The Shikra Of The Sky

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Shikra Firestone Stormbringer
And many other names throughout history





Love intrest / relationship status

Open, Having the occasional relationship throughout history with either a man or woman, always out living them, hey, it gets lonely being an immortal hawk. They mate for like, you know

An original Shapeshifter, immortal, of the red tailed hawk

Pretty much as old as the earth, she dosen't bother remembering it anymore

Fc is Emma Stone, with long, wavy dull red hair, and clear greenish blue eyes when she's not in or freshly out of her hawk form. For her hawk size, think lord of the rings eagles

The seven kingdoms at some point or another, but her loyalties lie with the natural order of things, and she does have a soft spot for humans


Her first memory is just being, there. She was simply not there a moment, then was just there the next.

She soon learned how to fly, completely by accident as she fell from a cliff, and the winds caught in her wings, and she soared.

She was always a curious being,
and found herself exploring the vast world, and many worshiped her for her power. She has been praised as a spirit, goddess, and sometimes a monster, more times then she can count. For those who praised her, she brough good weather, which brought good harvests, and so she earned more praise. But she soon learned that humans live such short lives, and found her heart broken every time another passed, the cycle repeating endlessly.

It wasn't until she met a young boy, across the world from the seven kingdoms, whom stole her heart, and gave her an actual name that she has kept to this day, Shikra. The boy, soon an man, and herself then continued to travel the world, feeding the shared curiosity of life they had. And so when he died, she knew true heartbreak.

In her sorrow, she caused storms, tornados, and hurricanes for the next hundred years, in the bay of Aprak, where her lover had died. This period was dubbed The One Hundred Year Grief, by the people of the realm, whom rember it to this day. Once she accepted his passing, she continued her travels without him, finding several other companions through the many long years.

And now she has returned to the land of the seven kingdoms, her birth place, that she left behind without exploring.


Shikra is an extremely honest, blunt, and fairly clueless creature. She's rusty on her people skills, for she hasn't spent time with large crowds for many years. She was told honest is the best policy, so she calls it as she sees it, with no filter, to the point that she's just plain mean. Her bluntness adds to her mean look, as she has no filter, she dosen't understand the reason or logic behind lying, let alone lying for good reasons.

She's caring, as she'll help thoses, animals or people, she thinks needs it. She likes humans, even though she understands that they have short lives, she allows herself to get attached, as she gets lonely. She has a good understand of right and wrong, of life and death, she understand different cultures and beliefs, and if something is natural or not. She's not going to try and stop you if your hunting you food, but she would try and stop you if it's unnecessarily, as all life, no matter now short, has value, and all will return to the earth where we came.

Now her curiosity drives her to always travel and learn new things, and maybe find another of her kind? Who knows, maybe she's just all alone, but she'll never learn or see anything new if she sulks about it and stays in one place.

The only magical skill she has is the ability to bring weather, powerful storms, tonados, that she can control. She also knows pretty much every language possible. And she has a vast knowledge of different cultures, species, plants, etc, die to travels

Awful social skills, she is clueless about how she hurts people with her words when she just calls it as she sees it, and she looses control when too emotional

Rain, humans, new things, weather, worship, food, water, pretty much everything, flying

The short lives of humans, wasted food

Flying, she could imagine a life without flying, eating new things, trying new things, meeting new people

Theme song

"The sound of rain is the sound of life giving magic, so it's impossible to not like the rain, because that's not liking life."

"You look really old. Your probably going to die soon."

"You are no good at that, and it dosen't seem your going to get better. Why do you do it?"


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