running-*

Karma: Freeze!-

Robber: *stops running*

Karma: I am Karma and prepare to... Are you not wearing a mask?

Deana: What the fuck is this bitch doing?-

Karma: *puts a ski mask on the robber* Let's put that right on- now nobody will know who you are!

Fright: is she helping him?-

Karma: I know what you need! A gUN- *walks back to Deana and Fright*

Deana: I quit.

Fright: she's coming!

Karma: Give me your glock.

Deana: *pulls her glock out* be careful with-

Karma: *just snatches it with a straight face and walks back to the robber-*

Deana: *gASP-* Did she just snatch my shit?!-

Karma: Okay Mr. Robber, this is a glock. *Shows him-* it's a 9 millimeter- *was going to give him it to him but accidentally pulled the trigger and shot herself-*

Deana: mY GLOCK!-

Robber: *runs away-*

*Back to interrogation room-*

Deana: I hate Fright.

Fright: I really like Deana!-

Deana: Y'know this bitch is distracted by EVERY animal-

Fright: sQUIRREL- *hungry now-*

Deana: Fright had a BOMB.

Fright: .... That was a bomb?-

Deana: and she threw it at the bank!-

Fright: I didn't throw it, I just threw it-

Deana: SHE blew up the bank!!-

Fright: somehow the building exploded-

Deana: Tell the fucking truth-

(Continuation of the fake scenario-)

Deana: My glock! Oh my glock, my baby!- *ignores Karma's bleeding body and holds her glock-*

Robber: *smirks, lights up a bomb and threw it towards Fright's direction*

Fright: *caught it* shit shit shit- *tries to blow out the flame* mUY NERVIOSA!-

Dog: *barking*

Fright: Oh! Puppy! *Throws the bomb behind her which is the bank- goes to the puppy-*

Bank: *bLOWS UP-*

*Back to interrogation room-*

Deana: Why am I the only one that's handcuffed? huh? It's cus' I have my hood up, right?-

Karma: She practically murdered me- *fakes looking sad-*

Deana: She shot HERSELF!-

Karma: She steps over me and baby's the gun!

Deana: ..... But, how's my glock doing?-

Karma: She may call me a snitch.

Deana: She's a snitch!-

Karma: But she shot a police officer!-

Deana: ... I didn't shoot a cop-

(Again- back to fake scenario-)

Deana: *cocks her glock* Imma save the fuckin' day- I got this shit- *starts walking-*

Police: Freeze!

Deana: *raises her hands up a bit*

Police: *looks at the burning building then at Deana's gun* Oh you're going to jail.

Deana: What the fuck- you kidding me?!-

Police: just put the gun down!

Deana: I didn't do nothing!-

Police: Who do you work for?

Deana: Don't do this to me. Look, I'm just an 'innocent bystander'

Police: Ma'am.

Deana: Come on officer! You know me! You know, I 'know the rules'!

Police: I'm freaking out right now-

Deana: Put your gun down. I'll put my gun down.

Police: You blew some shit up!-

Deana: You be my motherfucker. I'm your motherfucker, okay-

Police: okay- *puts his gun back on his belt*

Deana: *puts her gun to the ground* We cool, right?- We cool-

Police: We cool-

Deana: *pats his shoulder* We coo-


Deana: *goes to run but stops* Oh! My glock! My glock! *Runs back and pick it up* Hey! Hey man, you gonna be cool! You gonna be cool! *Shoots him "accidentally"* Now I fucked up- I fucked it up now-


*End of fake scenario-*

Deana: For the record...

Fright: in conclusion...

Karma: We all know...

All three of them: I'm the innocent one.


Void: Pfftt-

Black: I have no idea why they didn't think of a backup story if they were ever caught.

Nova: what Actually happened??

Black: well, all of them are the robbers. Karma borrowed Deana's gun and shot a random dude, Fright purposely threw the bomb, and Deana shot the police on purpose.

Void: what about the part where Karma shot herself?-

Black: she did that on purpose as well, she didn't shoot her heart more like her shoulder. She's still a bit forgetful so she didn't notice the gun was facing her.

Nova: Oh-

Black: that's all-

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