Writing Prompt # 1 nonfiction about me

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A weekly writing prompt I'm in, made by Emerelda
And the others in it. whattheflameo colbyarys

It all started when I was born.

Welp, that's all folks!

Just kidding.

I am the youngest, but most aggressive one in my family. I have a twin sister, two older sisters, three dogs, two cats, two birds, three hedgehogs and a tank of fish, and my grandparents.

I used to live in vancover (born there), BC, up to the age of four. Most of that time I live in different homes because my mother would give us to other people for months at a time. My father left when I was four, saying he was just going to the story, but he never came back, and we where where sent to Ontario to live with our grandparents. We where never told that we would be staying, and only got informed by being called, on the phone.

It did turn out to be a very good turn for the best, it was a better life then our actual parents would have ever been able to give. But now apperently I have abandonment issues, and I guess some anger ones as well, I also have an IEP, and couple of medical issues. So that's nice. My grandparents are pretty much my real parents, that's how I see it.

Though unfortunately, in my high school I'm bullied, but do you think I give a shit? Not really, the thing that bothers me the most about it is the one who is the leader is a short skinny little pretzel, not the turny kind, the straight kind that can't even be a pretzel cause its shape is messed up. Then the one girl is just a pathetic follower, and the Damm ginger really needs to work on his comebacks.

So now, fourteen years later I'm living a pretty good life, and as I write this, my mom's visiting, so that's something I'm not feeling good about. On another note, I'm a proud Canadian.

In conclusion: I don't think I'm very good at writing monologues, give advice, seriously, I need help.

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