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at the KIA stone you stare at the names blankly. everything seemed bleak. the only one you seemed to have left was kakashi. he always seemed to be around when you needed him the most, and you seemed to be falling further and further in love with the silver haired man. you couldn't get him out of your thoughts, he was there, in the same dark room where only your long white shadow kept you company, he was there holding your hand. you blinked for a moment, before standing, you kissed your fingers and gently touched the stone. "your here early again." a familiar voice says behind you. you turn to kakashi who has his pervy orange book out reading it, before glancing at you over the top of the book to you. Your face flushes slightly as you look to the ground at your feet that seemed to be more interesting then him at the moment. he frowned putting his book away and walking over to you, he lifted your chin to look at him in the eye. "why aren't you looking at me?" he asks when your gaze goes to the side instead of at him. you blink looking down,. "look at me." he says softly. you hesitatingly look into his eyes and gasp softly. his eye was full of an unfamiliar emotion to you. love. he smiled slightly at your flushed cheeks. he gently kisses your forehead before letting go, you stare at him startled while he walked off. "what....just happened?" 

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